Do any of you guys lift while also gaining?

I’m in a self-imposed exile from the gym right now (translation: I’m being lazy), but I do lift weights. I used to power lift until my shoulder surgery in 2012 and back surgery in 2015. Now I use mostly machines... Hammer Strength, Life Fitness, Cybex. I don’t think I’ll ever stop completely. I love the big muscles big belly look. Hence my name... Marshmallow Minotaur. I wanted to be half man half bull, but I carry a lot of marshmallow fluff. 😂😂😂
5 years

Hanging belly

Ha! I’m waiting for when my belly does start to hang over. Lol I have no intention of hiding it.
5 years

Is this something i can get rid of?

I don’t know what it is that keeps drawing me back too, but it does. I’ve tried to get rid of it too, even having joined Weight Watchers, but the longer I stay with this and the fatter I get the more I’m drawn in. I don’t think, barring health issues, there’s any going back. I see fat guys and say I really want to look like them.
5 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

Kind of. As I get more and more comfortable with being fat, and get fatter I want to get fatter. It�s kind of a feedback loop. I finally broke 230, I hit 234 this morning and thought �wow, I really can do this�.

Getting chubby:
Very comfortable with my new size but think I am not fat enough

I’m feeling the same way. I’m always raising the bar. I want to get a lot fatter too. When I was 200 I thought 225 was the goal. When I was 220 I thought 230-235 would be good. Now I’m almost 235 and I wonder if 245 will be all that fat.
5 years

Do you speak openly about your fetish with anyone?

No, I haven’t. Only on-line. I hint at it irl. I don’t know if anyone has caught on.
5 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

Kind of. As I get more and more comfortable with being fat, and get fatter I want to get fatter. It’s kind of a feedback loop. I finally broke 230, I hit 234 this morning and thought “wow, I really can do this”.
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I�m becoming happier as I�m passing 230 lbs, on my way to 235. Then possibly 245-250.

My pants are 42s and becoming snug, my shirts are filling out.

I�m really liking what I�m seeing.

You look a lot faster than 230! I don't even think I look that big. That's one of the few downsides of being over 6 foot!

Thank you! 😁 I’m 5’6”, so I have that short stocky build. My belly is just about 50”.
5 years

Holiday weight gain

Not very much, only because my eating has slowed down. I don’t do much holidaying anyway.
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I’m becoming happier as I’m passing 230 lbs, on my way to 235. Then possibly 245-250.

My pants are 42s and becoming snug, my shirts are filling out.

I’m really liking what I’m seeing.
5 years