Chapter 1
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Emmitt had dark brown hair, sprinkled with grey. His eyes were a deep auburn and despite his horrifying size, he was a relatively handsome man.
She forced herself to smile at him to avoid being rude and Freddy said, “Yes Emm, this is Mary.”
The morbidly obese man placed his hands on either side of his belly as he grinned back at her. His hands moved in a vertical motion, up and down the fat of his stomach almost sensually, as he said, “Pleased to meet you, Mary.”
She tried to keep eye contact with him and avoid looking at the rolls of fat which trapped him in his bed, but Emmitt caught her looking at his body and said somewhat jovially, “I’m quite the sight, aren’t I?”
She stuttered, “Uh – I mean, maybe; it’s just something I haven’t seen before.”
He chuckled and his breasts heaved up and down. He replied, “I don’t blame you for being disturbed.”
She tried to explain, “Oh I’m not disturbed. I… I’m just surprised.”
“Didn’t my brothers explain what you were walking in on before bringing you up here?”
She replied, “Well, they told me about your weight. But I guess the number didn’t really prepare me for the sight.”
He smiled again and said, “Oh, of course, hearing that I’m over eight hundred pounds can’t exactly prepare anyone for how big I really look.”
He paused and then continued, “…do you think I look like I’m eight hundred pounds?”
She opened her mouth, stunned at the question, and mumbled out a response, “I-I… suppose you do?”
She looked at Emmitt’s face and the expression he gave her could only be described as arousal. She quickly picked up on the fact that he enjoyed talking about his weight. He was goading her into telling him how fat he was, for his own pleasure. Freddy knew what was going on, so he spoke up, “We’ve got it Emmitt, you’re fat.”
Emmitt frowned at his brother and said, “You won’t at least let me have a little fun?”
Freddy rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Suddenly the buzzer to the door of Emmitt’s bedroom went off. One of his fat fingers hit the intercom button next to his bed and he said, “Come in.”
Both Freddy and Mary looked over to the doorway. Both doors opened one at a time and multiple servants with multiple trays of food entered the room. Freddy mumbled under his breath, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.”
Emmitt seemed to hear him and said, “What? I’m not allowed to have a snack in front of Mary?”
Mary’s jaw dropped when she saw the amount of food that Emmitt solely referred to as a snack. Then Emmitt looked at her and asked plainly, “You don’t mind if I have a bit to eat, do you?”
She remained in a state of shock and said, “Oh, of-of course. I-I don’t mind.”
Then Emm looked at Freddy and said, “See? She doesn’t mind.”
Freddy motioned Mary towards the door and with a hint of disgust, said, “Let’s leave him alone with his food.”
Emmitt spoke up, “Oh, please don’t. I never get company.”
Mary felt pulled between the two possibilities… either be polite and stay with Emmitt despite the gluttonous display she knew was inevitable or leave with Freddy and risk offending Emmitt. She pulled away from Freddy and walked closer to Emmitt’s bedside. She looked at him and said kindly, “I don’t mind staying.”
Emmitt smiled slyly. His fat arm extended and he pointed to a set of chairs over by a small coffee table on the other side of the room. He then said, “Feel free to pull a chair over and have a seat.”
She took a deep breath – almost preparing herself for what she was about to witness. It was as if he wanted her to take a front row seat to the upcoming gluttonous binge. Then she grabbed one of the armchairs and pulled it over to the right side of Emmitt’s bed. All of the food was placed on the left side of his bed, so he wiggled himself a little in order to get his body to lean a bit more to the left than the right. It was more a matter of pushing his belly fat over to his left side. The fat of his belly was so heavy that it pulled the rest of his body in the same direction. He then reached down to a set of controls on the left side and the head of the mattress began to rise. She watched as the rolls of fat that surrounded his frame moved slowly into their new positions with the new angle. While laying down, his gigantic belly almost looked like a round hill of fat upon his body – but as the bed raised his top up, it began to spread out further down, almost reaching below his knees. His breasts also moved: the fat forcing them out towards his arms which were pushed even more far away from his torso. He was still able to see Mary in the seat to the right of him. (Freddy remained standing at the foot of the bed; not wanting to get a seat to the gluttonous show he knew was about to begin). He tried to subtly encourage Mary to leave. He knew she wasn’t prepared for what was coming. But she shooed him away with her hand and nodded at him to say, “It’s okay. I don’t mind keeping him company.”
Emmitt was in position, and he looked over at Mary as if to inform, I’m about to begin.
His fat left hand grabbed a plate of chicken carbonara. He buried his fork into the middle of one of the big pieces of chicken and then brought it to his mouth. He took huge bites out of it as if it was meat on a stick. Freddy had his hand shielding his eyes, but looked over and said, “At least cut it up. Jesus.”
Emmitt, with his mouth full, mumbled, “It’s easier this way.”
Mary looked at Freddy, almost knowing that the suggestion she was about to give would bother him. Then she said, “Why don’t I cut up your food for you?”
Emmitt’s eyes shimmered with excitement. He handed her the plate and said, feigning innocence, “Would you?”
She grabbed it from him and put the plate in her lap. Then with the fork and knife, she began to cut it into bite sized pieces. Emmitt never took his eyes off her, as if he was enjoying watching her cut up his food for him. She had finished, then went to hand the plate back to him. Instead of taking it, he rubbed the fat of his belly and assertively asked, “Would you mind feeding me?”
Freddy finally spoke up again. He charged forward and stood between Mary and Emmitt. He faced his brother and said frantically, “No. She’s not going to feed you. I don’t even know why we came in here. I knew you were going to pull this.”
Emmitt lifted his chin(s) up and said, “Pull what?”
Mary just sat there with the plate in her lap as Freddy responded – his arms flailing around, pointing at his brother’s body and the plates of food next to him, “This. Your whole fat obsession.”
Emmitt looked down and said, “I wouldn’t call it an obsession. This was forced on me.”
“Yes, fine, it was. But it was forced on all of us, and you don’t see any of us binge eating.”
“Magnus does it.”
“Well great for him. But I don’t, Jim doesn’t, Dominick never did. You have this fucking weird obsession with it. And I’m not going to stand by while you try to make Mary unwittingly part of your fantasy.”
Mary placed the plate of food on the nightstand next to Emmitt and stood up. She backed away from the both of them to let them argue. They noticed and stopped their bickering to look over at her. She then said, “What do you mean, ‘it was forced’ on you?”
Freddy sighed. He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as if stressed as he said, “I-I shouldn’t have said that.”
“But, what did you mean by it?”
He gulped and said, “Well, a lot of men in our family just tend to gain weight – whether they overeat or not. Obesity is a family characteristic.”
He then put his hands on his small beer gut that he had been able to keep hidden underneath an oversized sweatshirt. He pulled the fabric tight around his belly so she could see it and then let go as he said, “Even I couldn’t escape it.”
Emmitt said, “Oh, you’ve only just begun.”
The fear that fell upon Freddy’s face was obvious; he didn’t bother to hide it. His lower lip quivered and then he said with feigned mental strength, “I’ll handle whatever happens. At least I don’t invite it upon myself.”
Emmitt rubbed his own corpulence again and as he massaged himself, he said bravely, “Well, I do invite it. I enjoy being full. I enjoy being heavy.”
He grabbed the huge rolls attached to his breasts, stared at Freddy, and said, “Now I’ve only just begun.”
Freddy turned pale. He looked as if he was about to be sick. Then he ran from the room.
Contemporary Fiction
No Transformation
4 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years