My Girlfriend's Cute Gain

  By Ariahart

chapter one ~ the light of morning

Honestly, fuck alarms. I groaned and pressed the damn snooze button because five more minutes couldn't hurt that much. I rolled over to hug my sleeping girlfriend Ellie. She seemed borderline angelic with early morning light streaming in from the blinds, hitting her face, and-huh...I pushed back the comforter and shifted closer to get a better look. I'm surprised I'd caught it, I had been too busy to really notice her of late, and now her messy red curls nearly obscured her face completely; but not quite.
Sure her lips had always been plump and her face was generally pretty oval shaped sometimes round during the holidays, but this was different, her cheeks looked nearly puffed out and I could see a small double chin beginning to form under her normally slim face. Hmm when had this happened? Before I thought too much about it, I lightly tugged the comforter down so not to wake her. My breath hitched a little as I saw my suspicions confirmed.
Ellie had put on weight. Her normally toned legs looked plusher, and her sleep shorts were obscene, riding up an ass that..oh wow i'd never seen this before. I chuckled a little to myself as I ran a finger over the expanse of her now foreign backside, I felt the sudden indent of a too tight pair of panties cutting deeply into her cheeks, threatening to slice em in half. My poor silly baby hadn't adjusted her wardrobe whatsoever and it showed. It wasn't just her lower half either. I marveled at a small but sizable love handle peeking out of a baby pink sleep shirt that to my recollection had always been too loose but now; It clung to her sides like seran wrap.
I tentatively reached an arm over her side; she shifted and sighed contentedly. Still asleep, good. I was far too curious to stop exploring, and the last thing I wanted was to hurt her feelings. I let my arm drop past her now squeezable side and felt to see if-whoa. Confirming my suspicions, Ellie's flat stomach was no more; and there it was in my hands, a little tummy pooch that was soft, squishy, and definitely new.

Chapter Two Coming Soon :)
3 chapters, created 5 years , updated 5 years
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Jazzman 4 years
Really good story! I like the realism and the fact that you don't use the tired cliche of "Honey I shrunk your clothes in the laundry". I don't know Any woman in real life in 2019 who would but into that.Thanks!
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I love how you have started this story!

Good exposition of his character and the descriptions are delicious. You leave the reader wanting more and more.

Welcome to ff. I look forward to reading more of your writing.
Ariahart 5 years
Thank you I really love feedback chapter two should be up tomorrow would like two and three up at same time ideally but i've got workkkkkk
Theswordsman 5 years
I like how you go into detail keep it up