The Weightlifter

Chapter 1

CW: feederism, ssbbw, weight gain(F), muscle gain(M). It's a wholesome story this time, no humiliation or BDSM, sorry.

Mr. Bruce slowly made his way to the podium where reporters awaited to conduct an interview with him. The ground shook when he stepped as his gargantuan, muscular, and bulky body walked across the hardwood, drawing the eyes of everyone in the room. He couldn’t feel his muscular arms, legs, glutes, or core for he had just competed in the Mr. Muscle weightlifting circuit. There was, however, something that he could still feel; the gold medal around his neck.

Normally Mr. Bruce didn’t care for interviews but he was in a darn good mood today; he was a world champion after all. Despite his willingness to answer pretty much anything, he wasn’t quite prepared for the first one.

“Mr. Bruce, records indicate that you only began weightlifting six years ago at the age of twenty-four. How did you go from a novice to a world champion despite being so far behind the competition?”

That was not an easy question to answer, not that Mr. Bruce couldn’t have told the truth in a short and concise manner for the purpose of the interview (or just lied), but rather because the story of why was too beautiful not to tell.

Six years ago, he was about as skinny and frail as an old fallen tree branch at the mercy of termites and bark fungus on the forest ground. He was quite tall as well; you may have seen him before walking down the street and mistakenly mistook him for a lamppost. Additionally, his name was just Bruce; he had yet to earn his “Mr.” moniker.

Beside him was his girlfriend, Rose, whose body could not have been more dissimilar. She was short and round, very nearly two hundred and fifty pounds. Her weight was somewhat evenly distributed, although most of the weight clearly went to her belly, she had soft, supple, and plump arms and legs, large breasts currently hanging slightly over her too-tight sports bra, and a big, jiggling ass that bounced with each step. Her olive skin was soft, smooth, and nearly flawless, her auburn hair shone in the sunlight and hung just past her shoulders, her round and chubby face was adorned with light makeup, and her feet slapped against the soles of her flip-flops as she walked.

Bruce loved Rose and loved to show his affection in any way he could, especially by spoiling her with food; she was quite the bottomless pit. However, as they walked, there was something on his mind bugging him. As he walked, he noticed another couple on a stroll, both of whom were young and fit. The man picked up the woman and spun her around, giving her a big kiss as she laughed with joy. Bruce saw this and felt a twinge of envy. He wanted nothing more than to pick up Rose and carry her around like a princess but there was certainly no way he would be able to do so, he had never lifted a weight in his life.

As their stroll continued, Bruce spotted a gym nearby full of equipment that he had seen before but had no idea what they were for. He saw several men and some women inside who all had larger muscles than he did and were lifting more than he could. One man stood out as by far the largest; although he was by no means lean (his gut stuck out of the bottom of his XL t-shirt), he was busy putting away three-hundred and fifteen pounds on the bench as if they were nothing while his two spotters bellowed words of encouragement.

Bruce had seen enough. He walked into that gym, signed up, and never looked back. He began watching bodybuilding videos and guides as if they were religious doctrines. Five days a week he spent working on whatever part of his body wasn’t sore from the last time he worked it. Sometimes Rose would come along with him; not to work out, of course, to sit back, eat, and watch her lover get swole.

After a few months of working out, Bruce’s muscles had been beginning to show. For the first time, his chest wasn’t as flat and pale as an undercooked pancake. His arms and legs began to show some definition and although his abdominal muscles were still hidden, he could feel them with his finger. Most importantly, he finally surpassed a 250lb squat for 5 reps for the first time. Today was the day he was going to try and pick up his girlfriend.

Rose stood in their bedroom completely naked, her belly, breasts, and even her arms hanging down. She cheered him on as he knelt down and tried to pick her up; before she could get more than a half inch off of the ground, Bruce stopped. Rose asked him what had happened; Bruce answered honestly; she had gotten fatter. Her belly now hung over her fupa, she had gone up two bra sizes, and she had ripped two pairs of jeans and a dress just by putting them on.

“Oh no, now you’ll have to work even harder and get even stronger,” she cajoled sarcastically as she put her hands on his chest and rubbed his pecs seductively.

Bruce, who was just cursing himself in frustration, smiled instead.

By the end of the year, Bruce’s hard work had been really paying off. He finally managed to cross the three-hundred-pound mark on the squat rack and also surpassed two hundred and twenty-five pounds on the bench. However, Rose had surpassed three hundred and ten pounds on the scale, nullifying his achievement. She giggled to herself as she looked down at her belly covering her lover’s head.

“Looks like you’ll have to keep lifting,” she cajoled.

Bruce obliged. He would keep getting stronger, challenging himself to surpass his previous limits no matter how much pain he was in. He was building muscle so fast that stretchmarks began to show on his arms. Every month would bring a new personal record for him to be celebrated by his new friends he made at the gym.

Meanwhile, Rose was hard at work too; after all, she didn’t want her boyfriend to lose motivation. She lounged on the couch for hours every day gulping down sugary sodas, heavy creaming milkshakes, buckets of fried chicken and potato wedges, entire family meals from fast food restaurants, and whatever fatty, delicious treat she could get her thick greedy fingers on. Her weight always increased at a faster rate than Bruce’s strength, just as she intended. As his peck grew, so did her beasts that spent most of their time hanging down her chest with no bra to hold them back. While Bruce’s abdominal muscles grew to be more defined, Rose’s were further buried beneath her ever-expanding belly which was now so big that it split her thighs. While Bruce’s glutes and quads grew bigger thanks to the squat rack, Rose’s ass and thighs grew fatter, so fat in fact that Bruce has to lotion the latter every day to prevent his princess from getting chub rub. Her fingers and toes, which Bruce painted red himself, were getting thicker and fatter as if her wrists and ankles intended to swallow them. Even her neck got fatter while Bruce’s became defined and strong.

A year turned to two, which turned to three, four, and five. Although both Bruce and Rose’s gains would eventually slow down, they never stopped growing for each other. Bruce’s body was now approaching the size and shape of a WWE wrestler while Rose’s looked more like a sumo wrestler. The former was now breaking records at the local gym and state weightlifting competitions while Rose was breaking furniture and scales. While Bruce was guzzling weight gain shakes after his intense workouts, Rose was guzzling them after her intense naps. Eventually, Rose would finally be too big to move meaning Bruce had to finally catch up and carry her.

Rose and her six-hundred-pound frame stood up next to her future husband wearing nothing but the massive ring that he had given her. Bruce, now over three hundred pounds of muscle, grabbed Rose’s right arm and dragged it over his shoulder careful not to suffocate via arm fat, knelt to the ground to reach underneath her apron-like hanging belly and between her thighs each the size of an average person’s torso, and he braced himself; he was ready. He began to push off of the stone tiles beneath his feet and lift her into the air. Her arms, belly, breasts, thighs, and even her neck quivered, jiggled, and drooped downward as Bruce pushed skyward with all of his might.

Finally, he was standing and his future wife was now hanging over his shoulders.

The two celebrated like never before with food, drinks, and the absolutely nastiest sex they’ve ever had with each other. The two fell asleep together happier than ever, perhaps the only exception being the day Bruce proposed to Rose (by hiding the ring in a container of weight gainer for her to find).

It was now year six of the journey and Bruce stared down the reporter’s microphone as he thought of an answer to her question. He decided to keep it short and sweet.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my wife,” he answered. “She kept me on this path even when times were tough and I wanted nothing more than to quit. She was always there for me and I love her more than I could possibly express!”
1 chapter, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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PunchDrunk 6 months
Great Chapter! x