
Women seem insecure in dating men shorter than they are, or men who have breasts bigger than they do. It makes no sense to me.
5 years

Nipples erect more as you gain

Fat increases estrogen in males. That is why some of the men here have full size female breasts. If a male's nipples are sensitive like a female, the male is high in estrogen.
5 years

What devices?

Computers, phones, TV's, stereos, etc.
5 years

How do i tell my girlfriend that i want her to be my feedee.

If you really want her, fat or thin, I would tread very carefully. Remember that most people do not want to be fat. Sometimes it is hard to remember that after being part of this community for so long.
5 years

Wife is disgusted with my gaining

You should also consider some couples-counseling.

Most likely the counselor is going to tell them to split. There are probably a lot of things we would all like to do, but don't because our partners would object.

If he is older, she is going to end up having to take care of him if he becomes disabled or sick from his rapid weight gain. Gaining in your later years is a bad idea, medically.
5 years


I have had bad diarrhea ever since I've been taking it, for about 10 years.
5 years

Weight gain slow down?

Don't be so impatient. 100 pounds in a year means 1000 pounds in a decade. Are you willing to gain a lot, then slow down? Or do you want to weigh 2000 pounds in 20 years.
5 years

Girlfriend’s weight gain/how to bring up feederism

Just the fact that she is throwing away her old clothes, and not saving them in case she gets thin again, is a good indication she likes being fat, and will continue to get bigger.
5 years

Girlfriend’s weight gain/how to bring up feederism

It sounds like she already knows you like her larger. I think the problem you are going to have is that she will become larger than your preference weight, and perhaps have health problems. She may want to lose weight at some point again, but likely she would regain the weight plus more. Everything is going the way you want it to right now, so just sit back and enjoy it.
5 years

How can i convince my girlfriend to get fat?

Take her out to eat a lot. Always order fries. And always order desert.

The question was not how to gain weight, it was how to convince her to gain weight. We all know that getting someone to gain weight without their knowledge is wrong.
5 years