Locked down, and plumping up - part six (the office bitch gets thicc)

chapter 1 - the office bitch

Despite holding a leadership position, Tamara hadn’t been at the company for as long as Sarah had. While Sarah had initially got along well with Tamara, she was increasingly ready to jump on the bandwagon with the rest of the workplace; agreeing that Tamara was the office bitch. She hadn’t always been the person she was now to garner this reputation. A few years ago, Tamara had started with fresh ideas that she was passionate about and an optimistic outlook. But over the last three years, she had been let down by higher management a few too many times and become jaded. Her position also came with some social power that she became to exploit, taking both pride and pleasure in yelling at and berating newer and more junior staff.

As she pondered this, Sarah also wondered if Tamara’s apathy had perhaps caused, or maybe even driven, how her body had also changed noticeably. Subtly but surely, Tamara had really started to bulge out in a few places. She had never exactly been a slim woman, but these areas of growth started to stretch out her clothing in certain areas until they pressed against the strained fabric. Sarah could recall one particular day in which Tamara had been wearing a striped cardigan that only served to highlight how large her breasts had become, to the point that it was distracting. The knitted material had been so tightly pulled that it appeared to be getting thinner in this area.

Tamara had started making jokes about her weight as she kept hopelessly expanding. While walking and conversing with Sarah once, who had injured her foot at the time, Sarah had asked Tamara if she didn’t mind walking along a path that was a shortcut instead of the usual route taken by most workers. Tamara has laughed and given her stomach a bit of a shake.

“You don’t get a luscious body like mine by taking the long way to places.”

Tamara’s chuckle at her own expense drew Sarah’s attention to the clear double chin that she had acquired over the last few months. Sarah hadn’t felt any particular way about it at the time, but hoped that Tamara truly did feel as comfortable in her body as she made out. She truly had gotten big, almost waddling rather than walking. She could certainly respect Tamara’s transparency.

Even as Tamara became increasingly harsh toward Sarah and her colleagues, their relationship earlier on had possibly allowed her to speak to Sarah in this honest way. After a hard day, Sarah had asked if she was all right. Tamara emitted an abrupt laugh.

“Oh, I’ll be fine. I’ll go home, have a few extra glasses of wine, eat far too much at dinner and then break out the chocolate stash after the kids and husband go to bed.”
It had certainly explained a lot.

The first thing to come around the corner right now revealed itself to be Tamara’s belly, more gloriously large than ever. She was wearing a pencil skirt that it looked like she had pulled up over her lower stomach to minimise its roundness, but only served to make it more obvious. Sarah could guess why she had done this though; it was clear that not only was her belly bursting outwards, but would hang down over any waistband significantly. Sarah got lost for a moment, thinking about how much hedonism must have gone into manifesting that great big gut. Tamara had put on an excessive amount of weight, even given the recent circumstances. And she looked wonderful.

Obviously not seeing Sarah yet and assuming that she was alone, Tamara exhaled and let everything just hang out for a moment, seemingly feeling a deep sense of relief. She took a deep breath as she hitched up her skirt a little. She examined the roll that formed above her waistband, seeming to even fondle it a bit before standing up straight, leaving everything to poke out further.

“Hey, Tamara! I was told to check in with you once I had got my new keycard and signed in?”

“Oh, hi, Sarah. Yes, let me just tick off your name before you head into your office.”

Sarah hadn’t even seen the clipboard that Tamara had wedged under her arm – she was that wide now. She seemed to struggle a little to bring her arms forward to hold the list in front of her to find and tick off Sarah’s name. She even seemed a little out of breath from the short walk from her office to where they stood. Her movements were hindered, no doubt, by the amazing amount of lard that had accumulated on her upper arms, creating a deep crease at her armpits. This fat seemed to get in the way, catching on her sides and breasts as she boxed with the clipboard.

“Okay, that’s done. Don’t think for a second that you can slack off on the first day back, though.”

“No, I wouldn’t dream of it!”

“Good. Oh shit, I left something on my desk. I’ll see you in the whole staff meeting later.”

Tamara shuffled around and took her first few steps back toward her office that little bit faster than a women of her size should, making her wobble all over. Sarah realized how hot she found this, then was distracted by something else. Tamara’s ass had become so huge that is was wider than the rest of her frame. Sarah didn’t know how she had missed it before, but oh was she noticing it now. She watched it sway and bounce gently, trying to ignore how aroused she was.

My goodness. Was she going to have to fight these sensations whenever she was around anyone? Surely, not everyone had gotten so incredibly fat?
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Locked down, and plumping up
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