House Arrest

  By Megs6exe

chapter 1

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Kayla had never really used a dating app before since she was never one to seek attention from boys in the first place. But now that she was 21 she decided that she would give it a shot.

She was definitely an attractive girl with a petite body and cute brown curly hair. She wore big round glasses which made her look innocent and intelligent, which she definitely was. The way she dressed was stylish but also modest. She wasn’t one for calling all the attention to her body.

She was pleasantly surprised when she had gotten dozens of matches on the dating app after only being on for a day or two. All the men that had matched with her were attractive too, which certainly gave her a boost of confidence. However, there was one man that stood out from all the rest. His name is Dylan and he had a muscular build and curly brunette hair. He had dark brown eyes that were both piercing and gentle at the same time. Kayla was surprised that a man this attractive would want to potentially be with someone like her. So she decided to send him a text.

He responded within minutes which confirmed to Kayla that he was actually interested. They texted for a few minutes then exchanged phone numbers and social media. Kayla found that Dylan shared the same interests in her and that he was quite easy to talk to despite his appearance. The two of them talked for hours a day and eventually set up a time to meet for dinner. To Kayla it seemed like time was going incredibly slow because of her excitement to finally meet Dylan.

On the evening of the date, Kayla showed up about 5 minutes late wearing a tight white dress and a soft gray sweater over it to keep her warm. She felt a little out of her comfort zone because she had never worn something so tight before. However, she really wanted to impress Dylan with her tiny body that she worked so hard to maintain. Kayla was finishing her studies at university and was planning on attending medical school, so she knew the importance of maintaining a healthy body.

Dylan showed up shortly after Kayla did and was dressed in a black suit with a bow tie. The restaurant they had picked was fancy since they both shared a love for fine dining. Kayla was already seated at their table when Dylan walked up to her. Kayla gasped because he looked even more attractive in real life.

“Are you Dylan?” She asked, with a slight stutter giving away that she was nervous.

“That’s me.” He chuckled. “You must be Kayla then... I must say you look even better in real life.” He exclaimed as he sat down and put his napkin on his lap.

Kayla couldn’t help but blush. “I can say the same for you.” She said, taking off her sweater because of her new surge of confidence. She could tell Dylan’s eyes went straight to her body.

They sat in a bit of an awkward silence since Dylan didn’t want to throw out too many compliments in order to not seem like a suck up. The waiter came up to their table, saving them from more awkwardness. Kayla ordered a red wine and Dylan ordered a gin and tonic.

“So tell me more about why you want to be a doctor.” Dylan said, still admiring Kaylas petite body, thinking about what he could do to her.

“Uhm... well I have a fascination for the human body I guess. It’s such an amazing intricate machine..” She paused. “Oh and I really wanna help people.”

“That’s awesome!” Dylan replied as the waiter walked over with their drinks. “What will you all be having tonight?”

“Uhh, I’ll have the seared scallops, and the apple fennel salad.” Kayla replied. Dylan ordered the beef Wellington and the soup of the day.

The more and more Kayla drank, the more and more rambling she began to do. Dylan thought it was cute and kept himself form drinking too much just so he could drive them back to his apartment... When the time came. The rest of the meal went smoothly and Dylan purposely ate only half of his food to see how much Kayla could eat. She ended up eating all of her food and Dylan’s leftovers and their two deserts that Dylan pressured her into ordering. By the end of the meal Kayla developed a little food baby that was more noticeable because she was wearing the white dress. Kayla was also significantly drunker than Dylan and was angry at herself for letting go like she just did.

“Ugh.. I’m so full. I haven’t had food this good in months.” Kayla said standing up. She wobbled a little bit and Dylan caught her.

“Looks like you’re too out of it to walk back to your dorm. Let me drive you to my place.” Dylan said.

“Ohhh uhhh... y-you don’t have to do that.” Kayla said. She felt bad about how drunk she had gotten and was definitely embarrassed. She didn’t think she would be back for a second date with Dylan after the show she just put on for him, let alone be invited to his apartment. However, Dylan insisted that he go with her and she went without hesitation...
7 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Doggodadog 4 years
great want more
Theswordsman 4 years
And the moral of the story is dont use online dating
CeReallyFat 4 years
Looking forward to the development!