Goosebumps haunted mask and supergirl

chapter 1: kara zor el and mask

"No, you can't go as Supergirl! Be more fun and creative!" Alex chided when Kara suggested going as Supergirl for Halloween.
"But Supergirl is easy to do!" Kara whined.
"I don't care," Alex replied with narrowed eyes. "It's boring and lame. Try something new!"
"But!" Kara tried one last time, even giving Alex her best puppy eyes. For once, it didn't work.
Later that very day, Kara found herself standing outside a lonely old building that claimed to be a Halloween shop. It didn't look like much and Kara certainly wasn't in the mood to go inside, but Alex had successfully bullied her into trying to find a newer costume so here she was. Kara took a step inside the decaying old building and heaved a tired sigh. There were plenty of great costumes and masks all over the place, but none of them really called out to Kara and she really didn't feel like taking the time to go through every single-
Hey! Wait a minute! What was that? Kara's super-sight caught onto another room towards the back of the store. The door was wide open and she could see rows and rows of the most realistic and terrifying masks she'd ever seen. Wow! Maybe a new costume wasn't such a bad idea after all? They were definitely better than all the junk up front! Kara wasted no time in darting into that back room, skimming the rows and rows of faces for the perfect one. They were all so ghoulish and haunting, but in a beautiful sort of way.
"Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" the young alien hummed appreciatively as she continued to study all the graphic and distorted faces. These masks felt like they were calling out to her, physically begging her to take them all home with her. It made all the other costumes up front look like cheap, lame, dime-a-dozen trash. These masks were exactly what she was looking for, but in more ways than just one, though she couldn't quite name those other, subtle, ulterior desires. Not yet at least…
In the end, Kara purchased a strikingly green mask with razor-sharp teeth and glowing yellow eyes. It was ugly, but that was just what Kara was looking for! She picked it up by its squished noise, vaguely surprised to feel how warm and smooth it was, almost like real human skin, but she paid it no mind as she took it to the cash register to pay. The man working the shop looked surprised, then horrified, then saddened, then resigned, then emotionless as he inspected the mask and charged Kara $20 for it.
Kara had half a mind to ask what had incited such an array of emotions from him but the second she looked back down at the mask as he returned it to her, she found herself hypnotized by those wide, bulging yellow eyes and, in that one quick look, she forgot all about the lowly shopkeeper and his pained expression. Instead, all she could think of then was that mask and how much fun it was going to be getting to wear it!
So inexplicably excited was she that Kara pulled on the mask the second she left the store.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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