Speculation on the second epilogue of haley

Chapter 1 - Prediction

As we saw in the last epilogue Erin and Haley's friendship started to break apart and Haley was caught being a fat perv by Erin and then she decided to kick her out by the end of the month.

Erin as we might see her would be cleaning up and ignoring Haley completely knowing their friendship is officially over.

Allison friends at Erin and not that friendly with Haley as of lately tries to calm things down.

Haley confesses that she gained weight starting with freshman year from college being done with being an athlete so basically it wasn't intentional but she started to love being a fatty.

Haley moving in with either Betsy or velvet and Haley's Journey to immobility begins as she constantly stuffs herself going from 586lbs to 751lbs and she gets deja vu from being with Erin, Henry and Todd and the incident where Dylan came on to her encouraging her to get fatter and fatter until she's unable to move.

Why Melissa gained weight would be revealed.

Haley's parents discover that their daughter gained weight on purpose and a fat perv.

Those are my predictions.

Whatever conjohn writes is totally up to him.

What would be your predictions?

Well I think Haley would appear like.

1. Belly hanging in between her legs.
2. She could barely stand and walk and she's starting to lose the waddle
3. Third chain have finally came in.
4. Haley can only go around in the mobility scooter.
5. Haley now labels herself as Haley the oversized hog.
6. Officially a USSBBW.
7. New tattoos and piercings for the very first time to make her look like a pierced Pig
8. Her upper arms are loaded with fat along with her upper legs and lower legs and her feet are pretty small under all the fat so are her hands.
9. Her belly is now a triple belly.

What do you think she would appear at like?

Well finally this is it I really enjoyed this story from start to finish I surely wish it would get spin-offs or sequels but who knows. Who knows? We live in a world where Anything Could Happen so take this as a vice be prepared for anything and everything.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
I like your prediction! I hope most of this happens and maybe have some crossovers. 🤭