Bullying of Aliens

Chapter 1 - Story and ending

Aliens such as Kara Zor El were bullied often solely because they were alien. Every day was a battle for her and every night was a nightmare. It seemed like no matter where she went, there was only hatred and abuse waiting for her.
&quo t;Invader!"
" ;Thief!"
"Outca st!"

These were the insults she heard all the time and, with every single word spoken against her, she got one message loud and clear above all the others: that she did not belong there, and that Earth was not her home. Every word, every bully, every insult, every attack. They all pointed to that one simple fact that Kara was not a human and, thusly, had no proper place on Earth. They called her all of those terrible things because they hated, feared and distrusted her. They did not want to welcome her in. Every quirk and oddity she displayed was taken as deviance, or a threat, so there was nothing she could do where she wasn't later harassed or teased for it.

"Why do you talk funny?"
"What the heck is a Krypto?"
"You're not on Krypton, stop speaking Kryptonese! We speak English here!"
"You're so stupid! How do you not get the reference?"
"How do you not know what a meme is?"
"You're weird. No one else likes school."
"Ha! What a nerd! She always does her homework! What a lame-o!"
"Earth is our planet, go back to your own!"

At last, the words just became too much to bear. Occasionally, the braver and bigger students did try to physically attack Kara, but their blows never hurt her. She was a Kryptonian after all, no mere mortal could even wound her, let alone cause serious harm. So the punches, kicks and shoves probably hurt her attackers more than they hurt her, but she still hated to think about how much the entire world seemed to despise her, and for no other reason other than the fact that she hadn't been born on Earth!

Kara winced as she felt someone try to shove her into a locker again. Naturally, it didn't work, but she frowned sadly at her attacker, who continued to try and shove her along. It still did nothing physically, but it cut Kara deep inside.
"Why do you hate me?" she whispered as the boy continued to cuss at her, kicking her now. She didn't budge an inch. But when some of his friends started to come over, seeing Kara's lack of resistance, that was when Kara finally, for the first time ever, tried to stand up for herself.

"Enough!" she half pleaded and half commanded. She lightly punched one of the bullies.

"Hey! You leave her alone!" a familiar voice snapped at Kara's attackers. It was Alex Danvers, Kara's foster sister. She was the one and only human at the school who did not hate Kara. Kara felt a rush of warmth fill her heart as Alex was quick to jump to Kara's defenses, also punching a handful of others while same time getting beaten up in her attempt to protect Kara. Unlike the others at the school, Alex did not understand why aliens were feared and hated. She loved her sister and was unafraid to protect her from bullies. It was something Kara would forever be grateful for.

But the fight between the Danvers and bullies was cut short when the School Staff came in and blamed Kara, the alien, for the school fight instead blaming the bullies.
"Detention, Ms. Danvers!" they snapped and Kara's shoulders slumped in defeat.
"That's not very fair," Alex tried to come to her defense again. "Kara was just trying to protect herself. It was the bullies who started it!" but Alex's protestation did no good and Kara was still punished for the fight. The bullies got off clean, smirking as they watched their hated alien nemesis get dragged off to detention. That would teach her not to mess with them!! They taunted her as she was led way, the principal still lecturing her about how she needed to behave and stop being so hostile towards humans. The injustice was unspeakable. But what could Kara do accept take it?

Kara shot awake, breathing hard. It took her a moment to get her bearings but, after a moment, she realized. That entire bullying sequence had only just been a bad dream. She was not in school. She was not trapped, hated or abused. She was free and she was safe and she was home!
"Thank Rao!" she sighed as she realized she was safe at home in bed and not stuck in a detention room. She heaved another relived sigh before sinking back down into her bed. God, she was tired. But maybe this time, life would be kind, and not give her anymore nightmares…
1 chapter, created 5 years , updated 5 years
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