Going fit to fat

I was somewhat athletic and fit... mountain biking, running, power lifting. After years of that and dieting I got tired of it and let myself start gaining. I gained about 35-40 lbs, not a lot by gainer standards but I’m 5’6”. I went from about 200-210 to 245.

Anyway, people can think what they want. You don’t need to explain if you do or don’t lose weight. I’ve seen guys at the gym over the years who never lost any weight. They just kept plugging along, working out pretty hard.
2 years

Fat boy humiliation

I stepped up my game and got to like being humiliated for being fat. I wish it happened more frequently but I’m not really as fat as a lot of people... yet. So right now it’s fantasy. I want to be somewhere chowing down on a huge amount of food in front of me, maybe in a diner or restaurant, with people looking at me with disgust or snickering. It’s even better if a shirt button right at my belly won’t stay closed. Very erotic.
2 years

I finally found a fairly decent free morphing app

I found an app that does a pretty good job of fattening me up to what I want to be. The left picture was early in the year, an original. I’m 5’6” and was about 220 lbs. The middle and right are what the app did. I mean, hot damn, that is hot. It doesn’t calculate projected weight but I have guess 270-280 maybe? Whatever, I freakin’ love it.


🤔 Doesn’t display, but it’s in my pics.
2 years

Fat camp

I would definitely go. It would also be awesome if we were fed, on a schedule, hungry or not.
2 years

What was the first wakening to your fetish?

I remember posting at a weight lifting forum that I was tired of dieting. I wanted to eat what I wanted and get fat. I was beginning to be turned on by fat guys. I wanted to be one.

There was a custodian at a school where I worked who was fat and sexy. That was around 1993-1994. I still fantasize about him. He was fatter than I’ve ever been but I would love to be his size.

Around May 2015 I finally let go and gave myself permission to eat and get fat. I loved watching myself grow but I began to waver. I list and gained, lost and gained. I finally got up to and maintained at 245. I’m 5’6” so I was pretty fat, wearing snug size 44 pants. I unintentionally list about 30 lbs but I’m gaining again. I hope I can get to at least 230. My fantasy goal was 260-270.
2 years

You walk into a room……

Nah, I’m happy to be just another one of the fat guys.
2 years

Fat celebrity crushes

Kevin James, Adam Richman.
2 years

What is your why?

I’ve been attracted to fat guys for a long time. I think they’re sexy af. and wanted to look like them. I like how I look being fat.
2 years


Yes! All those. I think about being fat-shamed and humiliated in public by total strangers. I like the idea. Y’know, I’m eating a couple of ice creams, pastries, and or cakes in public and I see looks and hear whispers like “he sure doesn’t need that, what greedy hog, no wonder he so fat”. And they have to call me a fat loser and make allusions to my sexual practices. It’s all the better if they know I heard them. Wow, this is a new level of kink for me. 😁
2 years

Can i like guys for the right reasons?

Can I say I’m attracted to guys even though my catagory for guys is limited to their tummies? I imagine cuddling and feeding them irl would feel amazing, and a kiss would be lovely feeling, but those ideas aren’t what turn me on. It’s their heavy body with their gay partner or by themselves.

I think so, and there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m no expert, it’s just my observations... it may just be identification with something you like or want in yourself. Simple example... so many straight guys get off vicariously through the guy in porn. They identify with that guy. What got me into gaining is because even though I’m gay and love all kinds of men, I particularly like fat guys and wanted to be one of them. Now I am and I love it. So maybe it’s just identifying with them. 🤷🏻‍♂️
2 years
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