My Big Fat Crush

  By Math Machine  Premium

Chapter 1

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I didn’t know her that well. In fact, I paid little mind to her until now. I never even bothered to remember her name until I saw her this year. I remember in freshman year she was a little bit chubby. I didn’t really see her again during sophomore year. Now it’s the beginning of junior year, and looking at her now, I’d wager she’s much fatter than she was in freshman year. I remember she flirted with me a bit that year, but back then I was in the closet about liking fat girls, so I never made the move.

Seeing her now, though, I can’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if I had made the move. I wonder if she still likes me? She might, or maybe she gave up on me, or maybe I just interpreted the whole thing wrong and she just likes me as a friend. Whatever the case, it can’t hurt to give it a shot.

I’m in my chemistry class as I’m thinking about this. She’s sitting at a table across from mine, looking fat and beautiful. The teacher tells us to go downstairs so we can get our textbooks. As we all cluster out into the hallways, I walk up to her, hoping I can muster up the courage to make the move. “Hey, Natalie.” “Luke!! How’s your week been?!” She says with a super cheery attitude. “It’s been good! How’s yours?” “ went a little rough at first, but...I’m doing better now.” Earlier in the week I saw her crying in class. I never said anything at the time because I could tell she needed to be alone. “Well, I hope it wasn’t too bad, I’m glad you’re doing better now!” “Thanks! Seeing you cheers me right up!” I blush a little.

“It’s weird, I think this is the first time we’ve talked since freshman year.” she adds. “Oh yeah, you were in my gym class, weren’t you?” I say, acting like I forgot about it. “I was! I’d always come up to you and give you a hug. You’d always squirm and act annoyed, though.” “Whaaa? I did?” I say, really embarrassed. Back then I was really scared of people knowing I liked fat girls. More importantly, though, I was scared of letting myself know. Whenever she gave me a fat, squishy hug, I’d back off in an attempt to prove to myself I wasn’t enjoying it. “Yeah. I remember once you literally ran to the other side of the gym to avoid another hug,” she says, giggling a little, “But, I guess things are different now, right?...I mean, you’re not running away now?” “No, of course not. I mean, I was the one that came up to you.” “...Yeah.” She says, blushing.

We start walking down the stairway. She continues talking, “Speaking of Freshman year, you look like you’ve gotten taller since then.” “Oh yeah, you used to be so tall compared to me.” “Hold up, let me check something!” She stops me at the landing in the middle of the stairs. She stands right next to me and holds her palm flat above both our foreheads. “Nope, I’m definitely still taller than you!” “Well, not as much as before.” “Yeah, but I’m still taller. But, who knows, maybe some day you’ll be taller than me.” she says with a cheeky smile.

We soon get to the bottom of the stairs. We’re lagging behind most of the class, but I don’t mind that much. We continue chatting away until we reach the place where they keep all the textbooks. There we stand in line, talking about how weird we used to act. “Hey, remember how in freshman year, you used to pull up your shirt all the time and show people your abs.” My face turns red in embarrassment. “Ah ha, yeah, that was something I did.” “Yeah, I still never got how you got them so rock hard. Like, hold up, let me see them.” “Nooo, I don’t do that anymore.” “Oh come on, just this once! For me!” My face turns red. I pull up my shirt, her jaw drops. I see a very wide smile on her face. I quickly drop down my shirt, lest some teacher see me and yell at me.

“Next in line!” A teacher calls. I’m next in line, so I swiftly walk up to collect my textbooks. It takes a good few minutes, but after I’m done, instead of going straight back to class, I decide to wait at the door for her. She finishes collecting her books. “Hey, what’re you still doing here?” “I-I’m waiting for you.” I say, a little nervous. “Awww, you waited there for me? What am I saying, of course you did, I mean look at me? I’m irresistible!” She says, gesturing her hands to her body. I only now notice just how hard she’s trying to hide her fat. She’s wearing one of those loose shirts that goes to the boobs and hangs down from there, often used by fat girls to avoid showing the shape of their belly. She’s also wearing a long vest-like garment, likely to cover up her belly fat bulging out on the sides. Despite all these provisions, it’s still blatantly obvious that she’s not skinny. Anybody with boobs that big and an ass that fat has to have at least a little bit of a belly. Not to mention her double chin. I’m certainly not judging her, but I kinda wish I could get a better view of her cute plumpness.
15 chapters, created 5 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
I like your writing style... sooo many place this could go