Chapter 1 - And how could i stop?
While you think you should feel guilt or shame in this moment, as you see the numbers on the scale you only feel one way. Undeniably turned on.You knew you had been gaining but you’ve really outdone yourself this time, haven’t you, you damn pig? How did you get this incredibly fat? You know how. It’s because you’ve finally given in and let yourself become powerless to resist continuously overindulging. Not to mention its alluring and jiggly consequences.
The soft new layer covering your body is a testament to the hedonism that you have increasingly allowed yourself to engage in. It is a result of all the guilty pleasures that you initially tried to deny yourself of, but would inevitably relent to. It was only a matter of time until you would succumb to the intoxicating sensations of eating yourself into a deeply relaxed stupor, usually after drinking a bit more than you intended. You can no longer deny how horny and euphoric it makes you feel. You reluctantly started plumping up faster the more you gave in. Even now, you know these habits are making you even fatter, but you’ve come to realise that nothing satisfies you more.
At first you thought that you could hide how fat you were getting, or just lose weight later. But now you’re hopelessly addicted to how good it feels. Before you became a full-blown pig, you’d wake up so deeply contented from the pleasures of stuffing yourself the night before. The small new layer of fat on you felt like your dirty secret that only you would notice. But now you’ve gotten embarrassingly fat. There is no hiding all that overindulging anymore. Everyone can see it all over you.
What you didn’t expect was that, despite it being programmed into your head your whole life that you should feel shame for it…you have become infatuated by your newly fattened body. You’ve never experienced something this autoerotic in your life. Any guilt you may have felt is completely overshadowed by the increasingly irresistible pleasure that comes from letting go and getting truly fat.
You run your hand along your lower stomach. It’s so much bigger and softer than you thought you’d ever let it get. As you grope at yourself, you feel a hot wave of pleasure taking you over. You’ve gotten so fat, and it feels amazing. The enjoyment of your body spreads as you gently jiggle your deliciously fat torso, making your whole body move. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror out of the corner of your eye, which arouses you even more. Seeing and feeling every part of you moving, in combination with the look of sheer pleasure on your face, causes you let out a low moan.
How have I let myself get this fat? How have I submitted to being such a great flabby blob? Perhaps the real question is how did I resist this kind of enthralling debauchery for so long? Every part of it just feels too good to resist. You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, fatty?
You quiver with pleasure as you continue to grab at your rolls, thinking about how much fun you had getting yourself to this point. Every tantalizing soft handful of flesh covering your body represents your delectably sinful behaviour. All those times that you made an absolute pig of yourself and loved every minute of it. And now you’re hopelessly enjoying the evidence of it, too.
You never imagined letting yourself get this fat, but you’ve certainly never been so aroused, or masturbated this much, in your life. And, while you’re still trying to not admit it to yourself: the bigger you get, the better it feels. And now you’re willingly enslaved by it.
Weight gain
First person
1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 3 years