Chapter 1: The Party
A year had gone by since Nico and I got together. The little law firm was all his now, and while it was modest, they were having a lot of success with some local cases. I was very proud of my guy. Christmas was only two days away and, as was tradition, the firm was having its Christmas party. The night was coming to a close as I was chatting with an old client of Nico's.„Yeah, it's been one hell of a year. But the gym is doing really well. And it's nice, you know, it's been sort of a dream come true“
„Yeah, I could tell you're in personal training, or something similar, Bruce“, replied Mr Simmons, an older guy who looked a bit stocky, not fat though.
„I really need to get back to it as well, I've grown huge, it's disgusting...“, he said, grabbing his little paunch.
I laughed a little on the inside. This guy was 200 pounds at best.
„You should have a conversation with my boyfriend. I've been trying to get him to go for a jog with me for ages. It's no use though, once he gets home he's just glued to the couch... Actually, you'll know him. My boyfriend is the boss here“.
Mr Simmon's expression suddenly changed, seemingly in confusion.
„Oh... you and Mr Romano?“
I turned around and gestured to Nico to come over. He was still at the table, snacking on something as per usual. Tediously, he got himself up and waddled over to us.
„Hey there Mr Simmons!“, he said, smiling cheerfully. His beard was shaven down to a stubble, revealing his double chin and his newly-developing jowls. The suit I got him was perfect. Intentionally too small, of course, it didn't leave a lot to the imagination. The tie looked ridiculous, barely reaching his belly button and perfectly showing off the curvature of his globular gut.
I could see Mr Simmons eyes wandering from his lawyer's face, down to the enormous beach ball of a belly I'd made him grow over this last year. Then he looked back at me, the fittest looking person in the room.
„Well uh, Mr Romano, it's been a pleasure getting to know your boyfriend...“
„I was just telling Mr Simmons about your struggles with working out, honey“.
„It's been a struggle alright“, said Nico, stuffing the donut he was holding in his mouth and patting his gut with both hands.
„I just get out of breath so easily... 2 flights of stairs and I break out in a sweat“.
I nodded. „And it's funny. He used to be so fit when he was younger“.
„Oh really?“, asked Mr Simmons, raising an eyebrow,
Nico sighed. „Yeah, I was quite the looker back in my day. But you know with work and everything... and unfortunately I have a bit of a sweet tooth“.
With that he pulled out a twix bar out of his jacket pocket, quickly unwrapping it and stuffing it in his mouth.
I laughed, and put my arms around my man.
„Well, he doesn't have to worry about that sort of stuff anymore. He's a taken man“.
„Aww“, Nico smiled and leaned over to give me a kiss. Only that this movement unfortunately made the candy wrapper fall out of his jacket.
„Oh, my bad“, he apologized quickly, turned around and bent down to pick it up. The tight pair of pants I made him wear couldn't hold the tension, and slid down a good few inches.
Both me and Mr Simmons got a nice peek of his crack and his two hairy butt cheeks. Fuck, me, I thought. He's getting so good at these little games. My 300-pound porker. I could see Mr Simmons wince in disgust.
Nico got up, panting a little from the exhaustion, knowing full well he got me hard.
„Right“, said Mr Simmons, a little unsure of what he was witnessing. „I hope we're both successful on our weight loss journey....“. With that, he turned around and left.
Nico grinned at me.
„I think I just became that man's motivation to get in shape again“.
„My little Buddha“, I said and kissed him on the cheek.
„You liked that, didn't you Bruce?“, he said, nodding towards my obvious erection.
I smiled. „You too. I mean I would imagine. It's not like you'd be able to tell anymore these days...“
I sneakily moved my hand toward his crotch.
„Oh behave, will you“, he laughed, slapping my wrist.
„You're getting so confident about being a fat guy“, I told Nico as he was getting dressed for bed.
„Yeah, well, I like embracing it. My new client's don't know I was fit anyways, they just think of me as a fat guy“
„Mhh, I'll put some old pictures of you up in the office. Mess with their heads a little“.
„Oh, I can't wait for the comments“, Nico said sarcastically. He was standing there, almost naked in his tighty whiteys, looking for his pajamas in the closet. Man, he's been getting some moobs on him lately, I thought.
But his gut was the most impressive of all. It was round and portruding, exactly the image you'd image when thinking of the word 'beer gut'. He was hairy all over, too. Some of my friends called him a bear, but we both agreed pig was a more accurate label for him.
„Hey, what's this?“, he asked. He was holding a red and white box in his hands. I just grinned at him. He opened it.
„Oh, no way...“
I laughed.
„Your Christmas gift. It's your outfit for tomorrow. You know the Christmas special we're running at the gym? I'm making you the star of my advertising campaign“
Nico groaned. „A Santa suit? Really, Bruce? Didn't you have like, professional weightlifters in these in front of the gym for the last month?“
„Come one, Mr Confident. It'll be a surprise for the regulars! And don't worry. It's tailor made for you“.
Friends/Family Reunion
Clothes padding
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
1 chapter, created 2 years
, updated 2 years