Chapter 1
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The following is a fictional chronicle of a series of letters written by a woman in the United States to her boyfriend, who is overseas in London on business. The conversation is one-sided as I do not include any of the supposed responses from the boyfriend, but there is enough context contained within the woman’s letters for one to be able to ascertain what is going on.
It is important to note that while I do base many of my writings on personal experience, the characters depicted in this story are completely fictional, that any resemblance to any real persons living or dead is strictly coincidental, and all of the scenarios and situations described are done so strictly for entertainment purposes.
Dear Oscar,
I was so pleased to get your letter, and I am very glad to know that you arrived safely in London. How long will you have to stay there? I can’t wait until you can come back and we can be together again. Thank you also for sending me those yummy chocolates. You’re always so thoughtful, and you certainly know how to keep a chubby girl happy.
That last night that we spent together before you left was amazing. I’ve never been with a man who loved my body and treated me the way that you do. The way you rubbed my big belly and caressed my curves all over was incredible. I guess you really do love big women as much as you say you do. I’ve always heard that there were guys like you out there, but I’ve never actually met one. It’s nice to finally be with someone who can appreciate me the way that I am. The only long-term boyfriend I had before I met you was back in college, and he was always nagging me to lose weight and slim down.
I’ve tried to lose weight many times, but I was never able to follow through. I guess I just love to eat too much! In my heart of hearts, I’ve always wished that I could find a man who not only wouldn’t mind my size, but would like me being fat – and maybe even someone who wanted me to get a little bigger. Maybe you’re the one that I’ve been praying for, Oscar.
I hope that you stay safe and that all of your business meetings go well over there. Don’t be chasing around any of those skinny European women over there! Remember, you have a thick and juicy lady back home waiting for you. Write back when you can.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
9 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year