L.b.l up

Chapter 174 - #174 /the bikini shopping/

Los Angeles is a city defined by quite a few sins, but for my money vanity is chief amongst them. There’s few outfits vainer than a swimsuit, and with the cities thriving beach culture that meant our local strip mall had an outlet that dealt solely in swim wear. Eliza and I knew by reputation it catered to larger women, and before L.B.L Up we would hang out there in the hopes of spying cute fatties with their guts on display. Their changing rooms meant we never scored. At the time it never would’ve occurred to either of us that we’d be shopping there. Let alone that we’d be facing genuine concerns about whether their largest sizes would fit us. Though I decided not to voice that worry to avoid rubbing salt in Eliza’s wounds. My lover was suffering the consequences of nearly doubling her body weight and as a result had to scavenge for clothes. She was still wearing her bed sheets though Doe made some modifications with some fabric scissors so it would almost function as a very plain and very flowy top, one which was quite a bit more see through than even my outgoing lover liked. Combined that with being forced to borrow Doe’s pajama pants and I could practically feel the tension pulsing off of her.

When we walked in a bored looking ginger shopping assistant shot us a brief look and made a lazy attempt at a customer service smile. “Plus sized clothing aisle is that way” she said with a swift nod and Eliza stopped so suddenly I rammed her and stagged backwards. At least she was a very soft obstacle. “Oh well you mind showing me where that Is, I think I might need help picking one out” Eliza said in a saccharine sweet voice that spelled doom for the mostly skinny part time worker. My lover was still very much within her 24-hour period of app ownership, and I suspected she was very much enthused to use it. It felt a little odd being without my phone. Both for the usual reasons and the strange ones brought on by L.B.L Up. I felt out of control, especially with another L.B.L Up user out there. But I didn't have the heart to end Eliza’s good time. Especially when I had the feeling she quite desperately needed the catharsis. There was a sort of nostalgia to watching the grumpy girl lead us into the swim suit section, fattening up a girl for being rude was old hat for Eliza and I by that point.

“These designs suck” Doe said as she picked through various one pieces, blacks and greys mostly. Her voice carrying the tone of someone who was an increasing expert on the topic. “The bikini tops and bottoms seem kind of cute though” Connie shot back holding one with a honey color and white hexagonal pattern. “That’s cause they don’t have to cover the bellies, which I acknowledge is a concern, but they could still do much better than flat colors” the goth fashionista said in annoyance as she hung up the one piece and started to pick through the bikinis instead. Eliza haphazardly picked several up off the shelf and I found myself watching in rapt curiosity. She was like a predator stalking her prey, it was certainly a term that fit her aggressive style. “Hey ya know, I just can’t decide, would you mind modeling these for me in the changing room” she asked the staff member. “I doubt I’d work very well as a representation on how they’d look on you” the ginger shot back with a sigh. “Why though?” Eliza said her tone perfectly calm but chillingly confident. She took a single step, her heaving chest bumping the woman back a little. “No real reason I guess I could help” she muttered through gritted teeth seemingly unwilling to call a customer fat to her face. I smiled and giggled a bit.

“My girlfriend also needs one and....” Eliza started to say but I promptly cut across her. “I’m fine actually, we’ve got such different body types ya know, I’ll pick my own out” I said with a dismissive handwave. I would normally have been all in for a bit of revenge fattening. But my avoidance was for two reasons. The first was that I wanted Eliza to have some alone time with the app, to really get a feel for how it felt for me to behind the driver seat when she wasn’t around. The second one was much simpler, I was certain she’d talk me into buying a truly outrageous bikini if I spent too long with her. Then she’d surely tease me by saying it made my butt look big when we were actually at the party. “More for me” she said with a shrug that wobbled her massive chest a bit and allowed the slender girl to lead her through to the changing rooms in the back. “Do you think I’d look fat in this” Connie asked turning to face Connie holding up the gold colored bikini. “Probably” Doe said with a half-smile. “Excellent” Connie said seemingly settled. Doe however seemed mostly displeased with the selection. “You’re so weird” she muttered to no one in particular, but there was an affection there, and a shy smile on her face. Which immediately turned back into a confident pout as she returned to criticizing the stores unfashionable plus sized designs.

I poked my head around to check out a different aisle of plus sized aquatic apparel and noticed a familiar and friendly face. Paige was inspecting a purple bikini with tiny red edges. “Think I’d get called bad names...” she asked me raunchily turning to face me without making an introduction. She held it up to her blubbery body for emphasis before giggling a bit. “Yes, by the cops while they arrest you for indecent exposure” I told her with a laugh of my own. I figured I wasn’t going to find a swimsuit to my liking in this part of the store, given Paige was shopping there, but I figured hanging out with her would be fun while Eliza did her work. “You going to the party?” I asked her somewhat rhetorically as she continued to hold the bikini up against her body. It was a farce to even consider but she did exude the rather crazy vibe of a girl who’d try it. “Well it’s a toss up, on one hand with the three cheer leaders everybody will just talk about how lucky I was to get off so easy from the incidents” pouted with a sigh. “On the other hand, there’ll definitely be free food” she said with a smirk. A woman of many simple pleasures. I honestly sometimes wished I had her capacity to be so straightforward.

“...How about your better half...” I couldn’t help but inquire even I noticed my voice pitch shift higher as we brought up the French woman. My girl crush on her had only deepened as we’d grown closer with time, and I was approaching 90s rom com levels of obviousness. “She’s super burned out after that big work project, so she’s skipping the party, but she actually would like to have dinner with you after” Paige said with a half grin. “She told me to tell you at the party, but this is way more coinvent” she added. I couldn’t help but blush a little as I twiddled my fingers. “Where does she want to meet, I don’t know that many nice places...” I trailed off grabbing a swimsuit off the shelf and fidgeting with it a bit. “Ok...bear with me here...this is the part that sucks and I'd to preemptively apologize as her friend for her being such a huge freaking nerd” Paige said with a sigh. “She said she wanted you to figure it out, where you two are going to dinner that is, not pick, she’s picked but wants you to guess or whatever” the goth said visibly cringing at her statement. I blinked a few times but slowly started to smile. “It’s weird but I actually think it’s.... sort of neat” I muttered. I had nothing to go off of but that almost made it fun in its own way.

Paige went to return the outfit to the rack, probably because she wanted to try and find something even more heinously daring. But as she did so she seemed to briefly peak through onto the other side of the aisle where Connie and Doe were stilling perusing. The goth physically let out an “oooh” of surprise and covered her mouth. She shuffled over a few steps, her broad hips bumping into my belly as she leaned up to my ears. “Seriously how big did you make them” she whispered yelled into my ear and I physically winced. “Okay first, shush, I understand that it’s exciting but still” I whispered back once more finding her extroverted fetish enthusiasm a touch infectious. “Secondly...it wasn’t me actually” I said trailing off. “Seriously who...I literally remembering seeing Connie was smaller than me at the coffee shop yesterday, now look at her, she’s massive” the goth giggled though I could hear the tiniest hint of annoyance. “Like seriously...how's a girl meant to keep up with that power scaling...” she said pushing her massive tits together as if she had becoming disappointed in them in spite of their massiveness.

Before I could offer her future assistance in that field Eliza waddled out of the changing room holding two different bikinis. I sighed realizing I had made a fatal error in assuming I’d actually need to be near her for her to force an outrageous outfit on me. My disappointment was quickly replaced with substantial amusement, as the changing rooms other occupant staggered out behind her. The poor ginger girl had gotten rather fat indeed. So much so she had been forced to wear one of the stores bikinis to keep herself covered. She was nowhere near the outrageous girth of my lover and wouldn’t have even competed with mine. But she had been skinny and had grown fat. A simple pleasure which brought me much enjoyment. Particularly when I saw a very satisfied smile on my lover's face, her grin devilishly confident, as it should be. Though it developed a hint of a frown at the sight of Paige. “You got faaaatttt huh” the goth said her voice a deadpan drawl that made a stark contrast to her enthusiasm for Connie’s gain. Those two just didn't seem too get along. A borderline at sight animosity. I couldn’t tell if there was history there, or if they were just too similar to ever like one another.
200 chapters, created 6 years , updated 2 years
147   336   1571254


Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I know right!? Doesn't it just get butterflies in your stomach when you read it?! (´ω`]
Zztop4224 5 years
I can't wait for this story to continue! It's one of my favorites.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena V The last few chapters have been quite the heartwarming read.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Happy 100 chapters! °˖✧◝[⁰▿⁰]◜✧˖°
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
YAY!!! \[≧∇≦]/
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm worried that the squeal of joy I made after reading this chapter may have been so loud that my neighbors could of heard me and might think I'm in trouble.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Personally, I'd love to see scenerios such as this, the mall trip, and the dinner date because all three scenerios could be a perfect way for the main girls to pack on some more weight and for Deena to use the app.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And Deena could use the digest feature to see the final result the gorging had on waistlines of the bullies,Doe and Connie, the waitress and any other girls Deena used the app on in the diner.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
So by the time Doe and Connie finished desert, they're bill had been delivered and payed for (obviously money isn't an problem for Deena) the bullies would have just finished their meal...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Might have some room for more and request that the waitress bring them the desert menu, and as they chow down on a bit of desert Deena and Eliza get to watch the rest of the scene unfold with the bullies.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Before zapping both Doe and Connie with a couple of mana bars to make them a bit peckish again allowing them to digest there previous meal, to which Doe and Connie decide that they...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
When another waitress finishes taking an order from another table, she could ask if the girls "will that be all for tonight?" Connie cpuld respond, "Yeah, I am totally stuffed!", Deena could respond, "You sure, you guys don't want to order dessert?" befor
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Unfold on the bullies and see the results of the digested food has on the bullies's (and admittingly the waitress as well) body. Texting one a other under the table, Eliza and Deena come up with an idea...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie and Doe, while being afflicted with a decent ammount of hunger, appear to be slowing down, seemingly reaching there limit. But Eliza and Deena would prefer to watch the rest of the scene...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
/accident by effecting the bullys with a few more mana bars to add to their already intense appetite. As time goes by the girls continue to stuff themselves, but Deena and Eliza realize theres another problem...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Despite how erotic this new development might be, Deena is still determined to make the waitresses weight much less than the girls at the table who had bullied her, so she adapts to this new development...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Off the plates she's serving and/or the ones still on the trolly. Stuffing a couple of fries into her mouth, one handing some burgers, etc.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of having her aim thrown off, she targeted the last bully as well as the waitress, who continues to serve the plates of food from the trolly with one hand while using the other to eat some of the food...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
( especially assuming if Doe and Connie's hunger is intense enough to make other behavior of secondary importance) but if they are aware I'm sur Doe would be apologizing perfusly, at any rate Deena could see...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Over a bit, if ghostmode's effect is making them rationalize their gaining to the point where scooting over is an automatic response to their swelling figures they might not say anything in response to bumping into Deena...
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