Intentional gaining philosophies

Maybe the speed gainer? Trying to gain as much as possible as quickly as possible for shocking results.
2 weeks

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I finally started another heavy whipping cream cycle!

This time, I did a bit of homework on the amount of fat the body can absorb in one sitting (about 1000 calories worth), as well as how long it takes the body to digest the fat (about 2 hours). I then adjusted my heavy whipping cream consumption accordingly.

I'm 5 days into my cycle, and the new consumption technique is working beautifully. My previous attempts were difficult because I was drinking too much in one sitting and making myself sick. This also resulted in the excess fat being wasted.

I'm now drinking about 10 fluid ounces of heavy whipping cream, 5 times per day. This is about 1 and 2/3 quart of heavy whipping cream, every day. I have kept the rest of my diet unchanged, and am relying only on the heavy whipping cream for weight gain.

I'm relieved to say that, for once, I'm not experiencing any nausea at all, and I'm not experiencing any gastrointestinal complaints. It's too soon for me to see or feel any physical changes in my body, but I have definitely noticed a change on the scale.

I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. So far, I'm up about 6 pounds! I have 23 days left in this gain cycle and, at this rate, I fully expect to have put on over 33 pounds by the time I'm done.

I'm seriously hoping that's enough weight gain to require a wardrobe change!

Keep us posted! 50 Oz a day is impressive! Are you doing anything to aid digestion? Any exercise?
3 years

Heavy cream challenge

4 weeks deep! Since starting I've gained 9 lbs and an inch each to my belly, thighs, chest, and waist. I fell my body has gotten pretty used to the nightly cream pint so I'm gonna keep it up for another month hopefully. Stretchmarks here I come!
3 years

Heavy cream challenge

Seem to have hit a plateau, not much change in weight or inches last week. Hopefully my fast metabolism will give up soon or my body is working on forming new fat cells. All this heavy cream will have to catch up at some point!
3 years

Heavy cream challenge

Gaining inches more than pounds! Last week's results:

Weight: 206 (+2)
Belly: 45" (+1)
Waist: 40.75" (+.75)
Chest: 44" (+1.5)
Thigh: 25" (+. 5)

Thickening all over! Hopefully the scale catches up this week!
3 years

Heavy cream challenge

1 week update after 1 pint per night: gained 4lbs, +1/2" waist and +1/2" chest. For some reason my bloated belly has stayed at 44" but feels super hard. Excited to see what week 2 brings!
3 years

Heavy cream challenge

I've been waiting to see a date for this, count me in! Currently 200lb 44" belly 39.5" waist(6 ft tall for reference). Gonna stick to a pint a day with Hershey syrup for at least 3 weeks.
3 years

Remeron and gaining

Weight gain and increased hunger looks to be one of the side effects of that medication from what the internet says. Many meds like antidepressants and antipsychotics have “off label” uses such as treating insomnia, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and other conditions.

I’m on one to treat anxiety, as the normal anti anxiety meds don’t work for me but this one has though it is also a off label use. Finally found one that works but it also causes gaining and insane hunger... like stomach growling and hunger pangs so it’s hard to ignore.

^^^ what med was prescribed?
3 years

Best heavy cream brand?

In my experience I've found pure cream with no other ingredients or preservatives is delicious! They'll add carrageenan which is derived of seaweed as a preservative and I've found it effects the flavor. Pure cream has a relatively short shelf life on it. I'm in Kansas and AE dairy is the only one I know of that offers cream without preservatives.
3 years
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