Chapter 1 - Good morning
It was not long after sunrise, and The Sow laid comfortably in her bed. A red silk sheet covered most of her legs, while her belly sprawled out hiding what remained of her thighs. Her breasts sagged to her sides, moving with a tiny jiggle with each exhale.Her morning breakfast was already placed in her trough--the outer edges held fresh, lightly-cooked bacon drenched in grease. Pancakes were cut into bite-size squares, floating in a river of maple syrup and powdered sugar. Slices of warm bread were caked in sticks of partially melted butter. Donuts, pastries, and cinnamon buns filled in any gaps that may have once been, filling it completely. But the centerpiece and Sow's absolutely favorite part was a triple-layer chocolate cake, with strawberries carefully placed in a circle on top and frosting drawn in intricate patterns. It was beautiful, but such a shame that it would not last long.
The Sow's belly rose with every breath, then finally held to survey the scent of breakfast. She stirred, the scent awakening her nose and stomach before she finally managed to lazily open her eyes. This was always the most difficult part of her morning: getting to breakfast.
She attempted to gain some momentum as she switched from her back to her left side, taking a couple tries before succeeding. The Sow's mattress was flush with the floor, but when she managed to get up on all fours, her belly would drag and stick to the tile. It seemed like this morning she had no special luck as she tried to speedily make her way to the trough. Her belly and its friction stuck to the floor, tripping her onto her chins and collared neck. Luckily, the "Sow" tag managed not to poke deep into her neck. She breathed in deeply, then placed her palms flat, pushed herself back onto her fours as she continued to crawl forward.
The Sow placed her head on the padded edges of the trough and dipped her head into the cake first, immediately opening her mouth to chew. The chocolate frosting began fiercely showering her face, body, and hair as she pressed into the cake. She continued on along the trough, each gulp accompanied by a light moan of pleasure. Maple syrup started to dry in her hair and eyebrows, bacon grease settled into the folds of her neck, chins, and collar. Her moaning grew louder with grunts and snorts now sprinkled in. Her speed, which had remained steady, increased and the food that was so nicely prepared and laid out for her was now slop. She lapped up her remaining scraps as quickly as she could, only pausing to get breaths in.
The Sow slowly rolled over on her side, her belly jiggled as it slapped onto the cold floor. She let out a moan, which died down as she cradled then rubbed her belly. It was almost full, all she needed was just a little more to satiate it.
She heard the click of the door locks then a quiet creak. A man with defined upper arms and a round, tight belly entered, holding what almost looked like a small canister vacuum.
"My sweet beautiful sow, get to your bed now. It's time for breakfast."
She smiled up at her master, her puffy cheeks barely showing her open eyes. She tried to rock back and forth like she did on the bed, but her body would stop right before she could make it, causing her to sharply roll on her back.
"Come on, piggy, I'm losing my patience." He smiled, but had a stern tone in his voice. "For each second it takes for you to get back to your bed, I will add one extra cup to your breakfast."
She attempted to rock her way up, but once again failed. The Master held up one finger as she tried again, this time barely landing on her belly. She let out a belch, put her arms forward and steadied herself, inching forward slowly and carefully so she would not fall over again. Her belly dragged and stuck to the floor, but this time she was moving slow enough for her to tug her belly forward. When she collapsed into her bed, she looked up at The Master, who was holding up six fingers.
"You get six extra cups today! You must really be craving this today." She nodded her head into her chins as he got down on his knees and placed his hand on the belly of his growing sow. Butter and frosting caked her face, droplets and streams of syrup and grease glistened into her rolls of fat, feeling sticky to the tip of his fingers as he slid his hand across her belly.
He took the end of the tube of the feeding pump and placed it in his sow's mouth. The mouthpiece capped her teeth and kept her mouth open as he turned it on. Some buzzing and tapping could be heard as he messed with the machine, until finally it hushed into a low hum as a light chocolate-colored liquid made its way into The Sow's mouth.
The liquid was cool and nearly texture-less as it made contact with her tongue. She instinctively started sucking the liquid down.
He laughed and fiddled with another knob, and the machine sped up.
*Mmmm mmm mmmm* She sucked in faster as more and more smooth chocolate shake slid down her throat. Her belly, which was well beyond full from her morning snack, grew tighter, her stretch marks hanging like vines down her belly. She sucked in more and more until she finally felt full.
"We're not down yet, pigler. You know that."
The low hum continued, pumping in more shake. The muted moans continued, and her palms smacked her belly again, rubbing it, hoping for some relief, but none came as it only became more and more round and full. It was unbearable! There was nowhere for the pressure to go; she couldn't burp, she couldn't move, she couldn't do anything. She was actually going to pop!
The Sow's mouth filled, she wouldn't be able to swallow…
...but then it stopped.
"My sweet swollen sow," the Master began rubbing her belly, her moans quieting slightly, "good girl!"
He patted her softly before he started rubbing his hands across her belly in gentle circles. There was so much to massage, it was almost overwhelming. The Sow's belly popped up like the top of a wide, open umbrella. As he laid closer, he pressed his ear against her tight, smooth belly. Bubbles and ripples of digestion were making noisy work of the newly ingested meal. He was so proud of his sow.
He put his lips up to her breast and started his own morning feed.
The Master was paying the price for his own daily feeding. His belly, once flat, even a bit muscular, now poked out of his shirt into a small beach ball. His skin was not yet soft, but tight, his belly suspended somewhere between hard and jiggly. There was no denying that some of his sow's fat was being passed along to him. It was just one of the consequences of owning a hog, but one he was very happy to live with.
He lifted his head, kissing her before breaking contact. The Sow was fully passed out, the only sounds coming from her were snoring and her gurgling belly. The Master took the silk sheet and covered what he could of his snoozing hog, and leaned over to kiss her forehead.
"Don't worry, my sweet sow, I'll always take care of you." He made his way to the door and flipped off the light, his piglet struggling with her short, shallow breaths.
---------------------------------- --------------------------
It is not long after sunrise, and The Sow lays comfortably in her bed. A red silk sheet is barely noticeable as her belly covers it and most of her legs. Her breasts are swollen and sag heavily for The Master; fat ripples with each breath.
Her trough is much closer, only a couple feet from the bed, however next to it looks like a large canister vacuum, covered in condensation and filled with a light chocolaty liquid. The mouthpiece is already inserted into The Sow's mouth. Her breathing pauses, and she slowly opens her eyes.
The machine turns itself on, as if to acknowledge her waking, and she instinctively starts sucking.
The locks click and the door opens. An obese man is led in by his soft round belly that is nearly sagging to his knees. He smiles at his sow.
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 3 years