Fat hugs

Reeeally good fat hugs are such a turn on smiley because your entire body is being pressed against such luxury, being surrounded by it and surrounding it at the same time!

Could not agree more. It is just so nice to hug a truly fat women, be enveloped in all of her flesh (even with clothes on) and feel her press her body against your own. All that softness. And if she holds on it gives you the opportunity to caress the soft fat on her back and sides. So erotic. So sexy!
2 years

Mutual gaining relationships

I also prefer mutual gaining as well. I may be on medication, but I can mutually gain when I find a nice special woman who will willing to gain weight with me.

My goal is to reach 500lbs with her so we can experience romance of obesity. Washing each other, having a king size be. Playing with each other’s belly and fat sex.

God that sounds so nice. My dream come true. Would love to experience your goal.
2 years

Think i'm becoming a feedee. i'm scared.

I went through the same thing back in my mid-30's. I always worked hard at staying a regular size but I found myself more and more getting turned on by the idea of getting fat. I made a life decision to just eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want and let nature takes its course. I started at 175 lbs. and over the next 10 years put on 130 lbs. topping out at 305 lbs. I found the experience very pleasurable and also very sexually arousing. I have leveled off at 270 and know I will always be fat for the rest of my life. As I grow older my metabolism is slowing so it is a lot easier to maintain my current weight.
2 years

Babygirl and daddy

Princess Awesome:
I don't know what this post was originally about, but my experience with the DD/lg lifestyle and Feederism is this:

Best thing ever.

I love rubbing on my Daddy's fat belly, and I love when he grabs hold of one of my (many) rolls, and he tells me he wants to make me fatter. It's so very yummy smiley
And my Daddy is of the more gentle variety, meaning I get absolutely spoiled (there's always chocolate around!) smiley

These two kinks are naturals together smiley

I would love this so much. I am so turned on just reading it.
2 years


I think you should both gain together slowly and see how you feel as you go along. Your girlfriend may reach a point where she is heavy enough or decide she loves being taken care of by you and really does want to see what it would be like to be fat and totally dependent on someone else. Take your gaining slowly, talk about her immobility fantasies and enjoy the experience together. I must admit I would love to have this kind of experience.
2 years

What "awakened" this fetish for you?

For me it was a whole series of experiences growing up which just seemed to really intrigue me or turn me on. Starting in grammar school I remember being really enthralled with the girls physical ed. teacher who was short, chubby and wore skin tight shorts and tops throughout the day. I would wait for her to come down the hall and then follow her up the stairs mesmerized by her plump thighs rubbing together and her round butt swinging from side to side. I also grew up in an Italian family where everything centered around food. Family gatherings were an example of gluttony at its best and we all stuffed ourselves until we could hardly move. My cousin, who I had a crush on throughout junior high and high school, began to put on weight and I found myself ever more attracted to her as she grew heavier. Her mother (my aunt) would loosen the belt on her dress after eating so her swollen belly could be set free, and she always like to tell the family how wonderful it felt to have a full belly after a big meal.

In high school I would buy National Enquirer Magazine for the sole purpose of reading exposes of Hollywood stars who had put on weight. And of course to see the before and after photos in diet ads, whereby I always liked the before photos. Senior year in high school I found myself dating chubby girls and enjoying the teasing I got from my friends for liking "fat chicks". All in all my passion for fat women just kept growing to where it is today. I love being an FA and love seeing attractive women pack on the pounds. It is so damn arousing and so sexy. I truly love BBWs and SSBBWs.
2 years

Fattening in films

Absolutely agree with you. I am finding that some commercials are starting to represent Americans as they are with heavier characters at times but they have a long way to go. It was interesting, when I was in Canada a couple of years ago, almost all the local TV stations featured attractive but overweight female anchors and meteorologists which was such a refreshing change of pace. As an FA I really loved it and only wish for that type of casting here in the States.
3 years

Dab bod enjoyers as feedees?

I went beyond the Dad bod when I was in my 30's. I decided I wanted to eat what I want when I want and let nature take its course and I put on 130 lbs over 10 years. Hit 305 at my highest but have now settled in around 265 which is still 80lbs. more than when I first got married. I love to eat and I have found I really enjoy being fat as long as it does not affect my health and mobility. My wife would prefer I lose some weight but it is almost impossible since I do not want to go on a diet.
3 years

My fat roommate…

He might clearly have something he is worried about which leads him to binge like that even though he did not want to be over 300 lbs. Or given that you both have what sounds like a wonderful fat and gaining relationship, he can't help himself because he knows you like to bake fattening treats, he knows growing fatter seems to turn you on, and you obviously really enjoy binging together. All I can say is enjoy this time since you both love to eat and grow fat together. I must say your kind of relationship would be a dream come true for this BHM and FA.
3 years

Bmi. what's yours?

Mine is 37.9. Has been as high as 41.0. Its exciting when it goes up. Love being obese!
3 years
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