Chapter 1 -- derek
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Derek had two burning desires: He wanted to be popular, and he was madly attracted to fatter women. He actively planned to achieve the former, but suppressed the latter desire. He never fully understand this fetish. Why did chubby thighs rubbing together turn him on? Why could he not help but look at the woman with a double chin and a massive rack? Why did he find himself in moments of weakness looking online at pictures of women with huge asses ripping through their jeans? So Derek instead threw himself into his work.
Throughout his 20s, Derek had a knack for inventing amazing nanotechnologies that pushed the limit of what we knew about human biology. A few of his patents were used in new medical devices, and Derek quickly found himself richer than ever before.
He had so much money he no longer had to work. He still kept coming to the lab, but only to work on a few passion projects. Instead, he decided to use his newfound free time to pursue that goal of his. He hired a personal trainer, started meeting with a nutritionist, and realized that he was a pretty good cook. He traded Doritos and Red Bull for tuna salad and dumbbells. He joined a few social clubs and tried things he never would have before -- like fencing and community theater. Before long, he was engaging in pleasant conversation with the folks at his gym, his acting troupe, and his fencing partners.
Derek surprised himself at how outgoing he was. At 32 years old, he finally discovered he had tongue -- and even a little confidence. His newfound friends started to marvel that this rich, young, athletic scientist was single. (Did I mention he could cook?)
Pretty soon a gym buddy was begging him to take his cousin to dinner. Her name was Gina, his gym buddy said, and every man she went on a date with was too intimidated by her. They tripped over their feet and twisted their tongues in a knot when they tried to talk to her. But Derek? Surely, no one could fluster this guy. He must have a line of women like Gina beating down the door to get to him.
Derek was nervous. Inside, he still felt at times like that pudgy kid with no friends. But more powerful than his insecurity was a longing to be with someone. He wanted a partner. Someone to love.
A date was arranged. Gina was Italian, so Derek suggested they go downtown to Luigi's, the nicest restaurant in the city.
Derek arrived 15 minutes early. He kept looking at his upside-down reflection in the soup spoon, readjusting his hair. He watched every woman walk through the door, wondering, Was that Gina? He knew from Gina's cousin that Gina was a svelte brunette who played tennis four times a week. But when a fat blonde woman wearing a too-tight black cocktail dress walked in, Derek felt himself wishing it was Gina. His eyes followed the blonde as she walked across the room. With each step she took, waves of fat rippled through her body from her thighs to her tits. When she turned to slide into her booth, Derek saw what must have been the most perfect pear-shaped ass stretching the black fabric tighter than a snare drum. She must have been at least 325 pounds, and Derek was completely entranced.
"Hi, are you Derek?"
Derek felt like he'd just been shaken out of a dream and turned to see a much skinnier woman in a red dress with a plunging neckline at his table. Derek would have stood and pulled out the chair for her like a gentleman, but he had a raging boner. Instead he motioned for her to sit.
"Yes, and you must be Gina," he replied.
She sat down across from him, and for a moment neither spoke. Derek's boner was deflating, but they were both locked into each other's eyes. Gina had a beauty mark above her lip and beautiful amber eyes. She pushed a few strands of her from her face, and Derek felt something deep inside — something that told him there was kindness in her heart.
14 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
I love how this starts and hope you keep going.
a weight gain belt.... new one!~