
Chapter 1


CW: feederism, humiliation, slobbery, weight gain

What have you done to her? She’s an absolutely colossal fat pig!

Dr. Marlene was supposed to be headed for big things. She was the smartest and sharpest woman anyone had ever met and one of the brightest statesmen in the entire country! She graduated top of the class at an Ivy League school! She was the Liberty Party’s woman in waiting to run for president eventually! Calls for her leadership were heard all throughout the country from rich to poor, progressive to conservative, the left, the right, AND the center! She had the highest approval rating out of anyone in the Senate!

Then two years ago, she retired suddenly. Why, the world asked. Why did the greatest hope for our country depart when we needed her the most?

At first, everyone thought it was health-related. She was always on the skinnier side until after she had been elected to the senate but shortly after getting elected, she started to pack on the pounds. Her trademark wide, confident, high-cheekboned smile began to disappear behind a fatter, more rounded face. Her legs, once the toned legs of a volleyball player and proudly displayed in her tight pencil skirts, grew fatter, rounder, and flabbier. Her arms matched her leg’s flabbiness; the sleeveless blouses that once showed off her equally toned arms now only displayed her bingo wings that shook and jiggled as she moved her arms. Her ass and belly also grew fatter; at first, it was subtle but over time, the tightness of her clothes was undeniable and she kept growing long after questions were being raised. She looked to be in the low 200’s the last time she made a press conference; the day she that “retired” and announced that she would not be running for president.

Everyone suspected something was going on behind the scenes that caused her weight gain and her resignation from politics, was it you? She met you shortly before she started gaining all of that weight, didn’t she? She was still the bright, ambitious woman headed for greatness that everyone knew until she met you. Nobody seems to know what it was about you that caused her to throw herself into your arms the way she did, perhaps your smile, the way you make her laugh, or maybe your dick is just made of chocolate. However, as the weight continued to climb on, it became apparent why; she was absolutely enamored by your cooking and how you spoiled her. Retirement meant that her weight would climb even faster, going from chubby to fat to supersized in only two years, so fat that every time she went out into public, nobody ever recognized her despite how popular she was recently. Her chubby face is now rounder than ever, her belly is now so massive that it hangs over her upper thighs and swings when she walks, her thighs are so thick and heavy that she is now forced to waddle, her arms look like pillows were shoved inside of her triceps, and her breasts were both as large as her head. She traded her sleeveless blouses and pencil skirts for large, flowy sundresses that did little to hide her massive curves and instead showed off every roll on her belly and back. Then there’s the collar, oh God, the collar. She wears that thing everywhere regardless of whether or not you are accompanying her; it even has a little pink heart-shaped dog tag with your name on it. She even changed her hair, choosing to dye her long, silken locks pink and let them out of their ponytail.

But the biggest change seems to be Dr. Marlene’s attitude; I had never seen her more bubbly and happy. She seemed to love her new lifestyle of mindlessly munching away on every dish you cook for her, only speaking to request you cook something else for her. Of course, you always deliver so that her pretty little mind doesn’t have to worry about anything. She is content with sitting her gargantuan ass on the couch getting flabbier, lazier, and heavier, never having to do anything herself. And is that a funnel I see? Next to those empty ice cream cartons? Have you been funnel feeding her milkshakes? Good God, what has she turned herself into? She was supposed to be the leader of our nation and now she’s a fat, hedonistic, spoiled pig. You’ve ruined her!
1 chapter, created 5 months , updated 5 months
7   1   1443

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Tugesepa 5 months
short but nice
Feedervet 5 months
Thank you! ! prefer the term "short and sweet".