Your Feeder Girlfriend

Chapter 1 - Two stories in one

Feeder Dom Girlfriend:

After a hard day of work, a girl stands in front of her door. Work can always be a little bit stressful for her, so coming home is always the best part of her day. She feels like she can really be herself at her house instead of this corporate copy she created to fit in at work.

The girl unlocks the door and starts to walk inside, only to be greeted to the sight of an obese man sitting on the couch playing video games.

This was the girl’s boyfriend, but a better title for him would be piggy. All he did was eat, sleep, and play video games all day. He’s a stark contrast to the girl who is skinny, hardworking, and holds down a decent job.

"Hey baby!" the girl said euteasticlly.

"Hey…" the guy wasn’t paying any attention to her. He was too busy playing his game.

She walked past him and the tv, stepping on many bag wrappers and soda cans.

"I see you’ve been eating. Have you eaten enough calories today?" She likes to take good care of her boyfriend, so she makes sure that he eats at least 2,000 calories a day so that he keeps his lard round figure.

"I think so…" It was clear that he was solely focused on his game and nothing else, which bothered the girl a bit, but she wasn’t in any rush since dinner hadn’t come up.

She slogs though piles of fast food trash but isn’t phased by it since it’s the norm, and she waits in her room for their dinner to arrive.

10 minutes pass and a knock was heard from the back door. The pizza had finally arrived, and was delivered to the back of the house via request of the couple because it can be jarring to see a barely naked fat man eating his heart out. The girl sets the boxes of pizza on the bed and heads back up front.

"Dinner is here baby!" She said excited for what’s to come next. She has a whole night planned just for the two of them.

"Uh huh…" Once again, the guy ignored her for the video game. Now the girl was upset. She doesn’t like to be ignored and she definitely doesn’t like the rude attitude she was getting from her boyfriend, so it was about time she ‘disciplined’ him.

She walked back to the room and grabbed one of the pizza boxes. Then walked back up front and held the box in front of him.

"Did you hear what I said?" She says in a sterner voice.

"Just one second" he says without moving an inch

That was the final straw. It’s time to stop this. The girl sets the pizza box next to her boyfriend on the couch, opened the box and grabbed a slice, and then sat right on top of him, blocking the tv screen. She was so small compared to his massive belly that she almost didn’t fit on his lap.

"Hey what are you…" before the guy finished his sentence, the girl shoved a pizza slice into his mouth, forcing him to start eating.
He quickly calmed down, dropping his controller to the side and retreating back to his fat piggy mindset as he now can only pay attention to the food he’s eating and the person feeding him. After finishing off the pizza slice, the girl grabs another. She puts it in eating range, but quickly pulls it back before he could bite it

"When I ask you a question, you respond to me. Do you understand?" The girl asked demandingly. The guy gave a small whimper like a sad dog, and nodded his head in agreement. Once he understood, the girl fed him another slice of pizza.

This cycle continued with the other 6 slices of pizza. A stern demand would be stated,
"When I tell you to do something, you do it", "don’t ever talk back to me" etc.
the guy would nod his head showing that he understands, and then he’d get to eat another pizza slice. After a bit, the last slice of pizza was in the girls hand.

"And finally, when I say dinner is ready, you start eating. No sooner or later. Got it?"
The guy felt bad for disobeying his girlfriend like this. He shook his head one last time.

"Good boy!" She said as she feeds him the last slice. It went down just as fast as the others. After the box was finished off, the guy laid back on the couch, exposing his belly to his girlfriend. He was trained to know that after he eats whatever meal his girlfriend gives him, he gets all the belly rubs he could ever want, but this time it was different.

"Oh not yet baby. You still have 4 boxes left in the room before I can give you your reward. Oh and if you do finish all of your dinner, I bought a new cute outfit you can see me in. Does that make my big baby excited?"

Of course he gave another nod, fully ready to let his girlfriend force feed him until he can’t move.

The girl finally got off of her boyfriend’s lap and helped him get up, a task that usually leads to her being knocked over by his massive gut. He got up, and they headed to the bedroom to have a fantastic night.

Feeder Sub Girlfriend:

After a hard day of work, a girl stands in front of her door. Work can always be a little bit stressful for her. She much prefers being being busy at home taking care of her boyfriend.

The girl unlocks the door and starts to walk inside, only to be greeted to the sight of an obese man sitting on the couch playing video games.

This was the girl’s boyfriend, but a better title for him would be piggy. All he did was eat, sleep, and play video games all day. He’s a stark contrast to the girl who is skinny, hardworking, and holds down a decent job.

The guy greeted his girlfriend "Ah hello. It’s about time you got home. Hopefully work wasn’t too much for you"

"It was fine. But I’m glad I’m now home with you" the girl said in a soft, timid voice.

The girl started to clean up the mess her boyfriend left. This was a daily task for her. She comes home and then she cleans up the wrappers and trash that surrounds her large boyfriend. The guy of course loved this. Not only can he be as messy as he wants, but he also gets a good view of his girlfriend. The girl didn’t mind this either. She loved taking care of her boyfriend, and if it were up to her, she’d gladly spend the rest of her days as a maid being bossed around by a fatty who can’t go an hour without eating.

"I’ve finished cleaning my love" she stood there waiting for her next command.

The guy had stopped playing his game awhile ago, as watching his girlfriend clean up his messes were very entertaining. He grabbed a soda and started to chug it down as quickly as he could, all while his girlfriend watches in awe. Once he was done, he casually threw it on the ground far from where his girlfriend was standing.

Without a second thought she went over to pick up the can, like she was trained to do so. After bending over and picking the can up, she turned back around only to get knocked over by something large.

Now on the floor, the girl looks up to see that she actually knocked into her boyfriend’s gut. He loves to tease her with his weight by knocking her down and throwing his body at her very skinny and small frame.

You’re so clumsy. I told you to watch out. The guy said, smirking.

"Yeah you’re right. I’m really sorry". She slowly starts to get up, using her boyfriend’s hanging belly fat to anchor herself. Once up, she noticed some crumbs on his chest, so she naturally dusted them off. It was her job to keep him clean and happy after all. After she finished cleaning him up, her hands naturally wandered to his massive hanging gut. She loves massaging it, and he loves all the attention.

The boyfriend then speaks up, as he noticed that his stomach is a little bit on the empty side. "So, where’s dinner?"

The girl pauses. Then she quietly responds. "Oh I think I may have forgotten to order it…"

The boyfriend said nothing. He only looked at his girlfriend in disappointment, trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly, he starts walking towards his girlfriend in slow and staggered steps, making her back away from him to make room for wherever he was going. The girl was shocked to hit her back against the wall, and even more surprised when her boyfriend didn’t stop moving towards her.

The boyfriend pins her small, skinny girlfriend against the wall. Although she is having trouble breathing, she can’t help but be so turned on. She loved being crushed by her boyfriend’s massive belly.

The boyfriend finally speaks up. "Aw it’s ashamed that you forgot dinner. I’m really hungry and I was going to let you feed me till I couldn’t move. Then I’d maybe let you enjoy the final product of a massive stuffing. I’d even bought you a new cute dress and I wanted you to wear it just for me"

The girl’s mind was flying. She felt like she was being overstimulated. I mean with a fat guy crushing you against the wall with his belly telling you to basically be a maid, you can’t help but be turned on.

The boyfriend continued "…but since you didn’t get dinner, I guess we’ll just have to call it a night right now…"

"No! Please!" The girl finally spoke up eagerly. "I’ll go get dinner baby I’m sorry"

"That’s what I wanna hear. The pizza place is still open. How about you go and get me a few large ones for me to eat?" The girl nods her head in agreement and the boy backs away from the wall, releasing his girlfriend from under his weight. The girl staggers and and almost falls while trying to catch her breath, but she stays upright. Without saying another word, she quickly grabs her keys and heads back to her car, determined to make him happy. The boy headed back to the room and laid on the bed. He pulled out a bag of chips and started eating them, as they were a snack he could eat before his girlfriend got back.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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