The Billion Dollar Idea

Chapter 1

As we all know, Billionaires live a very lavish life. As part of the 1%, they can pretty much do whatever they want. If a billionaire ever got in big trouble, or if they wanted to do anything they please, they can just throw money at the problem and not worry about what other people think of them. Despite this fact being true, a lot of billionaires don’t really do anything crazy or out of the box with their money. If they did so, it was kept completely under wraps to keep up the facade of a nice well mannered rich person, even though they are already looked down upon for being a part of the 1%.

That leads us to a particular billionaire with a very interesting idea, let’s call him Jake.

Jake was for the most part a standard guy. Well as standard as a billionaire can get. Most of his wealth was inherited, but he also did a pretty good job keeping up with his parents toy making company. Pretty straightforward billionaire stuff, but one day he came up with a very strange idea. “What if there was a Hooters, but all the girls were fat?” As weird as this sounds, a random shower thought is what most people would describe this as. But as this thought rested in Jake’s head, he decided to go through with it just to see what happens. I mean who’s going to stop them?

The first step is obviously planning, so how would a “Fat Hooters” work? The billionaire had thought of the best way to do this.

Basically, his Hooters would function just like any other would, but they would heavily appeal to the fat demographic. The food they would serve will be extremely fatty, addictive, and cheap to make. The goal is to crank out as much food as humanly possible in order to feed everyone’s hunger and then some. As for the layout of the restaurant, the cooking area would be placed all the way in the back and would have an open window so everyone can smell the infectious food. The seating in the establishment, which would be a mix of both tables and booths, would be placed around the edges and close to the walls, and right in the center of the building would be a long and large table that can seat many people.

Finally there’s the most important part of any Hooters, the girls. The waitresses at this location will of course be on the heavier side. In order to apply, you must be at least 250 pounds, but we wouldn’t be too strict on this rule. As long as you have a nice, round belly, or are willing to gain a massive amount of weight quickly, you’re welcome to apply. As for the uniforms, they would have to be modified to adapt to the ever changing waistlines of our girls. We also would provide a new type of outfit for any of the waitresses to wear if they so choose to. A white crop top with the Hooters brand logo on it, and an orange bikini to go along with it. This is meant to not only appease the chubby chasers in the restaurant, as this new outfit will expose the girls large round belly, but it’s also a relief for the big girls who really don’t like dealing with clothes. Massive bellies and regular shirts don’t mix well as they say.

In addition to working at Hooters, the waitresses also have access to an all you can eat buffet free of charge. The long table in the middle of the restaurant is meant to seat the girls who really want to pig out and enjoy as much free fat food as they want. That way, the customers get a front row seat for a live stuffing, and get to see how much a big girl can truly eat. The ideal goal would be to hire 20 large bellied girls with an even bigger appetite. 10 of them would work from 8am to 2pm, and the other 10 would work from 2pm to 8pm. Hooter Girls are also highly encouraged to eat as much as they want before or after their shifts. We want huge girls eating while others serve and waddle slowly around the place. That way the people always have a good show. We’d even have a challenge to see who can gain the most weight in a month, just as an incentive to continue stuffing themselves, even though the free food alone would be enough motivation. As for etiquette, the girls who are serving are taught to be polite and sweet, but also encouraged to be ***es. Rubbing their full bellies, snacking while taking orders, burping really loudly, bumping their large bellies into the furniture. We want to see it all. As for the girls partaking in the buffet and eating at the middle table, they are allowed to act like complete pigs. Messy and with an endless hunger. That’s what the people want to see after all. For the customers, they would be constantly encouraged to keep eating more. We want both fat men and women to get hooked on our food.

After really thinking about this, Jake pitches his idea to the Hooters CEO and board. They at first thought that he was insane, but after talking it over, it didn’t seem like too much of a bad idea. This new restaurant can reach a new audience of men who like bigger girls, and women who feel like they don’t meet the standard of beauty today. Plus he has money so he can take the hit if it falls. Hooters approved his idea, he got to building the restaurant in Texas, and started to advertise and create buzz for the new restaurant. This of course got picked up by the media and was met with both praise and ridicule. When asked to speak on the issue, Jake only said this:

“I think this will change some norms we’ve set in society. I mean what even is the big deal? Hooters already appeals to men with their food and hot women waitresses. I’m just expanding the appeal Hooters has. You’d be surprised how many people enjoy a larger set woman. And the amount of applications we’ve been getting have been crazy. About 30% of adults in America are obese, and every other fast food out there is fatty. I’m just catering to the people you created”.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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