The Skinny Fiancé

Chapter 1

"Oh, yeah? Do you like that, Daddy? You like my big, fat pussy, don't you? Oh, yeah. Fuck me just like that. Grab my love handles and tell me I'm fat enough for you. You're so hard right now. I know it's my big fat ass that turns you on so much. Well, you're the reason my ass is so massive. You just kept feeding me and feeding me and feeding me. And I wanted to get big enough for you, Daddy. Be your best, little pig. Now I don't think I can ever stop. I just to love to eat. I love what I've done to this body. It makes me so horny to watch my own fat jiggle. Are you going to cum inside me or not? If you're not gonna cum yet, you might as well feed me while we fuck. Mmhmm. Oh, yes. This donut tastes so good. I can tell it's gonna go straight to these hips and my fat ass. Mmm. Feed me and fuck me. Oh, god, yes. Yes. Yes. Ohmygod yes. Ohmyfuckinggod yes! Oh. My. Fucking. God—"

*Knock Knock Knock*

Jeremy slammed his laptop shut and yanked the headphones out of his ears.

"Hey, babe. What's up?"

"I thought you were coming to bed," Allison said. "Are you still doing work?"

"Just minor stuff before this next gig. I didn't realize how much work and preparation this was gonna take. The bosses won't get off my ass about it."

"I know you gotta work, Jeremy, but we only have a few nights left together. Then you're gone for six months. You should be up in bed with your fiancé right now. Don't you wanna see what's under this bathrobe?"

"Babe, you know I do. Lemme just do a few more things down here, and I'll join you. I know this consulting job is a pain, but after I get back home to Sacramento, we'll be getting married and we'll have enough money for a house. We can stop renting. We can put down roots. I'm doing this for us."

"Ugh, Mr. Workaholic. I know you're right, Baby, but I just want you to know that no matter what, you are all I need."

"You're all I need, too. I'll see you upstairs in a minute, okay?"

Allison came over to her fiance and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Okay," she said, and walked out of the study.

"Phew," Jeremy thought. "That was the closest one yet."

Jeremy still had a raging boner from the porn he was watching. How would he have explained that to Allison? And what's gonna happen when they get married?

"I'll tell her," Jeremy thought to himself. "One day, I'll tell her. Just not today."
38 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 week
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Pucciarello 2 weeks
so glad that you have come back to this. its probably the best story on the site
Finalsafari 2 weeks
So glad to have this story back! And can’t wait to read the Allison chapters!
ManuFr 5 months
wonderful story, very well written and very exciting, bravo to the author! I really hope to read the rest soon
Pucciarello 11 months
Incredible story
Peachtree1 9 months
The story is about halfway done. The rest is sketched out. I just need the time to finish it one day. The full thing will be about 60,000 words
Frozenglass 2 years
That's hot. Never understood watching porn when you have a partner upstairs though.
Aoneill2013 2 years
Hope you finish this!
Aoneill2013 2 years
Hope you finish this!
Scott12 2 years
Any update on this in the foreseeable future?
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey Scott, I've got the whole story plotted out. I just need some time to write the second half. I hope that comes soon. Trust me. I have BIG plans for Allison. I promise.
Scott12 2 years
Awesome! It’s a juicy story and definitely surpasses many on here. Cant wait!
Boni 2 years
Love this story. Please keep it going!
Kane24 2 years
Hope you keep going with this one!
Finalsafari 3 years
Wow what a great story !
Finalsafari 3 years
Wow what a great story !
AgainstTheCu... 3 years
This is just the best story on here.... looking forward to more!
Kakaru 3 years
Beautiful story The best I've ever read, I hope you will continue to write it
Peachtree1 3 years
Thank you! I will
Little Sparr0w 3 years
Loving this, looking forward to more updates smiley
Peachtree1 3 years
Thanks all for the kind words. I will be updating the story soon — I promise!
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