Chapter 1 - The cause
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Why did I even think that was okay….
She didn’t deserve that…
I kept overthinking how it all went down, I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t text her now to apologize. She probably has me blocked.
I fell asleep analyzing everything I did wrong.
But this is how it went down.
*Previously that night*
“ im sorry, I just don’t want to meet your parents yet!” I said forcefully.
“ Why not? It’s been almost a year now and you still haven’t met my father, who has been asking to meet you since we were at the 3 month mark.” Gabby questioned
“ Not to sound like an asshole, but when I meet someone’s parents I want to know the relationship could be taking the next step towards marriage” I said calmly.
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Gabby yelled, holding back tears.
“ I can’t marry a fat girl. You just are too big and aren’t trying to lose weight. And I don’t mind, I just can’t progress in our relationship until you take your health the same way I do so that way we are good role models for our future kids and live long and happy lives”
I said proudly, hoping to inspire her weight loss story.
“ did you seriously just say I was too fat to marry!”
She paused
“ what the. “
Pause again
“Actual Fuck”
Dramatic pause
“ Is wrong with you? Are you that shallow? Do you not understand how hurtful that was?” Gabby was crying now as she said this to me.
I can’t stand to see her cry, it’s awful
But I was stunned in the moment , how did she take me prioritizing her health before starting a marriage as shallow?
“ I just want you to be healthy and look your best at our wedding” I said
“ Shane, that’s not okay, you need to leave. We are through!!! “ gabby screamed as she rampaged her apartment looking for all remnants that screamed with my face on it and threw them in front of my feet. I just stood shocked, never expecting for Gabby to dump me. I watched as she threw my spare hair products at me, as she threw my toothbrush and all presents at me. She even threw the promise ring at me. After that she repeated her earlier statements.
“ Now leave before I get too fat for you to look at you fucking asshole!” She said slamming her bedroom door. All I heard was her phone ringing on speakerphone as I left her apartment for what I’m assuming to be the final time.
Magical Realism
Fit to Fat
8 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years