World has gone chubby

chapter 1

-But what that does it mean? I'm underweight?
-I'm afraid that's right, Sophie.

Sophie was in shock. She had gone to her monthly check with her nutritionist expecting to be back with a "You're healthy", as it always has been. But this time things were a bit different.
Sophie had an incredibly shape that she maintained by playing hockey and eating just the necessary. She has been eating under 1500 calories per day for more than 6 years, since she was 13. Now she was two weeks far from being 19 and she's gotten a slim petite body, with 5'2" and 100lbs which given her a six-pack, visible ribs, small breasts, and no sign of fat in her torso. She was happy with her body, and she was glad that she wasn't like her teammates, who where considerably wider than her, and although they were close friends, she thought they were a bit overweight, and sometimes she even say it to them, acting like a real bitch with no kind of consideration nor empathy.
-Look, Sophie. Fifteen years ago you would been considered healthy and with an irresistible body - said the nutritionist and Sophie blushed. - However, it's 2022 and some things have changed. Your BMI is just 18, which locates you in the underweight zone. In the past, you needed a 21 BMI to be considered normal, but nowadays it's 25! That means, according your height, you should be weighing at least 140lbs.
Sophie couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you telling me I need to gain 40 lbs? Are you crazy?" she yelled to Julia, her all-life nutritionist who Sophia suspected to be freaking out.
-Look, Soph. There's no need to get wild. I think that you could start gaining little by little and reach 120lbs for the next month. That would be 20lbs for our next monthly session, it isn't that much! What do you think? - Julia asked gently
-I think you've lost your mind. - Sophie whispered. How my figure would look with 20 lbs more? I would have a belly, and rolls, and lovehand...
Sophie's yelling was interrupted by the touch of Julia's hand, which was pointing at her now pulled up shirt, showing to Sophie her soft belly.
Julia was a petite brunette woman, in her mid forties who despite being a nutritionist, had a fullfilled figure. She had a double chin, her thighs had no gap at all and she had the soft type of belly, which gone further her breasts and gave her two gross rolls when she was sat.
-See? This is a "normal" midsection in these days. I'm 4'8" and I weigh 130lbs, that gives me a BMI of 29, which 10 years ago would had put me near the obesity section, but now I'm just at my normal weight! The world has gone chubby! - Julia said with a smile and invited Sophie to touch her soft midsection
Sophie started rubbing Julia's belly and at the first touch she could feel how soft it was, it felt like a pillow with a deep hole in its middle. Sophie tried to look disgusted, but deeply she was getting hot and she didn't know the reason. How touching a huge amount of fat would make her so horny? She said something to avoid keeping her hand on that distended belly, in which she could stay for hours.
"Okay... But I'm not sure, what people will say if I get fatter?" Sophie asked confused, not angry as she was minuted ago, but very intrigated about how this was developing
"Nothing! That's the good news! And if you're lucky you will even get congratulated!" - Julia sincerely answered.
-Look at this: even celebrities which always have been very cautious of their shape, nowadays show their protruding bellies very proud of them, and even encourage other girls to gain weight! We as women have gained the right to decide about or bodies and we've decided we like being what was called fat in the past, but indeed it's like freedom! Six pack days are gone, the trend now is eating what you want when you want and show your well-earned belly to the world with proud! - Julia said to finish her proclame.
Sophie compared her slim and fit body with the one of her engorged nutritionist in the mirror and she accepted that Julia's body was, at least, more femenine.
"Emmm, okay... Let's try to do it, what should I do?" Sophie said, resignated but curious about how she would look with that extra pounds
-Okay. Until now I've been giving to you a diet of no more than 1500 calories per day. We will update that silly number to 4000 calories per day. That would mean eating more than two times the amount of food you eat in a common day. - Julia answered
Sophie considered that was a huge amount of food, so she asked Julia for help and ideas to reach the 4000 calories per day.
-Look, you can do it by the classic way. Eat more carbs, more protein, etc. But that's not funny! And to gain weight you should be happy. So I recommend you to do by what I call "the funny way". Ice creams, burgers, donuts, soda, everything you like you are allowed to eat it, and without any restriction or regret. You have to increase the amount of sugar, carbs and fat you ingest on a day and you will reach that 20lbs in the blink of an eye. - Julia said trying to encourage Sophie.
"But that doesn't sounds healthy!" Sophie answered
- Yes, it is! Because you are a sporty girl, so it's not like you will spend your days just eating. Plus, it will give you more energy. It's a win-win! - Julia exclaimed
Sophie accepted the plan and looked at her phone. It was time to go home. She hugged Julia in an attempt to feel that soft and squishy belly just one more time. Then, she left the place very confused but with a lot of enthusiasm to. She would try it and eat whatever she desired, and that would make her look like a real woman! It sounded like a very good deal after all.
Before she had the chance to close the door, she could hear the voice of Julia:
"Hey Soph, and remember what I've told you! The world has gone chubby!"
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