
  By Skystar

chapter 1

Sophia tapped her foot loudly on the wooden floor of the living room, her patience quickly evaporating as the minutes inched forward.
"What's the hold up? You've been in there for ages," she called out to her friend, who had been silent behind the closed bedroom door for quite some time now.
"It-it's this dress! I don't understand- it fit me four months ago." Her voice quivered.
"What are you talking about, Stella? Come out and let me see it."
The door was swung open, revealing a rather pretty girl stuffed uncomfortably into a white silk wedding gown. Pudgy arms, a softened face and dangerously strained seams revealed the work of many nights of stress eating and fast food restaurants. Sophia fought to contain a laugh. The friend that had once teased her relentlessly for an excess twenty pounds in high school could now barely fit into her own wedding gown. Stella collapsed on the floor, the dress stretching tightly over a rounded middle, and began to sob.
"The wedding is in two weeks! I can't believe this is happening to me what am I going to do?! What will Steven think?!"
Sophia attempted to comfort her desperate friend to no avail. After several hours of useless consoling, she left Stella on the sofa watching Friends reruns and headed home.
She didn't see Stella again until her wedding day, where she noticed in amusement that she hadn't lost any of the weight, and, despite this, devoured the mountains of delicious food at the reception shamefully. The ceremony was touching, and Stella married Steven Hempkins 30 pounds heavier than she had been when she'd gotten engaged. Sophia overheard some of the guests gossiping at the fact that Stella looked like a whale in her too-tight gown. She didn't step in to say anything- in Sophia's eyes, she deserved the disapproving glances for having let herself go so easily.

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I don't know if I'll continue with this story or not-
I haven't written in a long time! Please feel free to leave any comments or constructive criticisms below
6 chapters, created 7 years , updated 7 years
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Di905 7 years
Intriguing and amusing, well written as well. Keep going!
Jazzman 7 years
Update faster.This is nice writing.The correct number of women vharacters.Its a Marvelous story and realistic enough.I have read of 80 lbs gainec by accident in the first year of marriage.Keep going
Tarquin 7 years
Good stuff! yes, we'd like to see more
Jazzman 7 years
I like it a lot
Ryancole2011 7 years
Love it please continue