The psychology of it all...

Thanks for all the input.

Sorry about the late reply, work tends to take me away at times.

I think the next step would be to go along to a meet up. Even if it is just a drink and say hello, I think the experience would be very worthwhile to be at a dedicated event.

From what I observe, the UK does not have as much of a meet up scene than in the US. Could be wrong but what have others experienced?
1 year

The psychology of it all...

Thanks for the replies and suggestions.

I find these things deeply fascinating and agree, over time I guess my fantasies/fetishes have matured.

Just trying to find a link like how some say finding some women with wide hips attractive means good birthing genes. Then, I would say loving a large person means they know where the good food is at?

Maybe that is what it is? FAs are just subconsciously looking for a decent food source. Gaining is about stocking up for the winter?
2 years

The psychology of it all...

I wonder if anyone of an academic background or those who have done their own research can tell me why are we into feederism and fat appreciation? Where does that fetish come from?

I find big, curvaceous women and gaining very erotic. Its my jam. But where has this come from? Why do I not pursue cake farts or sportswear models?

These things are deeply fascinating, I love finding out how things work etc. So any enlightenment would be appreciated
2 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey everyone, been on here for many years but never maintained a serious presence. Looking to fat chat and meet like minded people. To help express thoughts and feelings.

At present I've not found it appropriate to talk about things in the staff room. So would be cool to do so here.
2 years

Feederism as main stream kink

I kinda agree that there is an element of the community that is just using it as a cash grab and to be fair there are plenty of simps that will pay for it. You can tell they are not really into gaining and just do pretend stuffing. However, some are genuine about it.

I dont think it is becoming mainstream but over the last few years friends and colleagues have started to acknowledge their love of the "dad bod" or plump men.

I doubt the the whole feeder/feedee thing will become mainstream. Certainly not in my neck of the woods
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

Huge SSBBW feeder for sure. At least you know the methods have been tried and tested.
2 years

Tips for first time with partner?

Thanks for the reply. Certainly things to consider.

What would you recommend to help form and maintain shape? Another thing i have been very curious when seeing other people do padding, is heat. Any tips on how to displace this?

Finally, good point to raise is what if things get steamy and best way to tackle the old sideways shuffle.
2 years

Tips for first time with partner?

Hey everyone.

Going to take the plunge and give this a go after Christmas. Ordered the largest sizes of leggings, top, and sports bra I could find. Also got some of those wubble bubbles to give the beasts some weight.

Any tips for starting out?

I've always been into exceptionally large women and this is a way to potentially act out a fantasy.
2 years

Tips for padding with water?

I've heard people use wubble bubbles and shapeforming underwear.

I think one of the main issues is weight
2 years

Donut challenge

A fantasy of mine would be where you have a bottomless stomach like in cartoons and could just eat an unlimited amount of donuts, swelling up.
2 years
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