Chapter 1
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Despite being labeled lazy throughout her entire life, Haylee still takes care of the basics. She showers every so often, she leaves the house to buy more junk food and snacks, cleans up a little when things get too messy, and she still does her laundry even though it’s pretty much pointless. She only really needs to wear clothes when she’s expecting company, like when her parents come over or when the bug man. Only a few chores to remember, how could Haylee possibly mess this up?
It was Monday and Haylee was in her usual spot. She was sitting on the couch in her living room surrounded by empty bowls, plates, candy and bag wrappers, and empty cans. She was wearing a red shirt that was never meant to cover that huge belly of hers, but instead was a good replacement for a bra since she had run out. As for undergarments, she ran out of traditional things to wear and was too lazy to start her laundry yet, so she had to resort to a black string bikini she hadn’t worn since she went to the pool a few months ago. Luckily it held up, and her scrub outfit bought her more time to be lazy and avoid doing her chores. Haylee led out a large belch as she grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. She leaned fully back into her couch, placed her hand on her tummy, and drifted off into a deep sleep, finally satisfied after all of the food she had eaten.
Haylee woke up to the sound of a phone alarm. After coming to her senses, she picked it up and realized the dire situation she was in. It’s the Monday of the new month, and the bug man is on his way now. The alarm she usually sets it for is 10:30, but she overslept and now she only has 20 minutes to plan for his arrival. Haylee went into a panic as she tries to figure out what to do.
Haylee: "Ugh what am I gonna do!? The place looks like a mess and I can’t answer the door looking like this!"
Haylee looked at herself in the mirror next to her couch. She had crumbs all around her mouth and on the top of her belly that she quickly wiped away. Her small red shirt was stained with crumbs and grease, and pulling down her shirt wouldn’t make her belly smaller. It really shows how big she’s gotten when an XL shirt is reduced to a bra. Haylee lifts her belly up to reveal her bikini. She’s surprised to find a few stains on them as well, and it feels like the strings could snap at any moment. Haylee lets her belly flop back down into place, and then looks over at her couch. Trash is littered everywhere, and the couch even has an imprint of where she last sat.
Haylee: "I haven’t done laundry, this place is a wreck and I’m filthy. I guess I really am a slob"
Haylee sat on that idea. The fact that she was such a lazy slob.
Haylee: "It would be so embarrassing if someone did spot me as the piggy I really am. Would they shame me? Would they indulge me even further?"
It was a hard pill to swallow, that she was a *** who does nothing but eat and get fatter, but the harder pill to swallow was the fact that she enjoyed it. As thoughts swelled in her head of getting caught, her arousal grew larger, and then the excuses started coming.
Haylee: "I mean I’ve known Chris for years. We’ve spoken countless times during and off his shift. I’m sure him seeing me like this isn’t too big of a deal"
That was true. Haylee was very conversational towards the Bug man Chris, getting to know about him and his life. She even went out a couple of times with him since he lived in the neighborhood, which were the few times Haylee left her house for a reason other than food.
Haylee: "He’s very understanding. Plus I’m not even naked. It could be a lot worse. Maybe I should just relax"
Time inches ever so closer while Haylee continues to speak to herself...
Haylee: "This is crazy. I need to find something to wear and just clean up"
That’s what she kept repeating to herself, but the idea of showing herself as a true slob kept finding her way back into her mind. Lost in thought, Haylee was startled to hear her doorbell ring. The Bug man has finally arrived, and it looks like Haylee had made her mind up.
College Fiction
Weight gain
3 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years