Nightly Feast

Chapter 1

i try to sleep so i won't eat anything else, but the food gets the better of me an i stumble out of bed and into the kichen.

i make some hot cocoa, and take out the leftovers from christmas, i heat them up while i eat coockies and finish my hot cocoa, as i finish the last coockies, 1,2,3,4,5...9,10..13..19..29...lost count, who cares.

me and my belly are craving some turkey, i finish a meal for fit for two in a ravenous frency, my belly is now bulging onto my lap.

Desert time!! i go to the frecer and look for some icecream, i find 2 liters, and some chocolate sause, make some hot fudge and finish eating.

how time flews by when eating, its morning, ive been eating for 10 hours now, and my belly is acing and my rather thin frame is caring it well...

i find that my enlarging belly indeed looks my boy ryan rubs it, telling me what a naugty lil girl ive been, as we make love on the kichen flor, looking farward to another night like this.

she has left bed! oh i shouldnt peak rigth away but gawd, she's gorgeous when she eats, i want to help her but im afraid to loose her if she finds out im a belly loving kinda guy, she gos on and on about loosing weight but always slips up, thank god... she's already starting on the turkey, and i love to look at her, to simply watch her eat her self fat, the look of extacy on her face whith every bite swoloved, i see she's on to the icecream and her belly is about to pop.

I walk to her, she begans to cry but i start to rub her belly and encourage her to finish, while she goes on i cant held but undressing her and moving on to more abroptiate rubbings......mhmhmm.....

that must have been the best sex we ever had !!! ....

he clearly likes me when im full...maybe i should continiue with out worries.....

she stuffes her self more often now, she's starting to gain weigth, she's so goddamn sexy with that bulging belly of hers, allmost preggy looking, its stiff and soft at the very same time, i cant help but cooking the best i can, and spoiling her with her favorite snacks...she mustnt ever be empty bellied....

he spoils me rotten, if this continiues i will out grow my wardrope by easter....or by the end of january.....

she doesnt fit in alot of her size 8 clothes anymore...and its not even new years eve yet...

i like where this is going....

i bougth her a size 14 dress to day, she'll fit it in a few days...

its nearly 23rd of january and i cant even fit in my size 14 dresses, i have to get bigger clothes....or else ill have to diet.....and go screwny and ugly again!!!
3 chapters, created 13 years , updated 55 years
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Funbelly 13 years
I'm sorry about that, but I really am bad at spelling :s
Palndrm 13 years
cute, sexy story but please spell check if you continue