Luthor family’s new world order

chapter 8: the executive order (part 1 of 2)

The day after Black Friday, it was reported that roughly one billion Nazi outfits had been sold across the world. The backlash had been incomprehensibly large and fierce, people from every corner of the globe coming together to protest or riot. Never had the planet seen such visible hatred, never had the planet seen such extreme solidarity, never had the planet seen such a well-organized and global protest. Literally, people from every walk of life came together to protest the alarming sales numbers, but that didn’t matter at all.
Although the one billion was vastly outnumbered by the rest of the world, that one billion was so strong and stalwart that they refused to break, or even bend. No matter how many riots or attacks happened, these Neo-Nazis continued to grow and assemble, wearing their new uniforms with pride. It was a disturbing sight, made all the worse by the fact that nothing seemed capable of stopping or changing it, and that the president himself was subtly endorsing it from the sidelines.
Although Lex wasn’t stupid enough to openly support Nazis, neo or otherwise, his continued anti-alien rhetoric was enough to make it clear where he stood. And even though he verbally and outwardly condemned all the neo-Nazis, they drew strength from his words and works, so it made his attempts at “silencing” them useless. Nobody was fooled by his lies, but nobody was brave enough to challenge him either. No one had ever expected to see one billion Nazis, yet they were today! But the numbers were so astounding that even though the Nazi Party was still far outnumbered by the rest of the world, the rest of the world was still too scared to fight back. They didn’t even know how!
On Christmas Day, Lex’s proposed Executive Order was signed in officially as a new US Law. Alien dissection for academic/educational purposes was now legal. It had been the worst Christmas ever for the Danvers, and even worse for Kara because it was supposed to have been her first. She spent it in tears, being cradled protectively by her foster family, who could do nothing but weep right along with their foster daughter as she mourned for the life she lost, the life she had, and the life that she was being threatened with losing once again. The cold of the snow outside was hot in comparison to the chill in all of their hearts that day.
But even though the Danvers’ spirits were cold and dark and down, there were three others who were beyond gleeful. These three, of course, were Lex, Otis and Eve.
“You did it, sir! Congratulations!” Otis grinned as the Executive Order was finalized. He raised a large hand for a high five, a goofy expression on his chubby face. Lex ignored him completely, only giving a quiet and impatient, frustrated sigh at his childish, foolish antics. Although there was some merit and benefit to making someone as dimwitted and oger-ish as Otis his vice president, it was also quite tiring, because the man hardly seemed to know how to spell out his own name, let alone all the complicated documents and plots that being the friend of a Luthor President required.
Once again, Lex silently thanked his lucky stars for granting him with a brilliant first lady.
“MISS TESCHMACHER!!!” he thundered, and in she ran, obedient as ever.
“Yes Lexy?” she sing-songed, but when Lex shot her a glare, she cleared her throat. “Errr, uhh, yeah, I mean, uhhh, Yes, Mr. Luthor?” it was clear that she was a little more than disappointed at how callously Lex treated her, but she loved him and his intelligence and integrity so much that she forgave him yet again.
“Tell me, has my little sister uncovered anything yet regarding that alien pod we found about six months ago?” he asked, tilting his head as he regarded his first lady.
“Not yet that she has said, Mr. Luthor,” Eve replied. As president, Lex was far too busy to keep an eye on his precious baby sister all the time. This meant that the task of keeping watch over Lena fell upon Eve’s shoulders (because heaven knew Lex didn’t trust Otis. He would be the idiot capable of losing an elephant in an empty room. There was no way he would be able to keep up with a 13-year-old Luthor).
Eve had been a tad disappointed, at first, to have to babysit young Lena, but as the months had rolled on, Eve’s fondness for the girl had grown, and it was genuine. Lena was a lot like her brother: smart, determined, brave, cunning, resourceful, manipulative and graceful, as well as an excellent conversationalist, thinker and chess-player. Eve really did see Lena as a younger sister and quite enjoyed watching over the girl, but so far, she had nothing of interest to report. That strange little alien pod they had found by the lake was still a mystery, and the missing alien that used to be inside of it was still… well… missing!
Lex cursed under his breath when he heard this but, knowing that nothing else could be done about it at the moment, he dismissed Eve with a wave.
“That is all, Ms. Teschmacher,” he said. “I will see you at dinner in four hours.”
“Yes, Mr. Luthor,” she curtseyed to him, secretly grinning from ear to ear at the prospect of getting to dine alone with him in the luxury and privacy of the White House. It would be so romantic!!
“What about me, boss?” Otis asked loudly as Eve pranced happily out of the Oval Office.
“You, my dear, dimwitted companion,” Lex began, cringing at Otis’ overbearing and obnoxious tone. “Will be in charge of making it known to the public that I highly encourage and endorse live video feeds of every alien dissection ever completed. Let this world know that Lex Luthor appreciates and approves of science, and believes that its beauty and intellect must be preserved and shared across the globe!” he made a grand gesture with his arms. “Let them know, tell them all, that I demand recordings of every dissection! I want them all archived here in the White House for Biology educational. I will revolutionize science, and I will install a new world order to the way this planet treats its… iiLegally class citizens.”
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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