The First Date [free Preview]

  By Ljrockarts

chapter 1

**The following is an excerpt from a longer story which will be found in the premium stories section.**

“Hey, let me ask you something,” the woman said as she closed and locked the door behind her. “Do you think I look fatter in person?”

Darren hesitated for a moment; he didn’t want to say the wrong thing. Even though he dated BBWs exclusively and most of the women he met were secure in their size and self image, there were still some that he met who were not exactly cool with the idea of being called “fat.” The dreaded “f-word!” After thinking about it for a moment, he decided that she probably wouldn’t have used the word herself and asked such a provocative question if she was at all uncomfortable with it.

“Definitely,” he said. “You’re everything I was hoping for times ten!”

She giggled girlishly, sticking her tongue through the space between her front teeth and crinkling her nose, and the two of them began walking down the corridor toward the elevator.

“A lot of people say that,” she confessed. “I don’t know why. It’s not as if I go out of my way to try and hide how big I am. I guess photography just can’t do justice to all of this,” and she waved her free hand up and down in front of her plushness, gesturing as a magician might toward some miraculous feat he’d just performed.

“Some things you just have to see in person to really appreciate them,” Darren answered.

“I like that,” she said.

“Okay, I have to ask you something,” she said through a huff of labored breath as the elevator began to descend to the ground floor. “Have you ever been out with someone as fat as me before? I mean, I know you like big girls and I’m sure you’ve gone out with a few plumpers and chubsters — but have you ever dated an SSBBW? Someone over 500 lbs?”

“Wait,” he said. “You’re over 500 lbs.?”

“Last I checked I was about 525,” she answered. Darren was even more excited and blown away before, and he let her know that she was indeed the first woman over 500 lbs that he’d been out with.

“Ah, so I’m your first,” she said, sounding a bit amused but with an air of concern.

The pair were silent the rest of the way down, and as the doors opened up to the lobby below, she felt she needed to lay down a few important ground rules.

**Find out what happens by reading "The First Date" in the premium stories section.**
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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