Supergirl Episode: Welcome to Earth

Chapter 1 - Story

After all the chaos with Corben, Kara had grown to trust Lena quite a lot in their short time together. There was just something so innately good and pure about the Luthor that even though it seemed insane to trust her so easily so quickly, Kara remained convicted in her choice to befriend the CEO of the newly renamed L-Corp. She had a good feeling about Lena and she was more than willing to follow it through, crazy thought it seemed. As such, when she finally became an official reporter at CatCo (which was actually partly because of Lena giving Kara the confidence boost she needed to ask for this job switch) she wasted no time interviewing Lena Luthor at once.
The two were reunited in Lena's office and Kara wasted no time in asking the Luthor about her stance on the amnesty bill. Lena, in response, showed Kara a device she invented that could identify aliens with just one touch. Kara told Lena that she believed that this kind of device would force aliens back into hiding because they didn't want to be unfairly and unwillingly outed by the device. Lena justified it by saying that humans had a right to know who amongst them was actually human and she pointed out the lucrative profit that the device would make for L-Corp.
For a tense moment, it seemed like their budding friendship would die, Kara staunchly against the alien-detection device while Lena was, obviously, in full support of it. But to lighten the mood, Lena playfully asked Kara to test it out. Although Kara tried to back her way out of it, it failed in the end and she was forced to touch the device. The results came back mixed.
"Hmm, that's interesting!" Lena remarked as she looked at the device's scanner. It was flashing red and white both.
"What is?" Kara asked nervously, rubbing the finger she'd used to touch the accursed scanner.
"It's only supposed to be one color," Lena explained, showing the still-flashing device to her interviewer.
"Well, I assure you I'm 100% human!" Kara tried to look upbeat as she said this but, instead, she was panicking. But Lena seemed to believe her.
"Like I said, it's still just a prototype," the Luthor said gently. "I must still need to work on it a little more. I thought I'd had it right, but clearly not. Results don't come back mixed."
"Yeah, maybe it was just a glitch!" Kara tried hopefully, quick to latch onto the excuse Lena was inadvertently giving her, praying that it would be enough to get Lena to trust that she was human, even though she wasn't.
"Most likely," Lena took it all in stride, totally unaware of how nervous Kara looked.
But while all this was transpiring, the data collected from the device was secretly being uploaded to YouTube, iCloud, Googledrive and the Whitehouse. Within a matter of days, Lena received various demands from various protestors that she could put a kill chip into Kara in case she ever did anything criminal.
"But she's not an alien!" Lena tried to defend her new friend's honor.
"But we've seen the data! We've seen that it read partially alien!" the protestors replied.
"That was a glitch!" Lena retorted. But the masses refused to accept that as an answer. The anti-alien group continued to insist that Kara needed to be chipped just to be safe and Lena finally caved to their demands.
"Oh well," she muttered. "Kara is human. This chip won't affect her at all…" if only she knew the truth…
Several years later, then, that hidden truth came out. Lex told Lena the truth and, in her hurt and anger, she activated the kill chip that she'd buried under Kara's skin all those years ago. She considered Kara's lie criminal enough to warrant this death penalty and she activated the kill switch without remorse. Kara died slowly while eating with Alex. It hall happened halfway during the meal. Everything had seemed nice and normal but, suddenly, Kara began to feel really… weird. It was enough to make her stop eating and look almost confused.
"Kara?" What's wrong?" Alex asked, noticing Kara's puzzled face.
"I don't know," she replied honestly. "I just suddenly feel really weird…"
"Well, do you feel sick?" Alex's eyebrows knit in confusion and worry.
"Not sick," Kara struggled to find the words to explain. "Just funny. Like, my stomach and chest and head all feel weird.
2 chapters, created 5 years , updated 5 years
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LenaLuthorFa... 5 years
This Fanfic is Short Story.
Mattnagle 5 years
Interesting so far , wonder how you take this foward from here.