Where is litmistress?

I always kinda figured she just got fed up of writing fucking novels and getting less recognition on the site then wanky drek written by people who don't bother to use spell check.

That being said I also hope shes ok.
1 year

Tips for gaining weight with another person?

make some plans about dishes and kitchen responsibilities. If youre both getting stuffed and end up crashing before cleaning gets done it could pile up.
1 year

Fat celebrity crushes

rebel wilson was super cute before she lost weight! now she looks... ordinary.

lizzo is pretty hot.

i can't think of any hot fat celeb men at the moment though.... there must be some!

Matty fucking Matheson
beyond being hot is also a big man fashion icon
2 years

Is nikocado a gainer?

i despise his youtube content, but good on him for finding a way to monetize his fetish without stigmatizing the feedism community i guess. like its not a great look for bigger people in general but 🤷🤷🤷
2 years

Pear shaped

To my knowledge the only surefire way is squats. Ive heard pregnancy also sometimes promotes fatter hips, but I dont imagine thats a viable option.
4 years

Lizzo's twerking controversy

I am sad that young people today have such a low sense of self worth.
I am not here to argue with a bunch of kids so I am out.

Nice straw man you got there.
4 years

Lizzo's twerking controversy

Miss porker I was not comparing young to old at all I was making a point which you seemed to have missed.
Would you be OK with your mother acting in such a manner in public with you right next to her?
My guess would be no.

Am I wrong in my read here? It seems that you are suggesting that, because someone might be uncomfortable with Thier mother acting in a sexual way, they should also feel uncomfortable with someone else (specifically a young person) acting that way? Because that is in fact making a direct comparison and implying rhetorical causation.
But putting that aside, if my mother was someone who based her professional image on sexual freedom, no, I wouldn't care at all. Lizos whole image revolves to some extent around her not conforming to sexual norms or sociatly imposed restricitons, which makes her actions pretty normal given that.

I was not making a comparison I was just saying how acting that way in public is rather disgusting.
If you think what she did in public is normal then maybe you have issues and you are a bit out of a normal zone.
If you want to talk norms a lady just doesn't act like that in public. A skank yes a lady no

So normal is a really interesting term to use, because it implies people should be normal, that normative behavior is right behavior. So counterpoint, this is a fetish website, this is not "normal" behavior but we are most of us here under the tacit pretense that our behavior in regards to it is acceptable and good for us personally. So given that we have that choice, which we desire to make with freely without bias, why shouldn't she have that same luxury? Who decides what is normal and what makes the norm the arbiter of the good?
4 years

Lizzo's twerking controversy

Miss porker I was not comparing young to old at all I was making a point which you seemed to have missed.
Would you be OK with your mother acting in such a manner in public with you right next to her?
My guess would be no.

Am I wrong in my read here? It seems that you are suggesting that, because someone might be uncomfortable with Thier mother acting in a sexual way, they should also feel uncomfortable with someone else (specifically a young person) acting that way? Because that is in fact making a direct comparison and implying rhetorical causation.
But putting that aside, if my mother was someone who based her professional image on sexual freedom, no, I wouldn't care at all. Lizos whole image revolves to some extent around her not conforming to sexual norms or sociatly imposed restricitons, which makes her actions pretty normal given that.
4 years

Premium story upload not working

I actually cant find your story on the site at all anymore. it's not on your profile.

I can access other premium stories so it's not that the function is broken.

.... what's the deal ff
4 years

Not sure if my boyfriend is into my weight gain

I think you should just be up front about it. You don't have to tell him it turns you on (though I think if you do and he is understanding it might bring you closer together) but you could simply say something like "hey I realize I've gained some weight weight and I'm wondering if it turns you off?" From there you can ask further questions. Like if he says he is into it you could ask him if he there would be point it would start bothering him and so on.
5 years
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