
I’m a fat pig and a loser, I’m stupid, I’m a short fat stupid loser pig. I lost my job because my company knows how stupid I am and what a loser.

No, I’m not any of those things but it was fun to say, and got me with a boner. 🤣🤣🤣 Ok, so I’m short and fat, and proud. 😉 I actually lost my job due to covid, my job was eliminated. I actually got a lot of respect, my former coworkers tell me they miss having me around and having fun.

Anyone else do that, humiliate themselves? I always took it particularly badly to be teased, mocked or made fun of for anything. But now I actually kind of like it.
2 years

Do you feel fatter in the mirror than on yourself?

I definitely look fatter in the mirror than I think I am. Oddly, not so much in pictures. I take a selfie and think I’m not really that fat.
2 years

Revisiting old posts

Absolutely. I like seeing how my attitudes and thoughts have changed, or not.
2 years

The male fupa is my favorite!

I’m beginning to like so many more things about getting fat. The fupa is one of them. I have a small one but it will grow. At another site a guy said his was so big that when he walked it stimulated him so much he’d often ejaculate. I can only imagine how much fun that would be, to walk into a meeting having just shot a load in my skivvies wondering if anyone knew. 😁
2 years

Underrated perks of being fat/gaining weight?

One of the few things about getting older (65+) is one is almost expected to gain weight. I have put on nearly thirty pounds since turning 60 and I love my growing belly. I'm now fifty pounds heavier than when my wife and I got married.

I also like how my brief style underwear looks on a heavier body.

Thank you! 😄 I’m beginning to think the same thing. I just turned 64 and am telling myself and others “hey I’m getting older, you know I can’t do what I used to do” (lumbar fusion, nerve problems in legs and back).
2 years

Raising the bar on this fetish

Where did this come from!? Lol Maybe it’s from getting more comfortable and bolder with myself and this fetish but I’m upping the ante.

My new want is to be fed, hand fed, hand fed a lot. I think about sitting at a table, on the couch, recliner, sitting up in bed, piles of food and desserts in front of me, my feeder hand feeds me, even to the extent of head-locking me and making me eat. He won’t let me get up until he is ready and thinks I’m ready. And if I puke, he gives me more. It would be fun to do this dressed, to have my belly expand so much I have to unbutton my shirt all the way and my pants.
2 years

Other kinks/fetish?

Button down collars. Seriously. I’ve only heard one other person on another forum say she was turned on by a guy wearing a button down collar shirt. The shirt has to be nice quality, nicely pressed, either long or short sleeves.
The just-out-the-dryer look doesn’t do it.

I can remember seeing guys in nicely starched and pressed button down collars and had to go somewhere to jerk off. I still remember them, think about them and jerk off. And of course in my fantasy I’m sucking the guy to completion. And if he’s fat, or even just chubby or chunky so much the better.

I remember a guy I used to regularly see in Wawa on my way to work. Had a bit of a belly, always wore a pressed white button down collar, gray pants... must have been a work outfit... sleeves turned up, collar and second button undone. I just wanted to motion to him to go into the bathroom so I could start his day off.
2 years

What are you wearing? what's your fav item of clothing?

Favorite clothing item(s)? Button down shirts that are snug in the belly and pull, even more when sitting down, and pants that slide under my belly.
2 years

You know you're fat when:

for men when you have to wear all your pants up past your belly button so your belly doesn’t hang out

I’m waiting for my belly to grow so that it hangs over my belt! Lol
2 years
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