Chapter 1
Ever since I was a little girl, I was expected to grow extremely obese like all the other women in the quiet kingdom I resided in. You could walk down the streets of the local villages and not one woman would be in site. They were all 500 plus pounds laying in bed and stuffing their faces with food brought to them by their husbands and local door-to-door food vendors that had recently become very popular. Husbands were accustomed to pampering and working hard enough to expand their wife’s belly to be the largest in the whole kingdom, after all the fatter his wife the richer his gold and status with fellow friends and family. Most girls my age (18-20) are sent away to a boarding school that trained their stomachs to be endless and their minds to be glutenous and lazy until they are chosen by a husband and taken home to a life of pleasure and endless belly jiggles and attention.I was lucky enough to do all my training at home and not have to leave my friends and family since my father is the King. From the moment I woke up I was preached to about the importance of a woman’s weight and was constantly reminded about how, my morbidly obese mother, was a prime example of how large and endlessly hungry a princess such as I should be.
It is six months until my twenty-first birthday and I am weight in at 675 pounds. For royalty such as myself this is a terribly embarrassing number, for a commoner maybe, but a princess never acceptable. When you’re a princess your 21th birthday is a huge deal. Ever since I was a little girl, I have known that on my 21th birthday I would be chosen by one of five nearby princes to betroth and strengthen the bond of both Kingdoms and the country. Almost 21 years of bedside dates, dinners, and dances.
It has been pouring rain all day long and I have been feasting on hourly, luxurious meals prepared by my staff. As my eyes grow heavier and I start to drift off into a turkey induced coma I feel drops of water hitting my face. I slowly opened my mouth as wide as possible thinking that it was my chamber maid messily preparing my nightly feeding tube and some just happened to land on my pudgy face. A low laugh fills the concrete room and I feel a hand slowly start to pinch my cheeks. My eyes pop open and standing over me soaking wet from climbing through my third story window was Prince Joseph. My eyes sparkled with glee to see him, but I quickly noticed there was sorrow in his. Tonight, was the prince’s 21th birthday and I was surprised to see him so unhappy, as this one event closer to us ultimately being together. Out of all the five princes, Joseph was the only one I had a true connection with, the only one that would truly love and pamper me and help me grow to my full potential.
“What’s wrong?” I ask muffled as I shove my bedside emergency muffin in my face in angst.
“Its my father” he states, “he brought another Princess to my party tonight…a princess he demands that I betroth.”
Confusion floods my simple mind as I try to compute a concept that’s a lot different than my constant thoughts about food. It has been well known for years that Joseph and I would wed, especially by his father. It is so well known that for the past five years the four other princes have only come and visit my bedside once a month as it is required by law.
“How? Why?” I exclaim out of breath as I attempt to rustle my body into a sitting position with no avail.
“Its your weight” he states with his head hanging low “my father is disappointed with your most recent weight in, he says it would be embarrassing to the kingdom to take on a princess under 850 pounds.”
My eyes start to water and cause even more of a restriction to my vision than my plump cheeks already do. I have been dedicated to my weight gain my entire life and for the last 10 years I have only imagined ultimately reaching my goal at the hands of Prince Joseph. I have the heart of an 850 pound piggy but unfortunately when I was 12 years old my kingdom underwent the largest drought in our history. Crops and animals were scarce, and the elderly and young children took priority thus setting my two years back on my 21th weight in goals.
I snap out of my sorrow and accept my fate. 675 pounds is an upsetting number for a princess of my status. Even though I haven’t left my bed in years, have no strength or muscles left under my flab, I was no true immobile piggy. The prince’s father was right, I would be an embarrassment to their kingdom. I struggle as I reach for my bell sitting inches away on my nightstand and knock it to the ground. My maid runs into the room with a plate piled full of nighttime goodies surprised to see the prince standing there.
“Are you alright princess?’ they ask as the inch between the prince and my bed to grab my bed tray.
“Please escort the prince out” I say and I tear into the plate that had just been placed in front of me. All my worries drift away and all I can concentrate on is the muffins, chocolate croissants and various baked goods. The prince starts walking towards the door unsure of what to say. We both knew his father would not change his mind, I simply was not fat enough for the largest kingdom in our realm. The prince looks back at me with his eyes ablaze, a much different look than the eyes he had when I first saw him.
“I will find a way to fix this” he promises, “You will be fat enough for my father by your 21th birthday!”
I spent the next week constantly ringing my meal bell, motivated to gain as much weight as possible as fast as possible. Upon hearing Prince Josephs news my parents instantly started to throw together a ball for the other princes to ensure that they were aware that I was available. Balls are a big deal and a lot of preparation for a kingdom full of fat women. They consisted of having to transfer my mother and my bed from the third floor down a series of hallways and ramps to the grand ballroom. Don’t get me wrong, I love my room and have no intentions of ever leaving my bed or walking but the change of scenery, occasionally, is nice. I haven’t seen my mother in three years since the last ball for my older sisters 21th birthday and wedding. My mother was around 855 pounds at that time, so I was surprised to see her larger and see her fat falling off her bed and dragging on the ground as her help rolled her into the grand ball room and placed her bed a few feet from mine in the middle of the ballroom. She didn’t talk much at this point as her mouth was always full of food, asking for food or wrapped around a tube constantly feeding her heavy cream. Oh I was so jealous and yearned to be her size and have a man as dedicated as my father helping my grow into an obese, gluttonous blob such as my mother.
All of the princes’ families and the towns people attended my ball excited for the last daughter of the royal family to finally turn 21. My mouth constantly watered as I was brought plate after plate of succulent food. I ate and ate and ate myself into a coma so intense I passed out right there in front of everyone and it didn’t help that a feeding tube of straight heavy cream and cocoa powder was placed into my mouth right as I drifted off into food fueled dreams. A few hours later I awoke in the dark and was very confused that my bed was moving. Groggy and still attempting to open my heavy eyes I reached for my meal bell on my nightstand except there was no nightstand. I was outside for the first time in a very long time and could hear a heavy heaving coming from behind me.
“Hello?” I said nervously as I could not see who was behind me due to the large about of fat on my shoulders restricting me from being able to turn my head to the sides.
“Hello Princess” a deep whisper said into my ear. It was a familiar voice. One that I had fallen asleep to with a full belly many a times. Prince Joseph had somehow rolled me from the castle without anyone noticing, which is a big feat as I am a fat piggy on a huge, heavy bed that could hold up to two tons. Confusion flooded my mind but quickly faded as all my brain could think about was why there was no food being placed into my mouth.
“I told you I was going to make sure you get fat enough” the prince said, panting as he pushed me off the road down a trail. He had a carriage and group full of servants waiting for us at the end of the dirt path. “I wont let me dad tell me what women I get to spend my life fattening” he exclaimed with passion “I have a plan to turn you into a helpless, obese fatty before you’re birthday.”
He had kidnapped me from my castle but for what? Without our families we had no home or food. No food, what will I do with no food I think nervously. I was used to having a full meal every hour on the hour. I was starving and could tell I had missed my last meal and started reaching for anything I could find. As soon as my mind started to shut down and go into panic mode one of the prince’s servants started to place the most succulent ham in my fat mouth causing me to instantly go into a ravenous state. I ate nonstop for another hour as they attempted to attach my bed to the back of the carriage and boom was out again. I awoke in the middle of a town square, a place that felt so familiar to me which was impossible because I had never left the walls of my castle.
“Where are we?” I asked Joseph as a piece of pie was placed into my mouth. The sun was just rising, I could feel the warmth of the air on my fat, bulbous belly. Minute by minute a towns person would stop by to say hello and leave a plate full of food or a basket full of goodies on a makeshift table set up a few feet from my bed. The prince explained to me that he had notified the twelve towns in my kingdom that I was being brought on my bed and placed in the town square for two weeks and that I was in dire need of help to gain as much weight as I possibly could in the next six months to ensure that our kingdom was merged with one that would grow ours into an epicenter of wealth and endless food for the women. Joseph reigned from the largest and most endowed region with in thousands of miles and would guarantee that we would never be threated with drought or a shortage of food supply for the growing woman and would secure work for all the men, so the towns people where very eager to help him accomplish his goal of making me over 850 by the end of the six month window.
I am used to having food brought to be constantly and having the prince feed me bite after bite on our bedside dates. But something was super exhilarating about hundreds of towns people gathered around my bed watching Prince Joseph place meals between my drooling lips over and over again until my large body was so hard at work adding fat that I unintentionally drifted into a hard sleep only to be awoken the next hour to repeat the process. The prince was dedicated I spent the next two weeks in the first village of Silverleaf getting to know the people, listening to their problems, learning their secrete, delicious, arousing family meals, ensuring that they knew their donations of food to my belly would not go unnoticed by both the prince and my families. Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye; poor Joseph exhausted from lack of sleep. The prince made sure I was hand fed every hour by his own hand to ensure that he was doing everything in his power to prove to his dad that I was worth the chance at marriage. We made our way to the next town in the middle of the night, piles of donated meals for the trip sat in the back of the carriage taunting me as I sucked on a cream mixture whipped up by the local baker. Week after week, day after day, I was greeted with the most amazing food I had ever tasted. There were no forms of scales on our journey but after the second week I could feel things start to get heavier. By the fourth week I could barely lift my arms, they were getting so fat that they were leaking off of the bed. A local wood worker had to extend the sides of my bed to allow for room and support. By the sixth week I could feel the fat growing in between my thighs start to push my legs apart. The fat on my back started to pile up around my head gently cupping my cheeks and ears. It was working, and all I could hope was that it was working enough to push me over that special number. For the next 24 weeks I spent my days laying under a make shift canopy having the man of my dream stuff me uncomfortably full with food. It’s not an easy job being a growing piggy and takes a lot of effort for a body to produce fat. I was getting heavier, I could tell, the prince could tell, even the poor horses that pulled both the carriage and I where starting the struggle a bit and needed more breaks than normal.
We arrived that the last town with dozens of tables covered in the most titillating foods I had ever seen. The prince not stay at my bedside these last two weeks as we were only a few miles from his home and he had a lot of explaining to do to both our parents and a lot of planning to do moving my 21th birthday to his kingdom to show his dad how dedicated he was to only having me as his option for a piggy. The weeks passed slowly, I anxiously waited for word from the prince which helped ensure I was not skipping a meal with him gone.
The day had come. I was woken by gentle jiggles and the most amazing smelling butter rolls at the break of dawn by Prince Joseph. He was accompanied by my father as well as his. My dad couldn’t believe how much weight I had gained being gone such a short time and was very happy I was safe and being taken care of. It all came down to my weight at the end of it. It took four hours and 10 men to roll my bed up a hill into the grand ball room were a new luxurious bed built by hand by the prince awaited me. The doctors already knew the weight of the bed and planned to only move me once. The staff gently slid a board under me to pull me over to the other bed that was being pressed up against mine. I was so anxious that I was stuffing my face with the baskets of rolls left on my belly. Two hours of deliberation later and the room falls silent as my doctor walks back into the room. 893 pounds be exclaimed loudly to the crowd as they burst into tears. I was almost as heavy as my mother. The number sent me into a tizzy causing me to grow ravenous. The hard work paid off. The constant meals, the full bellies, the hard work my body put in finally paid off. My legs were so heavy that I couldn’t walk if I tried, so weak with no muscle. My belly officially flowed past my lap and filled every empty spot between my legs and poured over the sides onto the bed. My arms so fat and voluptuous that I couldn’t even reach my mouth on my own even with a fork, I had to depend on Prince Joseph and my staff to ensure I was properly fed. I was officially a proud and obese Princess ready to marry my prince and be constantly fed repeatedly until I couldn’t be fed anymore.
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year
A charming and romantic story. I can’t help but admire a Kingdom with such sensible values.