I Can Make Your Wish Come True

Chapter 1

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I am what you can call a genie, I come to you and you may ask me to do 3 things, whatever those things may be. I have had the most unusual request you can imagine. As of now I need to go and see what the next person wants from me. I reappeared in someone's house, looking around as I flipped my long honey blonde hair over my shoulder.

"How did you get in here?" I heard someone ask behind me, clearly in shock of my sudden appearance. I turned around slowly, smiling a sweet smile at the guy in front of me. "My name is Roxy, I have three wishes for you to make." I said looking him over from where he is seated.

He is a fat guy by the looks of it and he sure doesn't hide it in that shirt. Nevertheless he is a rather handsome male I have to give him that. By his looks I'm guessing he'll ask me to make him ripped and popular.

"So I can wish whatever I want from you? Is this a joke?" He asked me rather sceptical which I don't blame him for. "Yes that is what I just told you." I said looking at him playfully. "Want me to show you?" I asked smirking at him.

I saw box of blueberries sitting on the counter so I took one, making it 5 times the size it was before making it too small for us to see. I made it back to a normal size popping it into my mouth. "So have you decided what you want?" I asked a little bored.

He looked like he was deep in thoughts until he snapped out of it, his cheeks burning up. Oh how much I would give to know what is going on in his brain right now. "I think that I know what I want yes." He said, still not saying what he wants. I cocked my head to the side, urging him to continue talking.

"This might be a weird one so just hear me out okay?" He said, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "Okay so I am in this community, it's called feederism, and I am what they call a feedee. So that means that I get pleasure out of stuffing myself and gain as much fat as possible." He told me, making me rethink all my past experiences; this must be the weirdest one I have seen until now.

"I have a channel on youtube dedicated to show my progress while I please the people with the same fetish as me but to the other side of the spectrum, so the feeders. Those people want to feed people and see them gain weight." He continued explaining to me.

"Alright now for my wishes. My first one is that no matter what happens I want to stay healthy and don't have any health problems or pain for my whole life." He said as I listened intensely to what he wants. So far this is a normal wish.

I nodded at him, making him continue. "My second wish is that I want you to be my feeder." He said making me raise an eyebrow but I nodded nevertheless. "My last is that I want you to make me gain a lot of weight. To be exact until I tell you to stop but not all at the same time. I want to do it gradually." He said making me nod one more time.

I closed my eyes, focussing on letting his wishes come trough. When I opened my eyes I felt a little different when I looked at him. "All your wishes have been completed." I said with a little bit of a different tone in my voice as I looked over his form, stopping my gaze at the piece of belly that is not covered up by his shirt.

"So these feeders you were talking about get turned on by the fat of the feedee's right?" I asked him, holding myself back from doing what I want to do. "Yes that's how you could put it." He answered my question, making me smirk widely. "Well that explains a lot." I said walking towards him. "What is your name btw?" I asked a basic question I didn't know about him yet. "My name is Noah."

"Why don't we have a look at what we are working with shall we Noah?" I asked him daringly, pulling him up. He smiled at me widely. "You are already feeling the result's aren't you?" He asked me as I lead him towards his living room were a camera is set up.

"Are you already going to start?" He asked me looking in my eyes. "Nah not yet I first want to see what I got here. I'll start when I feel like it." I said teasingly stroking the underside of his belly. I took his shirt in my hand, pulling it up slowly as I let my eyes graze over his torso. I took his overhang in my hands, playing with is a little as I felt myself getting exited over his body. This is something new to me but I don't mind it at all.

"Someone's been eating a little too much it seems." I said tauntingly as I stroked his man boobs. I could see him getting exited as well by me playing with him like this so I continued until he was close to passing out from tiredness.

"Let's get this fatty to bed shall we?" I asked smirking at him as I urged him up the stairs. He passed out right when he hit his mattress. I looked over him another time, deciding that I might as well get started without him knowing.

I made sure that he would not wake up anytime soon before straddling him. I stroked my hand over his belly, the part I enjoy the most about him, letting my imagine flood me as I noticed a slushing feeling underneath my hand. I heard Noah moan softly even tho he is asleep right now. I stopped when I had added about 30 pounds of pure fat to his belly, making is a bit bigger than it already was.

I moved my hand to his rather small man boobs in comparison to the rest of his body. I made them expand till they were about double the size they were before. I stopped myself from doing anything more while he is passed out. The fun should be for the both of us, not just for me to enjoy.

I settled for laying next to him for the remainder of the night, fighting the urge to add even more pounds to his heavy frame.
4 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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