Growing Comfortable

Chapter 1: first date

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8pm on a Friday. I was waiting in front of the restaurant, more nervous than I usually was before a date. Usually I don't go for the whole fancy thing, but I wanted to make this something special. So I bought myself an expensive tuxedo, which looked pretty great on me.

Not to flatter myself too much, but I'm always in great shape, broad shoulders with definded arms and abs. It's a pain to keep up, but what are you gonna do. I have a rather prominent nose like the all men in my family, but combined with my stubble and dark hair, I think it gives me a rather masculine touch. The reason I was nervous is that I was pretty serious about the man I'm meeting, Bruce.

Speaking of... I spotted a large figure approaching me in the corner of my eye.

„Hey buddy!“, he said in his deep voice and smiled at me.

Wow this guy. I was at a loss for words. With his beautiful smile and eyes, Bruce had a way of making me feel like a nervous teenager.

„Good to see you“. I reciprocated his smile and gave him a hug. My hand rested on his wide back for a second and I was in paradise. He felt so big and strong.

Unlike me, he was dressed much more casually in a white dress shirt. He was also wearing a small golden chain necklace and a not too expensive watch. Damn, I thought, he looks much cooler than I do. The contrast between our choices of wardrobe was a little ridiculous. At the time, I didn't know contrasts would play such an important role in our relationship...

As we waited for the food, we fell into converastion pretty naturally. He told me about how much he loves running and physical activity, how he's trying to do more reading. We goofed off a little and made fun of the snooty waiter who gave as a displeasing look when we came in. As he talked and laughed, I couldn't help but stare at the little paunch that was his belly. He clearly wasn't exagerating about being athletic, seeing as how well trained the rest of his body was. But it seemed like he had let go just a little bit...

„Wow, so you're an expensive date Nico, huh? If we do this again I might have to sell my car before I can take you out“.

I laughed, „It's my treat, really. And for the hundreth time, you could have gotten more than just the salad...“.

He laughed and shook his soft little beer gut. „No I really can't... I have to lose at least 50 pounds“.

I smiled. „I don't think it looks so bad on you. Really“.

„Thanks“, he said. „But really, I'm planning to lose all this. It's just not me. I got busy with the new job this last year, but I've been back at the gym for a month. I've already lost 15 pounds“.

I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was serious about this. And to be honest I couldn't help but be a little dissapointed. I've always loved big guys... I don't know there's something about a man with a big pot belly that's seemed comfortable and incredibly sexy to me. Of course, him being happy was more important to me. I was just happy to be here with Bruce, so my mind quickly got off the topic.

After a criminal amount of time spent waiting, we finally got our food, me a big plate of pasta and Bruce his salad. My food was amazing and I quickly dug in, so that I didn't even notice Bruce observing me.

„Wow Nico, you can really put something away. Who would've thought, looking at you“.

„Well I do work out“, I took another bite. „A lot“.

He asked me what kinds of workouts I liked to do. Thing is, I've never really enjoyed working out... It's just something that I've always felt I had to do. The same way you have to brush your teeth, it's really just a routine.

„So if you had the choice between staying in and relaxing on the couch, or going to the gym, what would you rather do?“, he asked me.

I thought about it for a second.

„Well it's not much of a choice. I train 4 nights a week, I wouldn't want to miss a workout“.

„Why, so guys will find you attractive?“.

„Well, yes... I mean I do it for me as well. And don't forget, I'm a lawyer, so my appearance matters“.

I was a little annoyed by the question but if I was honest with myself, the excessive working out was all a bit stupid and superficial... After a while, our snooty waiter came back around and asked if we wanted desserts. Bruce said yes. I raised an eyebrow. I thought he was still dieting?

„We would like a big bowl of ice cream. And some Tiramisu“.

As the waiter left, Bruce winked at me.

„I thought you were on a diet?“, I asked.

„Yes silly, this is all for you. You're enjoying yourself tonight.“

I was a bit in shock. I couldn't believe he'd do something like this. At the same time, there was something very hot about how he'd taken charge like that.

After I'd finished my desserts, I had taken off my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt a little bit. My chest hair was poking out and I had started to sweat. I probably looked like a huge mess, but I was too full to care. It was a legitimate food coma. After I paid, my surprisingly dominant date and I stepped outside into the cool night.

„This was nice, buddy... Who would've thought it was ever gonna happen, you and I“.

I smiled and nodded in agreement. It had been one of the best nights in a long time.

„So, next time...“ he said. „We're gonna do this my style“.

My heart started fluttering. „So, there's going to be a next time?“

„Oh yes“, and with that he leaned in to kiss me. I felt his warm hand on my neck, and the other one was reaching around my waist, touching my stuffed, almost non-existent little belly.

As we were finishing up, he took his index finger and gave my belly button a gentle poke and grinned at me.

„Who knows, if we keep going like this, you might end up turning into the fat one of us“.

„Nah, I don't see that happening“, I said with a playful smile and I really meant it.

„You don't? Well I hate to tell you like this, but you left some ice cream on your face, big guy“.

I touched my beard. Damn there really was some ice cream there. How could I not have noticed that? Bruce bursted out into a big bellowing laugh and went out into the night.
5 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Drstrange 2 years
More please! Love your style
FTMfatty 2 years
This story is so hot. Can't wait for more
Growrnshowr 2 years
Superb story and glad to hear it's continuing! Really like your writing style.
Businessgorilla 2 years
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Nibler 2 years
great story looking forward to seeing it grow out smiley
Businessgorilla 2 years
Thank you! There is a lot of growing to come. Hehe.
FTMfatty 2 years
Bruce is dreamy. Please keep writing!
Businessgorilla 2 years
I'll try to post a chapter daily smiley