Test of True Love

Chapter 1

Things could never be easy.

I tapped the keys of my desktop computer, looking at this stupid email. How nitpicky could one person be?

Me and my company were trying to negotiate terms for a merger. Not a full on merge, but more of a one stop shop solution. They’d provide the food, while we provided materials for an event/party. With the pandemic, everyone had lost some business, so we thought it’d be good to help each other stay afloat. It took time to find a decent catering company to work with, so I would prefer it went through as opposed to not.

Then, I had this droll fundraiser to attend at the end of the week. Another waste of time. I could have just as easily donated a nice sum, but I can only skip them so often. People start to ask questions about where you’ve been…and I don’t need any prying into my life by gossipy folks.

I took a bite of my Greek yogurt I had sitting on my desk. This definitely wasn’t going to hold me over for long. I peered at my Rolex and saw it was only 9:30. And lunch wouldn’t be until…2:00. Shit.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in,” I said.

“Good morning, Tommy,” my secretary said, as she sauntered into my office. She was holding a cup of what I guessed was tea and a sealed paper bag.

“Don’t know how many times I tell you not to call me that,” I replied, rolling my eyes. Kristina always liked pressing my buttons. “Good morning to you, Kris.”

“What’s wrong with Tommy? It’s cute,” the woman asked as innocently as possible. But she struggled to contain giggles slipping out.

It almost made her other nickname of boss preferable. Almost.

“It sounds childish. I’m not a kid,” I folded my arms. “I am a mature, distinguished adult.”

“Uhuh,” she said rather dismissively as she placed the items on my desk in front of me. “Here’s a snack to coast you over, Mr. Adult who doesn’t eat properly.”

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. “How do you know I didn’t eat breakfast? I could have.”

“It’s cause you usually don’t. I can hear your poor stomach rumbling all the way over from the other room,” she grinned.

I sighed. I swear this woman had a 6th sense. “Not true.”

“Haha. Well, I get tired of seeing you all grumpy with those little bland snacks. Yogurts and bran and tiny salads and stuff. You should live a little. Or at the very least eat something before you come in.”

I would never admit she was right, so I wouldn’t. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” she nodded before turning on her heels. “I’ll stop bugging ya for now, I know you’re stressed today.”

She began to strut out of the room.

“Actually, Kris I was going to ask you for a favor.”

“Hm?” she turned around. “What’s that?”

“I’ve been forced to go to this party. It’s a bland affair. I would much rather prefer to keep preparing for the merge, but my hands are tied. Excuse me for asking on such short notice, but are you free this Friday?”

“Ohhhhh. Is this a date?” she chirped.

“No. It’s not a date. It’s a date. Just two coworkers going to a snooty affair to represent our company and make a good impression.”

She snorted. “Sure, you keep telling yourself that.”

“You’re insufferable.”

“Pot calling the kettle black,” she fired back. “Anyway. Time? Place? What’s the affair?”

“I’ll pick you up around 7:30. It’ll be at the Monterrio Hall. It’s semi-formal, so nothing too fancy.”

“Oo. Can’t wait to be around all these bigwigs,” she smirked. “Well, I’d be happy to accompany you to rescue poor Thomas from playing instead of working.”

“Please leave before you make me regret asking you.”

She guffawed as she walked out the door, quietly shutting it.

What a troublemaker.
9 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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VintageRose1920 2 years
Love this!!
Baconlass 2 years
Thank you!
Fatlover7 2 years
I love this story! It's well wtitten, with good characters and I love where this is going. I especially love the teasing in chapter 7.
Baconlass 2 years
Thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it smiley. For me, teasing is a given so you'll probably see more of it haha
Ifmusicbe3 2 years
Daaaamn, she’s leaning in!
Baconlass 2 years
Haha I suppose so smiley
Osse 2 years
Great last couple of updates!
Baconlass 2 years
Thanks, glad you think so smiley!
Kjdfduhfjdf 2 years
I need more of this
Ifmusicbe3 2 years
Love it. Wish the chapters came faster!
Baconlass 2 years
I'm glad you like it!
FrecherTyp 2 years
Oh yes very sexy to read
Baconlass 2 years
Glad you are enjoying it!
Davejeffords 2 years
Hopefully we get more soon!
Baconlass 2 years
Thanks for being patient!
Fatchance 2 years
VERY well written! I love where is this going, please continue!
Baconlass 2 years
Thank you!
Osse 2 years
Excited to see where this goes!
Baconlass 2 years
Thank you! I should have the next chapter up soon.
GrowingLoveH... 2 years
Nice start. Well written.
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