The Deal

  By Rcti  Premium

Chapter 1

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"This is crazy, you gotta lose some weight buddy. You're never gonna get a girl looking like this!" I said to Jake.
Jake told me that he now gained another 10 pounds and it frustrated me. He doesn't even take his diet seriously anymore. Every time I get home he's ordered Popeyes, In-N Out, McDonald's or Chick fil A.
He doesn't even bother to leave his house either, he just uses freaking door dash. His gut is bigger than a basketball now. It's absolutely disgusting to watch someone just become a pig. I gotta figure out a way to talk some sense into him.
" Honestly dude, you don't understand. I've been trying but it's hard to diet when you are always hungry man." Jake said. He continued, " I'm not even that big for my height. I'm honestly only like 20 pounds overweight."
I rolled my eyes, if he is only twenty pounds overweight then I'm 20 pounds underweight. He is maybe 6 foot or 6 foot 1 max and like 250 or maybe even 300 lbs. He even has a set of boobs now, it really is absolutely gross.
I meanwhile look pretty good for my size. I'm 5 foot 10 and like 150 pounds. I have six pack abs and can squat 300 pounds. I should honestly just kick his ass and show him why he wants to lose weight. But he's lucky I'm nice so I couldn't ever do something like that to my buddy. I even scared the shit out of some *** who was picking on him for being fat at the gym. People have some audacity to try to mess with my friends for one, and the fact that he was trying to lose weight at the gym should be enough.
I know... I know... I'm a hypocrite, but I just want what's best for him. And I know he's getting depressed seeing me with the ladies all the time while he's sitting at home eating fast food from door dash and grub hub. I've even almost considered those fit to fat ideas to help him lose weight but I just couldn't stand to let myself go.
Who knows honestly, maybe I'll be the reason he loses weight and can find a lucky lady to get hitched. I just gotta make sure the porkers stay away so he doesn't double in size.
20 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 month
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Cleler 1 year
It would be great if the curse slated every person Matt made fun of and the next to take revenge was Josh.
Growingsofter 2 years
So good. More please
Phrasedandco... 2 years
Love to see this more often
Rcti 2 years
I’ll try to do another one soon since I have extra time tomorrow, if not within a week from today.
Jackiewaddle... 2 years
This is so good 😊
Minifan 2 years
This is one of my favourite themes
Phrasedandco... 2 years
keeping an eye on this