When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Chapter one

It was 6:30am when Patrick usually left his apartment for his morning run around the public park near where he resided. He was always very strict about his schedule, so the fact that he was just getting out of his bed at 6:30 this morning made him frustrated with himself for pressing snooze on his alarm so many times. He muttered to himself, “I guess I’ll have to skip it this morning.”
Then he got out of bed and went into the shower to ready himself for the office.
Patrick was a very fit man. He always worked out, ate healthy, and always kept himself busy whether it was with work or his own hobbies. He had medium length light brown hair with a hint of red, and it was speckled throughout with greys. His eyes were bright green, and when he smiled, the skin at the edges of them crinkled in a charming expression. He was clean shaven. His cheekbones and jawline were so sharp that he preferred having no facial hair to cover them. He always dressed up, even just to hang out with his friends at a sports bar. The selection of suits that Patrick owned was expansive – almost a suit for every week. This morning he stood in front of his full-length mirror, tying his dark red tie underneath his starched white collar. He put his cufflinks in and then left the apartment for his office.
It was a quick walk to the high-rise where Patrick worked. He always passed a bakery on his way and often stopped for a coffee and bagel. This morning was no different. He entered the bakery and was greeted by the owner who began to get his usual order ready. Patrick was not the only one in the bakery this morning – out of the corner of his eye he saw a very large man sitting in the corner with a newspaper. The man had multiple donuts in front of him and was gulping them down greedily as if he didn’t even care that he was in public. Patrick found himself scowling and then he turned away from the man. He grabbed his coffee and bagel and continued his walk to the office. As he walked the crowded morning streets he found himself thinking about the fat man in the bakery. A bit of him was jealous. Patrick always had a secret desire to gain weight; but he always kept his desire as a fantasy. He never indulged in it in real life, but enjoyed talking to others about it in a few anonymous internet forums and chats. Seeing that man confidently stuffing himself in public was more of a turn on then Patrick wanted to admit, so his brain pushed it from his mind.
He worked a full day, getting salads for lunch with his colleagues and walking around the building for his breaks. Today he was more vigorous with this exercise than he normally would have been, since, not only had he missed his morning run, but his mind was still occupied with the fat man in the bakery. As he packed his briefcase to leave the office for the day one of his coworkers came in and said, “We’re going to McGuires for some beers, you coming?”
Normally Patrick would have, but with the image of that large man stuffing himself still haunting his mind, he wanted to go home and indulge in some fantasy role playing. He replied, “Oh, I can’t tonight, I’ve already got plans.”
His coworker said, “No problem, see ya tomorrow?”
Patrick smiled as he locked his briefcase and said, “Sure thing!”
Then he closed his office door and headed for the elevator. He was looking forward to getting home and rushed there once he left the building.
Entering his apartment, he locked and bolted the door. Then he went into his home office and closed all the curtains. He was brimming with excitement to go online and do some roleplaying with the idea of that fat man in the bakery in the forefront of his mind. He joined the chatroom and began to pretend he was as fat as the man he had seen. A few people indulged with him and he was enjoying the discussion immensely. Then a new screenname popped up in the chat. He saw the avatar of a picture of a beautiful thin woman. He was very curious what on earth a small-framed woman was doing on a site for men with a fat fetish. He clicked on the screenname and viewed her profile. She was one of those elusive female feeders. He had heard that they existed but had never come across one. All of his fantasy discussions were usually with men – role playing about becoming obese. He felt a flutter in his chest as he typed out a hello to her directly. He hit enter – then waited for her response. As he saw the three dots flashing across his chat-screen he became even more nervous. Then she replied with a hello and after a few moments of small talk, Patrick went straight to the point. He typed out, “So, I’m assuming you like big men, given your profile.”
She replied, “Yes, I’ve always had a thing for very fat men.”
Patrick then said, “And what if I told you I wanted to be a very fat man?”
She typed, “Then you’d have to work for it. 😉 I only chat with men while they eat.”
He replied, “How do you know if they are eating or not?”
She said, “Video chat, of course.”
Patrick thought for a few seconds. He really wanted to indulge this fantasy with a woman, but he didn’t like the idea of consuming extra calories. He never wanted to get fat in real life – in fact, it was actually a fear that dominated his mind, so he was hesitant about agreeing. Then he thought: would a little bit of extra calories really be that much of a problem? I could take a longer run tomorrow and work them off. So he agreed. He ran into his kitchen and grabbed a box of cookies. It had been there, unopened, for a few months since they were bought for guests and he himself would never touch them on account of their fat content. But he was convinced he could work the calories off, so he felt eating a box of cookies would be worth it just to roleplay being fat. Specifically, he wanted to roleplay the man in the bakery and he thought that actually eating something would make it feel more real. He joined the video chat and showed her the box of cookies as he said, “I’m willing to eat if you run through this fantasy of mine…”
Her screen was blank, but a sweet feminine voice said, “I’ll run through any fantasy you want, as long as you eat all of those cookies.”
The determination in her voice aroused him already. He thought, am I really going to do this? Then he said, “Oh I’ll eat them. But I want you to pretend that I’m five hundred pounds and you see me binging donuts in a bakery. Maybe you begin to feed me?”
That voice floated in through his speakers for the next few minutes, graphically teasing him as if he really was morbidly obese. He found himself almost entranced in consuming the cookies. Each bite he took aroused him more. Finally, the box was empty. The voice on the other side of the computer teasingly said, “You gluttonous pig – you ate all of them?”
Patrick groaned and with his eyes closed he said, “I did.”
Then a burp erupted from his mouth and he felt his cock pulse in pleasure. The voice teased him some more, “Oh, someone’s very full, huh?”
He sat there and nodded as he struggled to say, “I’ve never been this full in my life.”
The woman’s voice replied, “Why don’t you rub your belly a bit? It will help you digest all those calories.”
He was hesitant. He looked down at himself to see that his stomach was sticking out a little bit, instead of sporting a flat six-pack. He knew it was just because he was full, he wasn’t putting on any fat yet, but it still disturbed him a bit. His left hand came up and he placed it on the bloated stomach that was sticking out. With nervousness, he began to rub it slowly and awkwardly. The voice replied, “Use both your hands big boy, rub it firmly.”
He obeyed and put both hands on his stomach. He repositioned himself in the chair and then used his abdominal muscles to push his belly out even more. When he purposefully pushed it out, he felt huge. He closed his eyes and imagined that the belly he was touching was five times bigger and filled with bakery donuts. He burped again and then said, “I-I think I should go to bed. I’m slowly falling asleep here.”
The voice replied, “You’re in a food coma, go ahead and get some sleep…”
They both ended the chat and Patrick got up to go to bed. He walked into the bedroom and after he undressed, he looked at his body in the mirror. He didn’t see much of a difference with his full stomach. It was a little distended, but he chocked that up to being so full. He stood sideways and still didn’t see a difference. Then he pushed his belly out. It looked distinctly rounder when he forced it out himself. He stood there, staring, then began to rub his stomach. His brain pretended he was much bigger than he was and his cock throbbed again at the thought. He shook his head to get the thought out of his mind and then curled up in bed, determined to wake up early to double the time he had to run in the morning.
6 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Pd500 1 year
I loved this!
Sokotron 1 year
Your stories are the best, hopefully you will write more, they are delightful, thanks for sharing
Ododo 2 years
wow - really turning me on
Youmustbeemo 3 years
This was fantastic, you've always been so good at storytelling. I hope you'll write more smiley
XMaryBethX 3 years
Awww thank you! I have a few other stories in the works. I just happened to finish this one first, so I posted it. smiley