Casual Gainer

London, England, United Kingdom  
Casual Gainer 3 months
Budget gaining
You might want to consider waiting until you have a comfortable income, remember, there are other potential costs involved such as new clothes and usual 'go tos' like double/heavy cream can add up ...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
Any recommendations for an all inclusive resort or cruise?
You might want to list a minimum duration, budget and maybe broadly where you live.

I've seen some places where the cost was high enough that it would be cheaper to just go self catering and jus...
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Casual Gainer 3 months
What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?
I'd rather have a WALL-E scenario, where technology takes care of our every whim and we just have to sit back and relax.
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Winter desires?
Thanks to my retail job, gaining over the xmas period is difficult if not borderline pointless.

So I instead decided to take this as an opportunity to lose some weight and regain in early to mid...
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Casual Gainer 4 months
Christmas gains before and after!
I'm the opposite, I work retail and I'm using this season to lose some I can regain in the spring/summer with double cream.

May seem weird but my job is fairly physical and I get f...
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Casual Gainer 6 months
Why do i keep seeing my belly getting fatter even if it's 1–2 months after?
I've heard various things over the years, such as when you suddenly eats allot less the body starts to conserve more energy (as fat).

But still, I would start kcal counting meals if you're conce...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Will gaining on heavy cream cause permanent changes for me?
In my case where I do on/off cycles, I haven't gained weight but I feel like it has added a layer of longer lasting sub fat, although I was already overweight/obese with likely vis fat and my j...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
So twitter changed it's name...
Apparently Elon says they should be called "X's".
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Heavy cream vs melted ice cream
During my gain with it I noticed allot of what felt like sub gain.

I suppose my use of 'scoops' is flawed in terms of size, but basically it's a small amount to just give it some flavour an...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Heavy cream vs melted ice cream
Have you thought about trying something like milkshakes using some ice cream and cream?

I've used a cheap smoothie maker, with approximately 1-2 scoops of ice cream and 200-300ml double cream, w...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Going swimming when you've gained weight!
Went into a swimming pool for the first time in years yesterday.

It was weird feeling the way my body now moves in water.
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Red pill or blue pill ?
I'd only take the blue pill if it meant instantly losing the weight as well, giving me a chance to start again.

I've been fat to some degree my entire life and the last thing I'd want is to go b...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Daily problem
Were you consuming the cream before or long after eating something else e.g. a meal?

I ask because when I consumed cream via ice cream milkshakes under these scenarios it went right through me.
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Are metal bed frames better?
I would suggest being more specific in terms of frame as opposed to broad materials, for example, I had a metal pole based one which bent relatively easily.
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Winter weight gain
Ironically, at my retail job, I reckon I'm more likely to lose weight thanks to 'peak', followed by the usual post Xmas cutbacks resulting in fewer heads.

This might turn into a positive though,...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Jobs/careers that will help you get fat
YMMV, I reckon 90% of their freezer is free food and even then they still use some of mine.

If they actually ate enough of it, I reckon they'd start to put on some weight.

Just working i...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Jobs/careers that will help you get fat
I live with someone who works at a small supermarket who regularly gets free food which would otherwise end up in the bin, will see/buy discounted food and of course has a staff discount.

The jo...
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Casual Gainer 7 months
Daily "i'm fat" reminders
Whilst my portion sizes are around the same, I now find myself wanting to eat more often, whether it be snacks or full meals.
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Casual Gainer 8 months
Food getting more expensive
I'm from the UK so I don't know how much this will apply.

For McDonald's, check the app for any offers. E.g. Monday they regularly do things like discounted food items and they have a loyalty sc...
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Casual Gainer 8 months
I want to gain but when i eat enough to get bigger i feel sick
I find after a few weeks of an 'active' gain with double cream I need to stop for a bit.

Although I feel like long term my appetite has slowly increased and it's more my job now which hinders me...
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