Her inner fat girl

Chapter 1 - phase 1

Kristan was a major foodie. Even at her petite size 6, her appetite for new cuisine was endless, and fuelled by her good looks and hot body, she managed to find enough men willing to take her out to whatever restaurant she pleased.
How she managed to stay so thin was a mystery to everyone, and she became an object of jealousy and envy to most girls at college.
Joel saw her as a particularly enticing challenge - bringing that speedy metabolism to a grinding halt, and watching those blue, low rise jeans with the skinny straps of a thong gripping her thighs as she walked past, he wanted to be the reason for her outgrowing those low rise jeans, or better yet - her denying her weight gain and squeezing herself into them anyway, her rolls bunching up at her sides, a glorious thick muffin top gracing her hips.
He shifted in his seat, trying to subtly reposition the uncomfortable throbbing erection growing in his jeans. Daydreaming in class just wasn't cutting it.
He had to make her his.
Homecooked pork dumplings in hand, he gathered up his courage, and walked briskly through the college cafeteria, searching for her soft, brown, waist-length hair, and striking chestnut eyes, seated amongst the crowd - he knew about her penchant for Chinese food, and after a quick chat with one of her friend (which ended fairly swiftly when she realised that it was Kristan Joel was after, and not her), pork dumplings was one of the highest dishes on her 'to-try' list.
'Is this seat taken?' he managed to muster in his sweetest tone, trying not to let any of his anxiety about a pretty girl not accepted food from a nervous stranger seep into his voice.
She looked up from her serving of chili paneer and sticky white rice (This week, the cafeteria food was asian-themed) and smiled at him, a light touch of sauce lingering on her lips. 'Not at all, go ahead!'
She turned her head back to her plate and started eating again, devouring the food with a sort of dainty restraint - excellent table manners, but as though she hadn't eaten in a week.
Feeling his erection harden in his jeans, he decided to quickly offer her the dumplings before it got any bigger. He wanted to remove that air of restraint from her - after all, to him, girls are prettiest when they eat proudly, without a care for table manners or etiquette - and as this naturally happens with bigger girls, he smiled to himself as he imagined her maybe 1 or 200 pounds larger, with sauce smeared on her shirt, eating ravenously.
'I made these for you'. With as smooth of a wink as he could muster, he placed the container of dumplings next to her as she smiled a polite thank you through a mouthful of rice as he left. and wrote down the number written on the bottom of the container.
'What a kind guy,' she thought to himself. 'Maybe chivalry isn't dead after all'.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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