Something Sweet

  By Liposopher

Chapter 1 - something nice for a change

(published in Seven Deadly Sins, December House, 2013, and this is a way of saying that yeah, I am releasing fringe kink material in a venue outside both the mainstream and the underground -- unless this actually is one or the other -- but it ain't nobody's business if I do)

It was late afternoon, but the heavy weather outside made the bedroom so dark it felt like night. The heavy rain on the roof and window made Aaron even gladder to be where he was. How did it go…

Oh, Western wind, when will thou blow,
the small rain down can rain?
Christ! That my love were in my arms,
and I in my bed again.

Or something like that. Too cold to get out of bed and look it up. Caroline, next to Aaron under the covers, ran her hand across his chest and from under the duvet he caught the scent of their lovemaking. “Sweetie,” she said.

Aaron could tell from the tone of her voice she knew he didn’t want to do what she was about to ask him. He said, “Yeee-es?”

“I feel like something sweet. Could you get me a candy bar? A Milky Way,” Caroline said. She smiled at him with that cutie-pie face.

Aaron made a faint animal noise of discontent and said, “Oh, you’re kidding, in this weather?”

Caroline threw a soft leg over Aaron, pressed her soft body against his, kissed him and said, “Don’t you want more of me to love?”

Caroline was the girl and she was too pretty for Aaron. So it would be gallant to go to the store. But it was her apartment and she had more money than he did, so it would be shrewd to do what she wanted.

He wanted to be gallant. He didn’t want to be shrewd. Her request bothered him. It was as much about getting him to do something as what he was going to do. Aaron and Caroline hadn’t been together long but he could already sense the lines of contest in the relationship and he wasn’t at ease with them.

But Caroline was good company and her blonde baby-doll good looks still took him by surprise, seeing those bright green eyes looking at him with pleasure. And she was right. He would like more of her.

Aaron, a flutter in his gut, rolled to face Caroline and ran his hand down her curves from shoulder to knee. “Okay, but on one condition.”

“What?” Caroline asked.

Aaron braced himself; this felt risky. “I get to feed it to you.”

Caroline paused, then smiled. “Okay.” She bit his shoulder, gently, looked back at him, still smiling. “That could be fun.”
Aaron had met Caroline at a poetry reading. It was a bar-crawl event and Aaron had come to support a friend on the leg after he'd done his own reading.

Caroline had walked in on his right. He had the feeling she'd done it deliberately. Aaron had been just able to keep from staring before he looked her in the eyes, then took her in deliberately, so she knew. Pale, pale wavy blonde hair, a pink-and-cream complexion that looked as if it tasted good, wearing a blue satin bustier that was basically a breast shelf.

God. Damn, Aaron had thought, and turned back to the stage. Does she know how she looks? Is she trying to kill me?

A few minutes later, she was to his left, still looking toward the performer, but Aaron felt as though she was trying to get his attention. As if she wanted him to look at her. She was a little further away, and when there was a gap in the crowd, Aaron had a chance to get a full-body view.

It was the pillowy curve of her belly that did it. Instead of a cartoonish party girl, Aaron was looking at a pretty woman making the best of a complicated, compromised situation. There was something vulnerable about the way her weight was played down but not hidden. Yes, this is me.

So Aaron looked at her until she looked back. Then, hopeful but without thinking he was owed, he smiled.
By the time Aaron had gotten to the liquor store, he was soaked, pants, shoes, the works. An umbrella only helped so much in that wind. Aaron went to the candy rack and got a Milky Way. Then he got a Hershey’s Bittersweet Chocolate bar as well.

And standing in line behind an old woman buying lottery tickets, he thought and thought, and finally opened the cooler and got out a pint of chocolate ice cream. At the thought of Caroline’s pretty little mouth opening up for a spoon, Aaron felt a flicker of arousal, and had to distract himself with the bottles behind the counter.

Just two weeks ago, things had been different in the bedroom. Caroline had weighed herself, and was naked and in tears. “How can you stand me?” she asked.

“I don’t stand you, I love you,” Aaron had said.

“But look at this,” Caroline said, and gripped her belly with both hands, flesh bulging between her fingers as she dug her nails in. “It’s disgusting.”

Aaron had frozen, not knowing how to protect Caroline’s flesh from Caroline.
At Caroline’s apartment, in the kitchen, Aaron broke the chocolate bar into its component squares, then used a butcher’s knife to slice the Milky Way into bite-sized pieces. He popped the ice cream into the microwave for a few seconds.

Caroline called out from the bedroom, “Are you coming?”

Aaron called back, “Do you have the blindfold on?”

“Yes,” Caroline said.

Aaron said, “Then I’m coming.” He picked up the small plate with the candy, a napkin, a spoon, and the ice cream, and took them into the bedroom.

Caroline lay back against her pillows, a scarf tied around her eyes, pink-tipped breasts exposed. She smiled. “This is weird.”

“Shh,” Aaron said. “Open your mouth.”

Caroline did – pretty little mouth, pale and lush like the rest of her, strange and exciting to think of it building that big body one greedy bite at a time – and Aaron set the piece of the Milky Way on her tongue, slowly pulled his fingers out of her mouth as her warm lips closed around them. As she chewed, Aaron grazed his palm lightly across the nipple of her near breast, then cupped and lifted when her nipple rose firmly against his hand.

Caroline opened her mouth, and Aaron lay a piece of dark chocolate on her tongue. “Hey,” she said, mouth full, and raised her hands to the scarf.

“Shh,” Aaron said, and held his hand across her eyes.

Caroline paused, then lowered her hands. “You cheated,” she said, smiling.

“Shh,” Aaron said, and cupped her other breast.

Caroline sighed, and chewed, and swallowed, and opened her mouth again.

Aaron spooned up some ice cream from the microwave-softened part at the rim of the carton, and rested the tip of the spoon on Caroline’s lower lip. Strawberry tongue darted out, tasted. Caroline moaned. “You didn’t.”

Aaron said, “I did.”

Caroline reached for the scarf again, and Aaron blocked her hands. She tensed, then let her arms rest beside her. “You’re horrible,” she said, and smiled again. “You’re awful.”

Yes, Aaron thought, remembering Caroline sitting up at night with indigestion, and the red marks of nails on rippled flesh. I am.

Caroline opened her mouth again, and Aaron filled it with ice cream. He pulled the duvet down, exposing the trembling dome of her belly. He set his hand down on it, felt the yielding tenderness of her flesh.

When Caroline was ready for the next bite, Aaron gave her another piece of Milky Way. He held the candy there, looking into her eyes and finally smiling when the chocolate began to melt. She half-nibbled, half-sucked his fingers clean as he drew them from her mouth. As she chewed, he wiped his hand, embraced her from the side, leaned over, put his face into her belly and breathed, luxuriating in the humid climate of her body.

1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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