Chapter 1 - Taste Tester
It had all started so innocent. Ryke didn't think much of it when his new boyfriend asked him if he wanted to try one of the muffins from the new receipe he had tested. His sweetheart loved to bake, and he was damn good at it, his own waistline proof of that. His chubby belly made it impossible for him to hide his sweettooth.But Ryke didn't mind, he loved how soft and cuddly he was, as opposed to him, who was all hard muscle. Even when he announced he had to cut back and asked Ryke if he would jump in as his taste tester he had no worries at first. Even should he gain a few pounds, he could easily afford it, and if it helped his love he truly saw no downside to it.
It didn't take long for him to question if his boyfriend had always baked that much and he just never noticed, or if he simply baked more now that he didn't have to eat it all himself. but the few pounds he had expected where added to his frame much faster than he thought, and there was no end to the sweets in sight.
He couldn't work out enough to counter the onslaught of calories, and to be honest, as his clothes started growing tighter, he felt less and less like it, what with all the unhealthy foods thrown at him.
As a belly slowly replaced his abs his gym membership was all but forgotten. His boyfriend didn't seem to mind the gain, if anything he liked the way how even his baggiest sweatpants were struggling to contain his ass and how despite already going two sizes up his shirts kept riding up and exposing his belly.
And the treats kept coming, Ryke not having the heart to tell him no.
He should have done everything to fight back, to minimize the damage. But he was growing more and more complacant.
He was already fat, what did a few more pounds matter? He was already eating crap at home, how much more damage could a fast food run or two do? He had already missed so many workouts, what did it matter if he kept his growing ass glued to the couch all day?
There had been many days over the years when he had thought he needed to stop. That this was going too far. But he never did.
And that's how he had ended up here now. Sweating and panting just from the effort of sitting up in his bed, trying to prepare himself for the herculean task of getting his massive ass off the mattress and walking to the kitchen for breakfast. If he'd only said the word his boyfriend would have gladly brought him breakfast in bed, but he wasn't quite ready yet to accept his fate of immobility.
And so, once he had finally caught his breath, he started on the task of getting enough momentum to actually get to his feet. He winced at the feeling of his whole body jiggling back and forth. It was nearly each morning now that he questioned how he could have ever let this happen to him. He had been strong and fit, able to run for miles. Nowadays, his feet barely carried him he was painfully reminded as he stood, with gravity as his biggest enemy. He could have cried as he felt his belly slap against his thighs. With how it was hanging down to his knees it was always getting in the way, making walking even harder than it already was. His legs trembled as he was shuffling towards to widened bedroom door. All that kept him going was the smell of breakfast. Of greasy bacon and sirupy pancakes and of course his first batch of baked goods for the day.
They had installed a reinforced bench in the kitchen, Ryke having no chance in the world to sit at the table in their dining room anymore. He sighed in relief once he had lowered himself onto it, though at the same time grimacing as his gut touched the cold tile floor.
How horrified he had been the first time his skin came in contact with the ground, now however it was a daily occurence. As was his ass overflowing the bench, or his partner feeding him because his arms grew tired. Though Ryke knew his lover was only worsening the situation, shoving more empty calories down his throat, he did it with such love and devotion he couldn't bring himself to be mad.
Not even when after breakfast he told him he had something new to try for him and his eyes fell on the three tier chocolate cake on the counter. He was scared, truly. This was the biggest he had ever confronted him with and he was terrified of what that would mean. Yet his stomach growled as if he hadn't just eaten the breakfast of a whole family. He feared this cake was what would finally cost him his mobility and he would be stuck here on his feeding bench forever.
And yet, as a massive belch released itself from his throat, he only smiled and said: "Thanks babe, I just made room."
1 chapter, created 2 months
, updated 3 days
Very erotic hedonism.
He’s too far gone to stop now.