Under belly rash

Like someone mentioned, do you tuck your belly in your pants or under your hang?
I suffered from this and had to learn to use powder and not forget to use it ever. You have to hammer it in your head to use it. Vaseline is also good in areas where skin rubs. You can try that.
6 months

Busty guys

I'm gaining a lot and a lot of my fat is going to my moobs.

Between my long hair and my chest, I often get "M'am"ed (I live in the south lol).

I also notice that I jiggle a lot when running or jogging.

Anyone into busier guys or guys who also tend to store a lot in their breasts?

Someone needs a bra ~

But yes, I love men with tits. Big, small - doesn't matter. All titty is good titty.

My partner has a cute set himself. Such a turn on.

That said, my partner has tits because he's very fat. I'm no doctor, but I think you might have a hormone imbalance.

Yep, right on the dot. It is definitely a hormone imbalance. Looks like you may have gynecomastia.
May be low on T causing the oestrogen to produce breast fat tissue. You can definitely get it treated, or if you want, just let them keep on growing. It's up to you
6 months

70% of american soldiers are obese or overweight


saw this and was immediately like “how isn’t this an ff story”

Maybe this is a Russian spy’s scheme to weaken the US military? 🤔🤭

They're using "BMI" as the main tool for this. Which is safe to say that it is a bullshit measure. Granted there is a large amount of overweight soldiers by body fat composition, but I'd say a big number can also be some guys who are just "workout warriors" that by BMI would be considered obese.
6 months

"hidradenitis suppurativa "

Whatever you do, don't pop the bumps.
10 months

Dimensions magazine link excluded from wayback machine...

Are you kidding me?

Tbh, the quality of stories on there were still better than the ones on here (on average). A big part of that had to do with Dims (feedism really) being so niche at the time, that it was mostly relegated to an older crowd being on there.

Certainly the "weight room" or stories section on there (that was last updated in 2005), was a revalation to many of this kink. It will be missed.
1 year

Update: website menu on mobile currently not working

Yep. Drop-down menu on my browser isn't working either.
1 year


I'm no expert or speak from experience, but I know of a couple of big guy friends that have lost a lot of weight, and from what they've told me, it depends a lot on the speed of weightloss and how much you've lost.
Think anything over 100lbs of weight loss, you will have a hard time of having your skin going back to it's former state.
Also when losing weight it shouldn't all be cardio, which would ensure your skin to sag more, but doing strength training as you lose weight in the meantime. Should always be a balance of the two.
1 year

Help avoiding thoughts?

You can also find ways to experience the fetish without gaining. I know of many who have tried "padding" to get their kink fix.

Like Ditzy mentioned, if you like the way you are, there's no need to act upon a fantasy, just leave it be.
3 years

Permanent damage because of weight gain

Stretch marks are based on your skin's elasticity and how quickly you gain. Depends on your genetics. Some gain with no stretch marks, and others get tons of them with a small gain. Some topical creams help with their apoearance and may help mitigate them, but you'll have to use them at least 1-2x a day.
If you gain, you'll grow fat cells. No way around it.
3 years
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