Zoe and the Marvelous Gainer Boy

  By LadyBella12

Chapter 1 - pilot chapter

Zoe lays on her bed, anxious. She fidgets with anticipation of a video chat with her long-distance boyfriend, Dexter. They’d been dating for a few months now, and she really wanted to see him for the holidays. She didn’t care that he lived 1,500 miles across the country - she was determined to see him no matter what.
Suddenly, her phone rings. She bolts upright and checks it. Zoe emits squeals of delight upon realizing that it’s Dexter!
“Hi, baby!” she giggles.
“Hey, honey!” he replies, a warm smile spreading across his face. Zoe melts. She could tell by his exposed shoulders that he had already hopped in the bath.
“So, how was your day?” she asks.
“Boring, I just worked,” he says, “How was yours?”
“Wellll, I actually did nothing but I had an idea.”
“Oh? What was it?” he inquires, and he can tell that it’s a really sweet idea at that.
“What if I travelled to you for Christmas? I mean, you’re always talking about how your family doesn’t do anything for the holidays, so what if we made our own?”
“YES! Oh my god, I would love that!” Dexter cries. He’s ecstatic.
“I’m so excited! We’re gonna decorate our own little tree, watch Christmas movies, bake goodies, and, and - ”
“CUDDLE!” Dexter interjects excitedly. Zoe laughs.
“Yes, of course we’ll cuddle. We won’t stop cuddling,” she coos.
“Do you think - maybe - just maybe - we could, you know - ”
“Dexxxx,” Zoe whines to him teasingly, “We won’t have been together long enough for that!”
“Awe, okay, I won’t rush you. It’s supposed to be special so I won’t push you if you’re not ready,” he replies sweetly.
“I mean, there is one thing that might make me change my mind,” Zoe smirks.
“I’m listening,” Dexter says intently.
“What if….you gained 50 pounds before Christmas?” she offers.
“50 pounds?! In a month?!” he says, shocked.
“Yes, 50 pounds. I think you can do it, I can also help you. Besides, you literally work at McDonald’s and get free and discounted meals everyday. It’ll be easy.”
“Well….alright, we’ll try it,” he says, smiling a bit.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” he continues, picking up a small box of cupcakes, “I picked these up after work.”
“Did you now?” she flirts, “Stuff them into your face.” Dexter quickly nods and pulls out a cupcake and shoves it into his mouth. He moans and rubs his belly. Dexter was just over 6 feet tall and weighed only about 130 pounds. He was only 15 pounds heavier than Zoe, and she was 5’10” and very thin as it was. He didn’t want to be huge, but gaining a little weight didn’t bother him at all. His belly was thin but not muscular. Only a small layer of softness lay over it.
He finishes off the first cupcake and notices a glob of frosting on his finger. He rubs it on his belly, making the small pudge on it appear more pronounced. His cock begins stiffening and rising up towards his tummy. Zoe moans loudly and moves her hand down into her pants, gently rubbing her clit. In doing so, she’s able to feel how wet she is. She couldn’t help it: everything about Dexter is magic to her. She uses her finger to rub some of her cum over her clit.
Dexter notices and begins moaning himself, much more frequently this time. He starts eating a second cupcake and it only takes him two bites before he’s able to shove the rest of it into his mouth. He rubs the frosting onto his belly again and groans, his cock now fully erect.
“Oh fuck,” Zoe sighs, starting to get close. Dexter grabs his big dick and slowly strokes it, his hips matching the rhythm.
“Zoe….” Dexter groans, his cock throbbing. He grabs another cupcake and stuffs it into his face in seconds. A feeling from deep within Zoe’s pussy begins, overwhelming her. She gasps as she rubs faster, her hips bucking in response.
“Oh Dexter!” she cries out, her entire body suddenly overcome with pleasure. She pushes her finger inside of her pussy and throbs around it, fresh cum surrounding it. Her chest heaves up and down as she grips her bed tightly. Her loud moans make Dexter throb himself.
“Fuck….” he sighs as he stuffs the last cupcake into his now slightly more expanded belly. He’s so close. Zoe grinds her hips against her finger as he finally releases, cum squirting out all over his belly and chest. Zoe continues to moan in ecstasy along with him as his cock empties.
“Holy FUCK, Dexter,” she sighs, tired and satisfied. Dexter collapses back against the bathtub, his cum slowly dripping off of his little pudge. He manages to catch his breath.
“That was the best one yet,” he says, pleased.
“Definitely,” Zoe replies. The couple beams at one another.
“Maybe gaining won’t be so bad,” Dexter says, smirking. They giggle shyly, ready for this adventure that they hadn’t before explored.
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Kyzarburner 3 years
This is great so far! Can’t wait for more
Built4com4t 3 years
Wow! Off like a rocket...yum.