Chapter 1
You just got home post-work out. It is one of the hottest days of the year and thankfully your boyfriend left some windows open to air the place out. Today was a full body day, and you feel it all over your body. It feels like sweat is dripping from every pore on your body. It falls between your sculpted pecs and down onto your wash boards abs. You take a moment to admire yourself in the mirror. All that dedication and work to create such a sculpted and muscular 186lbs body. Wearing nothing but your short shorts you wonder into the kitchen. A note on the fridge reads “made you a shake babe xoxo”. Opening it reveals a pitcher full of that cold protein shake you deserved after today.You walk over to the counter and open it. It smells sweet of vanilla and you gladly begin to indulge yourself. Gulping straight from the pitcher, you notice how delicious the shake tastes. Must be another ploy to make me gain weight again, you think. After all, your chubby boyfriend is the one who needs to be fattened! Not wanting the cold beverage to go to waste, you begin to drink again. Your body begins to get a warm tingly feeling and starts to swell. You polish off the rest of the drink without noticing. You pause in front of the mirror again on your mission for a cold shower and noticed a chubbier man looking back. Abs have given to a doughy belly and your pecs have softened. Touching your belly reveals it to still be growing. Your body continues to swell in the mirror, shorts getting tighter by the second. You turn to the side and notice that your ass is ballooning before your vary eyes. No longer toned from all the squatting, it is swallowing your shorts by the second. Your eyes wander to your belly from the side. A modest overhang looks back as it continues to fall over the increasing tightness of your shorts.
A tearing sound breaks your focus as your shorts burst off and fall to the ground. The mirror now shows a fully naked fat man staring back. Running to the bathroom to check your weight only exaggerates the changes you notice. Your belly looks like a tidal wave of blubber in motion. It shakes from side to side as you waddle to the bathroom. The bathroom mirror reveals that you are no longer anything close to a muscle chub, just a fully fattened hog. Your belly rivals your boyfriend’s, it is massive. It juts out in front of your like an overfed balloon. Your moobs are massive and jiggly. Giving your belly a light shake reveals your how jiggly your entire torso is. You step on your boyfriend’s scale; thank goodness it has a voice since you cannot see through the wobbling mass in front of you. “386 lbs.” it reads. Panicking you get into the shower, thinking the cold water will remove this crazy trip the shake must have given you. With your eyes closed you wash your body off and continue to feel the soft pudge beneath your fingers. You take a moment to sit on your boyfriend’s bath seat (the lazy pig doesn’t want to burn calories in the shower!) and put both hands on your belly. Massaging it begins to calm it down and the tingling sensation fades.
Stepping out of the shower you are forced to use your boyfriend’s massive towel. Before accepting that this is you now, you must know the final weight. Looking in the mirror your belly has become a fully realized apron of fat. Everything jiggles at the slightest movement. Massive moobs and love handles have taken over. Your nipples which once used to sit in the middle of your sculpted pecs have become large circular markers on top of your glorious gut. Your arms and legs have fat hanging off them. Attempts to flex show that the muscle is still there, just buried under a wealth of blubber. Rubbing your massive belly, you step onto the scale.
“513 lbs”
You smile and walk to the kitchen.
1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 4 years