Magic 8 Ball

  By Rcti  

Chapter 1

“Magic 8 Ball….” Tyler paused before continuing his question for his childhood toy. Am I fat? “ Tyler asked nervously.

The 8 Ball Shows its reply, which will now be noted by 8, 8 Ball of Magic 8 Ball: No

Tyler sat in a sigh of relief. He has been getting bullied for his appearance. He decided to ask a follow up question, “ Why am I getting bullied?” He was so sad and did not understand why he was bullied at his college by his classmates. They would always just snicker and laugh at him.
It was weird for Tyler to ask this question, because if you imagined him, he was not skinny like Chris Evans in Captain America before before Captain American, he was like a non muscular Tom Holland. He was short, not fat or skinny and was 5’7ft 145lbs.

8:”You aren’t bullied because you are fat, it’s because you will become fat.”

As he hears this he grows concerned, “ How am I going to become fat and how does everyone but me know this information. “ Tyler asked the ball hoping for clarification into how it just talked a full sentence too.

Magic 8 Ball: “You are getting fatter right now, soon by the time we are done talking your shirt will no longer fit and you will have grown at least 15 pounds.”

“ No stop, what’s causing this to happen?” Tyler anxiously asked hoping for this to be a practical joke.

Magic 8 Ball: “As you can see you are already growing in size, by tomorrow you will be medically overweight. Every one will be able to see every new part of your body on display with any shirt you choose tomorrow. “

The conversation ends and the 8 ball is correct. Tyler grew a slight amount of fat on his chest, not even noticeable with his shirt off unless you could compare to his before photos. Tyler grew a bit of a beer belly, but it was not severe, did not affect him too bad when he stared at it in the mirror.
Tyler was not ready to return to school, he had a fewer that now he would really be made fun of for the way he looked.

Please don’t hesitate to give me feedback and check out my other stories if you liked this one. The more feedback, the faster this one gets updated.
5 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
I like Tyler as a character, good job there. I like the “8”ball plot, describe Tyler more example; jeans too tight, belly lifting hem of t-shirt, etc. What does he see in the mirror.
BitchImAPig 2 years
So like for example Tyler asks the ball again "Am I fat?" And the ball replies with "Most certainly" and within seconds or within a day Tyler is most certainly fat. And uses it on other characters etc
BitchImAPig 2 years
I really like the idea of this. Just an idea/suggestion: What if Tyler found a way to use the ball to his advantage. Whatever question is asked, the ball's response will make it come true.