In the devil's pocket (a philly story)


chapter 1

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There comes a time in all of our lives when we feel the need to break out of our comfort zones and try something new. I had been feeling more and more like it was time for me to challenge many of the ideas that I held about myself, expand my horizons and find a new outlook on life. Certainly, in my three decades riding around the sun on this crazy planet, there are many truths that I had come to accept about myself; I know that I never have been, nor will I ever be good at math, I know that there is no better way to end a long and hard day than falling asleep on my sofa watching old film-noir movies in the dark, and I know without question that nothing gets my blood pumping and juices flowing more than watching a gorgeous fat girl stuff herself full of food.

You either get it or you don’t; there are plenty of people I’ve known throughout my life that have been utterly repulsed when I tell them what I am into. I never let that get to me though, because it is something that I know has always been an essential part of who I am as a man. From the time I was a young kid onward, I was fascinated by beautiful full-figured women, my every waking hour consumed by thoughts of watching a big beautiful woman eat and get bigger and fatter. By the time I was old enough to start dating, I was on a mission to find a woman who would just let me feed her and fatten her up. I even managed to find a few who would, at least for a little while, but I could never seem to find a relationship that would stick.

Enter one Myra Emerson, a plump and statuesque twenty-six year old beauty with reddish-blonde hair and big hazel eyes from The Devil’s Pocket in South Philadelphia. The moment I met her she knocked me out with her enchanting smile, with lips that parted slightly and chubby freckled cheeks scrunching up to reveal her luminescent pearly-whites. Her wide hips, generously-rounded backside and tank of a belly served as evidence of her having enjoyed more than a few good meals in her day.

In getting to know her, it became clear that we would both come to challenge and expand one another’s worlds as much as we would complement them.

It was a Friday night in early May when I picked her up for our first official date. I brought her to a steakhouse called DaSilva’s on the south side of town. The kind of place where the lights are low and the drinks are strong. We had a great meal; DaSilva’s always makes a great steak. My date, a twenty-seven year old beauty with reddish-brown hair named Myra, was naturally hesitant to order a big meal, as most young ladies these days tend to be — trying her best to be modest. It was our first date after all. I insisted however that she not hold back.

“I’ll just have a salad,” she said demurely. She had a look in her eyes like a little girl who suddenly found herself at the grownups table at Thanksgiving dinner.

“A salad?” I said. “That’s all?”

“I’m not that hungry,” she responded, but I could tell that wasn’t true.

“Come on now,” I said, “you can’t tell me that a girl like you doesn’t love to eat.”

“A girl like me?”

“Yeah,” I repeated, “a girl like you.”

“You mean a fat girl?”

She had a wry little smile on her face like she was trying to keep herself from laughing. She knew all too well the reasons I was attracted to her, and the reasons I had asked her out. We’d met at a party a few weeks earlier. It was a party for big beautiful women and the men who love them.

I am, without question, one of those men.

She was there at the party with a date, and so was I. Both of our dates turned out to be duds, so we ended up talking with each other all night long. I found her personality to be just as fascinating as I found her body to be desirable. We talked about so many things over the course of the evening, not the least of which was her personal kinks.

Turns out that Miss Myra was into an interesting mix of light BDSM and roleplaying. She calls herself a submissive, and liked to be dominated, often taking on the role of a small child or an immature brat. I was fascinated by all of this; I can’t say that I had considered doing any of these things myself, but I couldn’t help but wonder if there wasn’t just a little bit of room for crossover between her kinks and mine.

“You know if I wanted to be out with a skinny girl, then that’s what I would do,” I said as I smiled back at her, her lips slowly parted to reveal her pearly white teeth; she had an enchanting smile.

“I know,” she said sucking air in through her front teeth, her words trying to trip over a giggle, “but I guess I’m just not used to really indulging myself in front of other people. I’m still afraid of what people might think if they saw me really enjoying my food.”

“Well I can tell you right now what I think,” I told her. “There is absolutely nothing I love more than seeing a gorgeous, curvaceous and sexy woman such as yourself having a good meal and enjoying herself to the fullest. So none of that salad business - get yourself something that’s going to stick to your ribs!”

“Yes, daddy,” she said playfully as she batted her eyes at me, her soft and pale cheeks turning a shade of pink. I won’t lie, something in the way she called me “daddy” got my juices flowing.

We had an excellent meal. I took the liberty of ordering a couple of extra dishes that I thought my date should try, a baked stuffed lobster and a smothered pork-chop with a side of greens. I told her she didn’t have to eat it all, but that it would please me if she did.

She did.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Theswordsman 2 years
Dang you know how to write some hot stuff i hope you make a sequel at some point